mmmm - Mindful Masturbation Month of May · Dandelion

mmmm - Mindful Masturbation Month of May

Hosted by Come What May
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“I realised that I can seduce myself and open up for so much more pleasure…”

MMMM.. are you ready?

cum.what.may is a non-profit, free-to-access platform and community led by a team of Sex Educators, Facilitators and Practitioners.


It’s time we honour ourselves & our pleasure, treat our bodies with love and take our sexual relationship into our own hands... quite literally.

And there's no better time than May, International Masturbation Month, but with our own little spin. This month is an opportunity to re-ignite, re-sensitise & re-connect with your sex, mindfully & consciously.


Have you ever REALLY self pleasured? Or do you tend to go through the motions for a very quick, often unsatisfactory, outcome?

What has your relationship to masturbation & self pleasure looked like?

How connected are you truly to yourself, your body, your own desires, needs & boundaries when being intimate with yourself?


Self pleasure, also known as mindful masturbation, is a chance to connect to yourself in a conscious way & reprogram your connection to yourself & your genitals. To shift gears, and reignite this connection, bringing in more sensuality, sensitivity and conscious honouring.


During this month we will hold a safe, free container in which we can explore this relationship.

Join us for a month of sharing circles in which we can explore topics and discoveries as we go. We’ll also be sharing guided meditations, pleasureful playlists to get you going & self pleasure journeys with you as we go. All to encourage this new connection, breaking old patterns, shifting barriers such as shame or disconnection & more.

This is an opportunity to dive deeper into your own sexuality & love for your body & sexual energy, while being in a group of like minded individuals to support one another and help with accountability.

Wherever you are in your journey and whatever you’re working through, whether alone or in relationship with others, deepening your self pleasure practice is the perfect place to start. It is the foundations for your sexuality to flourish in the ways you desire.



“Joining MMMM has been a powerful move  to land more into my pleasure. The space was held wonderfully by the facilitators and the group was great support. Mostly it wss great to have a focus on your own pleasure. There are fun exercises, and its been such a great gift to explore my own pleasure in new dimensions. Will do this again this year because its been so playful, juicey and fun to do! Yummy container to connect to yourself, discover your own sexual power and own your sensuality.”

“I’ve attended MMMM container last May and it’s been a unique experience on my path to a more conscious relationship with my sexuality. As it usually happens with the offerings from Cum.What.May, this one was another beautiful surprise - I loved that it allowed me to shift my perception of masturbation completely. This experience came with a lot of learnings about my body and opened so much more creativity in my self-pleasure practices. I learned to approach my body with more love and curiosity, slowness, creativity, and most importantly - I realised that I can seduce myself and open up for so much more pleasure! It’s amazing to explore this topic in a safe container with other curious and loving beings too”

All bodies welcome.

You can join us for MMMM alongside Cum Not May, for those joining the movement.

See you soon for a mmmm juicy May!


+ 123 people

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