Women's Circle: March edition

community embodied women circle connection sister circle bristol circle of women women's circle women's empowerment empowered women bristol yoga
Hosted by Womens Circles with Megan and Nicole
Enquiries to megan_yoga@outlook.com
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Women’s Circle: The sacred feminine 

Date: Sunday 16th March 10-12

Location: The Womb Room / Yurt at Westbury Wildlife Park 

What to expect: Connection to self and other women. Opening circle - Grounding meditation - Embodied movement - Connection and space held for each woman to share whatever she feels called to - Homemade snacks and tea - Closing circle and ritual 

This is an offering for those who are seeking a safe space to be seen, heard and held by other like-minded women. Our circles are created for any woman looking to join a beautiful community (not just in the circles we hold, but the ever-growing community of women we've brought together over the past 2.5 years).

Please wear comfy clothes and bring a favourite mug with you. You are wholly welcome exactly as you are, however that looks for you. We are ready to hold you in circle as we connect to ourselves and the other women in circle. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to pop me a message. 

Select tickets

Sliding scale: £20 community rate (low income) - £25 supporter rate
Ticket £20 - £25

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For you, wonderful woman
Add a donation to Dandelion
Come grab a spot in our circle

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By proceeding you agree to Dandelion's terms and conditions and understand this event is organised by Megan Yoga, who takes financial and legal responsibility for the event.