Grief Alchemy

ritual grief imbolc rebirth yurt grief alchemy transformgrief inperson fivegates fivegatesofgrief grievingprocess griefworkshop evercreech elements journeytogether
Hosted by Sacred Death Centre
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 Grief Alchemy …

A one day workshop, for anyone who wants to meet their grief in a deep and loving container.  

We welcome you to journey into the depth of the winter together and befriend the mysteries of the darkness, as we alchemise the shadows of loss to light.  Just before Imbolc, ready to Re-birth with the lands and planetary rhythms.

We will be journeying together through Francis Weller's Five Gates of Grief as well as connecting to the elements and tending to our grief through ritual and ceremony. 

The 1st gate of grief.  All that we love we will lose. Keeping the heart connection through grief and love. Journeying with the element of ether/ spirit. Soul connection and opening up communication. 

 The 2nd gate of grief. The places that did not receive love and the element of fire. Reclaiming our passion and any exiled parts, as we bring voice to all the parts that were previously deemed unlovable.

The 3rd gate of grief. The sorrows of the world and the element of earth. Enabling the earth to feel with us and us with the earth. Re-enchanting life with mythical magic of the world soul. 

The 4th gate of grief. What we expected but did not receive, reclaiming our authenticity, gifts and community, the village and our wild selves with the element of air.

The 5th gate of grief Ancestral Grief and the element of water. Connecting with our ancestors as we liberate our lineage through our felt sense of honouring grief and releasing generational trauma from our body

We will open our bodies to create meaningful moments with our inner self so we can embrace grief in life as a gateway to the new.

Together in sacred community we will honour our losses in the deepest reverence and awe of the holiness of life, death and grief. 

Grief is the love within our hearts, the soulful suffering and opening, as we surrender into the sensations even if they are painful, creating a safe space for healing, our hearts crack wider open.

We look forward to walking this sacred journey with you, Love Freya and Lucy xx

This event is being offered as a collaboration between Freya Rose Birch and The Sacred Death Centre and is being offered as part funded for £44.  If you would like to offer an extra donation towards the Sacred Death Centre you can include this as a donation. With Love and Gratitude. 


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We look forward to connecting with you.
Part Funded Ticket £44
The whole day workshop is £88 and is offered to you at £44 as this event has been partly funded by the Sacred Death Centre.

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Any donations for the Sacred Death Centre are most gratefully received and will be used to fund future events.
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Together in sacred community we will honour our losses in the deepest reverence and awe of the holiness of life, death and grief.

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