Authentic Connections Cacao Ceremony

creativity authentic relating cacao creativity and ritual cacao ceremony authentic expression cacao activation creative expression creative exploration sacred circle femenine and masculine bridging energies
Hosted by Creative Journey
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Calling and welcoming all humans to gather together in sacred union with the assistance of Mama Cacao to open our hearts into authentic relating, communication and creative expression. 

We will sit in sacred ceremony to receive the Spirit of Cacao and allow our hearts to express our deepest feelings and fears towards loving and relating with other human beings. What are the obstacles that we face when we relate with others and how can we do to improve this. The solution is to listen to each other and explore our inner worlds without judgements, predujices or expectations to change the other. All that we want is to be truly seen loved and appreciated. 

In this activation we will explore our creative expression through the use of creative writing, voice activation and movement. We will have moments to connect with our inner selves as well as sharing with the group the insights, blockages and desires that we become aware of throughout the journey. 

We will open the creative channel by receiving live medicine music, shamanic drumming and channelled light codes through singing and movement shared by Yhonet Garcia who will be facilitating, guiding the journey, and holding the space.

Every form of expression is welcomed and all emotions embraced. You are fully encouraged to bring your genuine self and show up as you are. 

About the facilitator:

Yhonet Garcia is a Creative Coach and Musician based in Bristol with more than ten years experience working in educational settings, ultimately working as a Lecturer for the Counselling department at City of Bristol College until October 2023, when she quit her job to follow her passion with Music full time. Cacao has offered her guidance along the way, supporting her to activate and heal her voice, and to facilitate spaces where she shares her ancestral wisdom from South America. She channels light codes through singing, movement and art that have been proving to be beneficial for energetic clearing and purification of the mind and soul. The songs and chants she channels are soothing, heart opening and very healing. A true medicine for the soul.

Through her various offerings she's combining the multitude of her passions and trainings along the way. One of her biggest dreams is to be able to relate to the masculine energy, both from within and relating to the opposite gender, with authenticity, without fear and with the utmost respect. For this she has done diiferent trainings that are supporting her on her journey to embrace her sexual power and improve her communication skills from a place of authenticity. She has done  L1 of Authentic relating with ART International and Introduction to Tantric Massage with Gayatri. These trainigns have been the start of her journey towards sacred sexuality and true connection with herself and others.

She has facilitated many creative workshops in Bristol since 2018 when she graduated from her Foundation Degree in Creative Arts Therapies and later on from her Masters in Creative Writing. She also works on a 1-1 basis offering shamanic energetic clearing through the sacred chants she channels adapted to each person she works with. She chants these sacred songs in different plant medicine ceremonies including Cacao. She has a regular practice of sitting with ceremonial Cacao to connect with her inner love and creative expression. Her devotion for this plant has lead her to strengthen a very powerful relationship with the Spirit of Cacao that is guiding her to combine her creative gifts with facilitating Cacao Activations for those who would like to discover this plant, develop their existing connection and to discover and empower their creative voice.  You can find out more about Yhonet's journey and offerings on her website  ; her YouTube Channel and IG: @yhonetcreative @creative.journeyuk

Guidelines for the ceremony and connecting with ceremonial Cacao.  

About Theobroma Cacao (food of the Gods, Cacao Tree):

On a physical level, Theobroma Cacao is a powerful ancestral food that provides longevity, it is full of polyphenols, which act as antioxidants that help to protect the body and neutralize free radicals that can cause any damage to the cells. Polyphenols also help reduce blood sugar levels, improve heart health and digestion, reduce inflammation, boost brain fuction and reduce cancer risk.  The main alkaloid compound of Cacao is Theobromine, which acts as a mild stimulant in the body with a slower release into the blood stream than caffeine. Cacao is  a rich source of magnesium, increases concentration levels and cognition, improves energy levels and mood due to its serotonine release, and acts as a natural aphrodisiac. 

On a spiritual level, Theobroma Cacao helps us to connect with our heart centre, Nature and enhances our creative expression. The Spirit of Cacao is a keeper of sacred wisdom that connects us with our intuition and the divine femenine energy; source of power in the emotional body. She holds the vibrations and healing energy of unconditional love, kindness and joy. She holds space for the inner child with very gentle, tender and loving grand-mother energy.  When taken in communion with others, it enhaces connection, heart opening, communication and peace. 

Preparation for the ceremony:

  • Please refrain from eating any food at least two-three hours before the ceremony starts. Eat a light breakfast and make your last meal at 12 avoid letargy and feelings of inflammation. Cacao is a sacred and powerful food that needs space in the stomach to be processed and digested. Fasting it is also reccomended as a way to honour the Spirit of Cacao so we can connect with her in a more profound way, and allow her to get into our hearts without the energy being focused in our stomachs by digesting previous foods.
  • Please avoid any caffeine intake the day you are going to receive Cacao. Cacao doesn't work well with caffeine as the mix can accelerate the heart rate to unpleasant levels. The theobromine increases blood flow, which can develop a headache.
  • It is recommended to avoid consumming Cacao during pregnancy and breastfeeding. However, you can consumme it in small doses occassionally, as it can enhance the connection between mother and baby. Please send me an email to communicate any needs on this regard as I will be preparing a standard dose of 30grs per person and I can make smaller doses as requested.
  • Please avoid consumming Cacao if you are on high doses of antidepressants as the Cacao releases serotonine and this can potentially lead to serotonine syndrome. If you still want to be part of the experience I can offer you a herbal tea as a replacement. The energy of Cacao will still guide you on the Creative Journey just by being in her presence.
  • It is advisable not to consumme Cacao if you have a serious heart condition. If you have a less serious heart condition you can take a smaller dose though you will do so at your own risk. Please email me to inform me any needs regarding this.
  • Please arrive from 2.30pm so you can slowly settle into the space, greet other participants and start promptly at 3 pm.
  • Bring a water bottle to keep yourself hydrated.
  • Bring a journal and a pen to write with.
  • Bring your favourite mug to drink your Cacao.
  • Bring any instruments you would like to play with when we do collective sound.

Booking prices and refund policy:

The investment on yourself is of 33£. There are a few spots concessions available for those facing financial difficulties. Please only book this if you are on benefits, experiencing financial hardship and would struggle to attend to this event if you didn't have a discounted price. This will allow the people in real need to have access to this work.

Refund policy:

Refunds are not offered for this event. If your circumstances have changed and you ultimately cannot attend the ceremony after booking in advance, please let me know at least 48h before the session and  I can refund you up to 50% of the investment if you let me know with 48h notice; this is to cover any admin fees. I cannot offer any refund to last minute cancellations. 

Thank you for trusting me as a creative guide for this beautiful heart-opening experience. Thank you for investing in you and showing up for yourself.

Looking forward to sharing with you,


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