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New Year PsySocial: Share Your Psychedelic Stories

psychedelics community members event social change london events conscious leadership and social change connection london
Hosted by The Psychedelic Society
Activity Psychedelic Socials
Local group London
Enquiries to
42+ people
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New Year PsySocial - open to non-members this month

Theme: Share your Psychedelic Stories!

We're kicking off the new year of our monthly PsySocial series with ‘Psychedelic Storytelling' - and everyone's invited, Society members and non-members alike. We'll begin with some introductions from the Psychedelic Society team, a few social ice breakers, and then open the floor and microphone to anyone who'd like to share the story of their most unforgettable psychedelic experience

We welcome the weird, the wonderful and the not-so-wonderful - so we can share the full breadth of experience when it comes to psychedelic journeying. And there's absolutely no pressure to share your story if you would prefer to simply enjoy others' stories.

In addition to personal stories, this is an opportunity to share what you're looking for from the Psychedelic Society in 2024 and meet the other kindred spirits who feel the same. We can't wait to see you there!


Location / Timings

We will be meeting at our usual monthly PsySocial venue: Love Shack, a vegan restaurant and cocktail bar spread over three beautiful exposed brick arches in the heart of Hackney, East London. A variety of delicious food, drinks (including mushroom cacao!) will be available for purchase. 

If you would like to enjoy some of Love Shack's incredible food, cocktails or cacao, there will be QR codes on the table throughout the evening to you can order food and drink straight to your table. You will have time after the event to socialise freely and continue conversations with the people you've met during the evening.


19:00: Arrive, socialise & order food
19:30: Last arrivals
19:45: Open mic to share your psychedelic stories
21:00: Socialise & network

Become a member from only £5

Join here from £5 a month and get special discounts off our events. For this month's PsySocial we are also inviting non-members of the Psychedelic Society to join us to experience this community first-hand and hopefully you will want to keep coming back!

REFUNDS POLICY: Please note, we do not arrange refunds or exchanges. When possible we encourage reselling on Ticketswap.

ACCESS:  We do our best to include everyone in our events, regardless of health circumstances. If you have access requirements please email the event organiser directly to discuss. Many facilitators are able to offer reduced ticket prices for those truly unable to afford the ticket price. If this applies to you, do please get in touch with the event organiser.

For PSYCHEDELIC KNOWLEDGE AND RESOURCES please check out the Psychedelic Society website

Our facilitators have agreed to our code of conduct. Learn about our procedure for raising concerns

MEMBERS of the Psychedelic Society get a discount off almost all of our events.
Join from £5 a month and become part of this amazing community with invites to special events and more.

This event is sold out

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