Bridge Farm Tandav: Ecstatic Dance, Sound Journey & Sacred Fire · Dandelion

Bridge Farm Tandav: Ecstatic Dance, Sound Journey & Sacred Fire

ecstatic dance sacred fire
Hosted by Ecstatic Dance Archelon
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Shiva's dance is known as the 'Tandav' and it is often associated with the cosmic cycles of creation, preservation and destruction. 

Inspired by his time in India, DJ Archelon has orchestrated an exclusive evening of sonic wizardry. 

Joined in collaboration in back to back DJ sets with ONEFLOW of Ecstatic Beats bringing the hard hitting, BASS heavy tracks.

Live music provided by Rythem Ranger on the drums & Ethereal Echoes making a debut performance on Native American Flute.

Eva Millauer - Embodiment as the One Heart will be setting an invocation before the dance. 

The Ecstatic Dance will be followed by a sound journey lead by Bonsaii Being.

After the dance join us around the sacred fire.

What is Ecstatic Dance? 

Sober, Spiritual Raves where the DJ's and collaborating musicians co-create sonic soundscapes and spaces in which the dancer is free to explore their full range of expression through movement.

It is a process through which you can reach a natural state of ecstasy through dance. 

The connection to the music through movement can enable extended periods of flow state where you can leave your logic brain behind and fully enter and explore the more artistic, creative and playful element of your nature.  

Ecstatic Dance Guidelines

To create a safe container for these dances there are several guidelines that are essential to uphold.

  • Be Sober  - Ecstatic Dance is a sober, alcohol & drug free practice.
  • Be Embodied - No talking on the dance floor.
  • Be Present - No phones and no cameras.
  • Be Barefoot - We dance barefoot for better connection to the ground, socks and dance shoes are allowed though.
  • Be Consensual - Respect boundaries & personal space, if it's not a clear yes then it's a no.
  • Be Free - Dance how you want, fully express yourself without judgement.

When and Where is it? 

Friday 26th July 2024

19:00 - 22:00 

Doors open at 19:00 but please arrive no later than 19:30 as that is when the opening circle will begin.


The Top Barn and Courtyard

Bridge Farm 

Glenfrome Rd, Bristol BS16 1BQ

The farm entrance is at the end of Glenfrome Rd, under the Motorway. Come up the cobbled street to the barn at the far end.

Event Schedule:

19:00 - Doors Open 

19:30 - Opening circle and invocation by Embodiment as the One Heart 

                       Ecstatic Dance Set - DJ Archelon

20:30 -  Ecstatic Dance Set - ONEFLOW    

                       Live music by Rythem Ranger & Hakay

21:00 - Sacred Fire Lighting

21:30 - Sound Journey - Bonsaii Being

21:50 - Closing Circle

22:00 - Sacred Fire 

What do I need to bring? 

  • Water bottle, remember to stay hydrated!
  • Warm clothes for after the dance.
  • Ear protection.
  • Yoga mat and blanket for the sound journey.
  • Snacks & food.


DJ Archelon:


Bonsaii Being: 

Eva Millauer & Embodiment as the One Heart:



Any Questions?

Please contact the organiser at: 





+ 14 people

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This event started about 1 month ago

Super Last Minute Limited Edition £10
3 left
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