The Dreaming - A performance by Moor Wild Ensemble

clowning stroytelling craft theatre live music puppetry performance art physical theatre dartmoor performance women artists multidisciplinary art dreamscape exploration fashion
Hosted by Moor Wild Ensemble
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“Enter into a world beyond knowing and float down the river into an entangled landscape moving between polarities of the messy and beautiful human experience.” 

Four women enter a dreamscape, inviting you into imaginal experiences of Dartmoor, awakening their collective and playful relationship with the wild world. 

Devised over the course of 18 months through a process of place-based improvisation this piece explores the celebration of living in a female body, nature, creativity and the exploration of connection to where we live. 

This is a multidisciplinary performance spanning physical theatre, music, clowning, dance, ritual, storytelling, puppetry and fashion. It is a rich tapestry of the varied creative practices of this group of women, sewn into a dream-like journey across Dartmoor.


  • Date: Friday 16th and Saturday 17th of May
  • Time: Doors at 7pm for a 7.30pm start (no late admissions)
  • Place: The Moor Imagination Centre - Buckfastleigh
  • Tickets: £10/£12/£14*

About Moor Wild Ensemble 

We are collective of women folk artists creating multidisciplinary performance work that explores human-nature entanglement and modern paradoxes through a female gaze. Since May 2023, our four members—who traverse the roles of activists, dancers, singers, weavers, facilitators, and creators—have gathered on Dartmoor to develop performance that reconnects with the land through relationship. We create work aimed to enchant and reawaken wonder with the natural world, telling stories of our interdependence while acknowledging our roles in harmful systems. 

*We have totally self-funded this piece, seeking to make the kind of performance work we are excited by rather than be limited by the confines of criteria that funding often asks. With this in mind our budget for rehearsal space means we have not been able to pay ourselves for the time dedicated this piece. Therefore any extra donations are gratefully received. 



Select tickets

Friday Night - 16th May
Friday - Low Income £10
Friday - Standard £12
Friday - Abundant £14
Saturday Night - 17th May
Saturday - Low Income £10
Friday -Standard £12
Saturday - Abundant £14
This is a self-funded piece - any donations to support would be hugely appreciated!
Thank you!

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