Unearthing Soul: Rites and Rituals of Nature Connection and Soul Revelation · Dandelion

Unearthing Soul: Rites and Rituals of Nature Connection and Soul Revelation

nature ecology soulcraft nature connection deep ecology spiritual ecology rites of passage self discovery eco soul
Hosted by True Nature
Activity Wild Minds
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Enquiries to wildmindscollective@gmail.com
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An introductory evening to eco-soul centric practice and rites of passage work. Learn how the mirror of nature can guide us in uncovering our deepest selves. 

We will explore the unique soul expression that arises through us and the living world, the ecological importance of this in these times, as well as rites and rituals that help unlock this medicine. 

Why this work? 

  • Are you yearning for deeper connection, more aliveness and purpose ? 
  • How can we let ourselves be guided by our unique soul expression and contribution?
  • How can we be the whole human beings we are meant to be, in deep reciprocal relationship with the living world around us?

Nature based rites of passage are ancient and essential medicine. Through these times of rapid cultural shifts and changing worlds, this time honoured wisdom can help us navigate with clarity and strength.  

Nature is still our most powerful mirror and greatest guide. 

We can align ourselves with ritual and rites that allow us to hear this way of life. 

What can we expect when we do this? 

We discover a connective truth at the core of deep nature connection work. 

We encounter the unique soul expression of each living being and remember our true belonging to the community of life.

We begin to understand our own soul, in its challenges and gifts, and ultimately - our value and our purpose. 

Nature based rites of passage can support us:

  • To remember who we are
  • To recall the beauty and wonder of being alive
  • To touch and taste soul
  • To mark transitions
  • To step into new roles

For whatever enquiry or curiosity may want to be lived, this practice holds many gifts for humanity and nature alike.

What is the truth at the centre of the image you were born with?”

What to expect? 

In this session we will guide towards:

  • Slowing down, becoming present with yourself, your truth and your deepest longings
  • A reflective practice to unpeel our layers of self identity
  • Tasting a conceptual framework around soul-centric development and the ascending and descending paths of spirit and soul
  • Learning about rites of passage work and its relevance for these times
  • Insight into rites and rituals - their historic use through time, and real life applications to support your own unfolding
  • Creating a personal ritual to experience yourself as part of the wider web of life
  • Intro to our 6 - week experiential offering:  “Deep Dive into Nature and Self”

This event is part of a series of events in the run up to our 6-week offering “Deep Dive Into Nature And Self" in April & May 2025.

This is for you if you: 

  • Are experiencing a moment of transition or change in your life and need more clarity and directionality on your life path
  • Are curious about nature based rite of passage work
  • Feel that humanity is currently challenged and needs to grow up and take collective responsibility for our shared home 
  • Are yearning for deeper connection, full presence, more aliveness 
  • Feel called to deepen your connection to nature and learn how to work with nature as a mirror and guide
  • Want to become more clear about your unique soul expression and contribution 


“The Way It Is

There’s a thread you follow. It goes among

things that change. But it doesn’t change.

People wonder about what you are pursuing.

You have to explain about the thread.

But it is hard for others to see.

While you hold it you can’t get lost.

Tragedies happen; people get hurt

or die; and you suffer and get old.

Nothing you do can stop time’s unfolding.

You don’t ever let go of the thread.

~ William Stafford ~”



Feedback from previous events:

“This work is for the weary of heart and those hungry for restoration, renewal and deeper connection to the earth, body, heart and soul of life. This is a beautifully held and guided journey down and deep into the places where true & sustainable nourishment can be remembered, recognised and brought back to the surface of life where it belongs and where it is needed. “ ~Sinead

“Ohhhh still in awe with this process, with the shared stories, the witnessing, the magic, spirit and the depth. Caro, Sophie and Jenny guided us so gently, I loved the practices and the frameworks, especially deep and spiritual ecology. Gratitude to everyone including the more than humans I crossed paths in the last few weeks. “ ~Marta 

“A beautiful experience transcending the limitation of time and space to connect us with the land, each other and ourselves. The material, processes, warmth , depth, vision and support it provided were truly inspirational.” ~Artemis

“Try it, you will be a better person afterwards!” ~Carlos


Your Facilitators

Carolin Goethel

Carolin is a Berlin based community weaver and facilitator. Drawing on her anthropological studies, her work in leadership education and her passion for deep ecology, she’s developed a varied toolbox to build cultures of interbeing.

The profound experience of her own vision quest led her to study eco-soul centric practices and guiding Nature Solo experiences with the Wild Minds Collective.

Working at the intersection of inner and outer systems change, she currently leads The Week in Germany to spark meaningful conversations about the environmental crisis. 

Jenny O’Hare

Jenny is a deep ecologist and facilitator, recently returned to Ireland following the call of her homeland. Her work focuses on the relationship between humanity and the rest of the living world, and is deeply inspired by her own sense of belonging to living systems. 

Drawing on her background in Natural Sciences and Ecology, and inspired by the ways that life informs life, her work draws on Eco-psychology, Spiritual Ecology and extensive training in Eco-therapy and Solo nature experiences. 

More recently, she hosts Community Climate Conversations and awareness programmes, as well as ceremony in meeting the trouble of these times. 

Listening to the living world is her most powerful guide!


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Abundant £25
Standard £20
Low Income £15
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