Urban Foraging in Treptower Park · Dandelion

Urban Foraging in Treptower Park

nature berlin ecology nature connection herbalism rewilding herbal foraging spring herbs
Hosted by The Wild Path
Activity Foraging
Enquiries to simka@wildpathcoaching.com
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Treptower Park is an absolute treasure of Berlin. A spring wander through the rich landscape of meadows, forest, gardens, lake & river reveals a truly excellent & surprisingly diverse array of plants to forage in the middle of the city.

In this tour, we'll focus on easy-to-identify herbs and flowers which are abundant in urban Berlin, which you can use for salads, sauces, pestos and syrups.

Local foraging guide Simka (they/them) will explain how to identify the plants, tell you about their uses and mythology, and of course teach you how to keep yourself - and the land and its other inhabitants - safe while foraging.

We'll make use of the park's abundant areas of nettles, hops, elder, garlic mustard, burdock, few-flowered leek and loads more to discover the wealth of tender late spring greens and exploding early summer flowers. These plants are powerhouses of nutrition, packed with vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that support the immune system, decrease inflammation, support detoxification and increase circulation to help our bodies as we move towards summer energy. Plus, they taste incredible!

After our tour through the park, we'll apply our learning by making & enjoying a foraged pesto all together in the forest (Simka will supply the fresh homemade bread!).

We'll end our tour near the river, where we'll have the opportunity to head to the Biergarten Zenner to relax and reflect on the day's wonderful finds.

When: Sunday May 14th, 11.00 - 15:00
Where: Treptower Park, ending in Plänterwald (~ 4km walking in total)
Cost: Sliding scale 30€ / 25€ / 15€ or pay what you can

Attendance is limited to 15 people, so registration is required!

A note on pricing & philosophy:

This tour is worth well over 30€. I'm offering my foraging tours this season on a sliding scale / pay-what-you-can basis, because it's a deep value of mine that this learning – which radically connects us with ourselves, the land, and one another – should be accessible for everyone.

However, I do rely on this income!

That means: if you have the means, pay the full fee, or more.

If you don't have the means, please feel fully invited to pay whatever you can.

And if you want to come, but genuinely cannot afford any extra expense, reach out to me directly for a 100% discount, no questions asked. I have absolutely been there, I see you, and I want you here.

I'm trying to do things differently, because it matters to me. Please join me in the complexity of building a better, more equal world!

Select tickets

This event started over 1 year ago

Supporter €35
Let your abundance support accessibility for folks in financial hardship!
Full price €30
Select this ticket level if you have reliable income.
Concession €25
Select this ticket level if you are unemployed or have lower income.
Low income €15
Select this ticket level if the higher levels would be a significant burden.
Feel free to add a donation to pay an amount in between the sliding-scale ticket levels.

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By proceeding you agree to Dandelion's terms and conditions and understand this event is organised by The Wild Path, who takes financial and legal responsibility for the event.

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