Inner Sanctuary: Expanded States for Clarity, Calm & Healing · Dandelion

Inner Sanctuary: Expanded States for Clarity, Calm & Healing

Hosted by The Psychedelic Society
Activity Adventures in Awareness
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This early evening hour will guide you into calm, clear and compassionate states of consciousness. From here you will journey inwards to meet internal parts, energies and emotions that could benefit from attention, healing or love.

The session is based on meditations and practises from Open Focus and therapeutic practises from Internal Family Systems Therapy.

Internal Family Systems Therapy was featured in the popular book The Body Keeps the Score as an extraordinarily effective approach to healing trauma, creating inner clarity and self understanding. It conceptualises each person as made up of many parts, some of which are burdened, some of which are working too hard, some of which are exiled and need to be re-invited back into the system. When accessed from a place that isn't identified with any particular part, what in IFS is called 'Self', there can be a spontaneous arising of compassion, understanding and healing. 


The initial meditation invites a grounded and open awareness, which gives access to a calm intuitive wisdom. You will then be guided towards meeting parts of you that feel stuck, anxious or alone, and through a series of explorations discover how to be with them, how to help them, and instigate a process of self therapy.

Please bring a notebook, pen and perhaps coloured pencils or similar.

To get the most out of this workshop, prepare a quiet space where you won’t be interrupted, connecting with a computer so your hands are free. 

The meeting will take place on zoom. If you haven’t used this before, please join 15 minutes early to download the free software and check your connection.




Amir is a trained practitioner of 'Internal Family Systems Therapy' and Vortex Healing. He runs the popular event series ‘Doors of Perception' and events exploring the nature of reality and consciousness. He regularly facilitates meditation sessions at the Psychedelic Society, and is an avid practitioner of self enquiry inspired by the traditions of Advaita Vedenta, Tibetan Buddhism and other non-dual traditions from around the globe. He has a background as performer, movement coach and facilitator in work spanning cinema, TV, stage and festival.

"I accessed very sensitive (traumatic) memories, which brought up painful emotions, yet felt safe enough to allow myself to feel and release whatever came up" -Fabien

"Amir guides you without pushing for any particular outcome. He holds the space with a great deal of presence, awareness and compassion. I felt at ease, safe and in control of what I chose to share in the space. I really felt a big shift in just one session and am excited to see what I can uncover and heal/ integrate next." - Donna Harry 


To join this event you’ll need to create a free zoom account which you can set up here:

Instructions on how to join the call will be included in your confirmation email

ZOOM DOORS OPEN: 17:25 London GMT+1

To avoid disruption to the event, latecomers may not be admitted.



REFUNDS POLICY: Please note, we do not arrange refunds or exchanges. When possible we encourage reselling on Ticketswap.

ACCESS:  We do our best to include everyone in our events, regardless of health circumstances. If you have access requirements please email the event organiser directly to discuss. Many facilitators are able to offer reduced ticket prices for those truly unable to afford the ticket price. If this applies to you, do please get in touch with the event organiser.

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