We Are Wild presents Charlotte Mabon & Jya Raine · Dandelion

We Are Wild presents Charlotte Mabon & Jya Raine

nature connectedness medicine music performance glastonbury folk music candlelit concert we are wild intimate concert
Hosted by We Are Wild Sessions
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Enquiries to wildsessionsmusic@gmail.com
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As we go deeper into the our winter hibernation, We Are Wild invites you to an intimate candlelit concert with Charlotte Mabon and Jya Raine. Both musicians write from a place of deep connection to the land around them and the lives they lead. We will create a cosy womb like space where each musician can be listened to, each word heard and you will be serenaded by songs and the wonderment of nature. As we bring the wild indoors, we'll create an installation of natural objects, each a stunning representation of earths creations.

There will be homemade cakes and tea available at the biginning and due in a short interval. Doors open at 6.30 , so please arrive early as the event starts at 7pm and we close the doors to create a warm, nourishing space for us all to enjoy. 

Finishing at 9.30pm.

£10 in advance, £12 OTD

Who are We Are Wild?

The We Are Wild project started out creating nature focused music 'sessions' with musicians across the country, it is a seedling and blooming into something very special. It's all about reconnecting ourselves to nature and giving voice to land. We celebrate the innate sense of simplicity, beauty and interwoven connection between all life. We believe music has a very similar effect on us in that the deep sense of connection we feel when we listen to our favourite music can inspire deep creativity and empowerment, as does nature.

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