Wisdom Cauldron - Day Retreat · Dandelion

Wisdom Cauldron - Day Retreat

fire ceremony ceremony and ritual day retreat painting song stroud embodiment samhain dance sisterhood earth songs women's circle ancestral journey womb circle womb connection
Hosted by Mali Earth Flower
Enquiries to malimeditationandhealing@gmail.com
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Welcoming you to Wisdom Cauldron. As we journey and compost into the womb & tomb of the darker months, let's connect with and create from our own wisdom cauldrons and the cauldrons of circle, the earth and the great cosmic womb. Join us in wild sisterhood, ceremony and nourishing practices to honour ourselves, each other and the season at this magical time and portal point. 

​The venue is located in the beautiful Slad Valley, Stroud, less than 2 miles from Stroud train station and  beautifully submerged in nature, surrounded by organic farmland and fields. 

The indoor area is a large yurt with a wood burning stove, a skylight and big windows letting in lots of light and beautiful views.

Outside is a beautiful private field in which we will  connect with the land during our opening and closing fire ceremonies. The outdoor space is also somewhere you will have access to for grounding, land-connection and taking breaks whenever you wish throughout the day. 


What to Expect:

Opening Ceremony 


Spiced tea, Voice Cauldron and song medicine around the fire

Gathering around the fire and a gentle, invitational, collective activation of the voice, creating a voice cauldron together through chant and sounding -  a  soothing and powerful group creation in which you can join or simply bathe in. This will be followed by some beautiful medicinal songs in connection and devotion to the earth. 

Wild-womb yoga nidra   

Nidra is the yogic ‘sleep’ meditation.  This will be a deeply relaxing guided rest for the whole body and in gentle connection with womb space within and around us. 


Reclaiming our inherent creativity - embodiment, painting and journalling creation  session 

Through a  Wisdom Cauldron-centred embodiment  practice, Mali will  lead us into a cathartic watercolour painting and creation session honouring the innate creativity within us all. 


Samhain ritual & drum journey with mugwort 

Honouring the season and spirit of Samhain through earth-based ritual and journeying with the heartbeat of the drum and the smoke of burning mugwort  into a meditative space  in which we can connect with  ancestors or plant-cestors.


Sharing circle 

Sharing & witnessing one by one in circle. A gentle container for sharing what's on our hearts and welcoming all that arises from seasonal  reflections  to gratitude to grief.  


Embodied movement / dance 

A delicious opportunity to drop into the body and let it move. Integrating breath and the embodiment and creativity we  have connected with through the day,  we will let the Wisdom Cauldron, and  what's felt and alive within, move us. 


Fire ceremony &  ritual on the land





Delicious homemade vegan soup 

Nourishing  refreshments and  teas throughout the day

Ritual smoke  blessings with local herbs 

More music medicine, songs,  sound and organic magic woven throughout the day

This retreat is for folks who feel a yes to:

~Entering the colder months from a space of rest, connection and intention

~Experiencing practices and a way of gathering that invite us into ways of relating to the notion and space of womb as a source of creativity and wisdom

~Exploring and inviting or deepening connection to womb-space within and around us, including the cyclical nature of the land and the ancient, ancestral significance of this time of year

~Honouring and expressing our innate creativity from an embodied state and tapping into sourc(e)ing from the wisdom cauldron

~Retreating and being held in collective rest

~Leaning into the mystical

~Being witnessed, heard and seen in the holding of sisterhood


What participants have said about Mali's retreats:

“Sister Sanctuary was an incredible experience from the moment we came together. I felt so held in the space by Mali and by the end of the day I felt like I had the capacity to hold the rest of the souls I’d journeyed with. It was also my first time participating in a Rose ceremony and it will stay with me forever. To be able to feel the vibration of love so clearly is something I’ll never forget. Thank you for this beautiful day, I’m so looking forward to the next one.”

“The retreat was an extremely positive experience and I would recommend it to everyone out there ! Mali was a welcoming and loving guide, providing a beautiful safe space for people to connect, dance, sing, share and the food served was incredible!”

“I had a really fabulous time at Mali’s retreat! It was so empowering to meet likeminded women and to share our healing with each other. The yurt was set up so beautifully it was instantly welcoming and we were given really engaging activities, a mixture of meditation, song, sound, smells, tastes that really heightened the senses. The running of the day felt really timeless, slow-paced and mindful, I never felt rushed at all. And Mali was a great facilitator making sure everyone felt comfortable throughout the day. The homemade vegan lunch was wonderful too. I definitely left the day feeling brighter and more at peace. Thank you Mali”

“Mali is a fantastic retreat leader - she held the space so delicately but with a lot of conviction and confidence, creating a safe space for vulnerability and connection. I enjoyed the flow of each activity: nothing felt too rushed or too long, and the order in which we did things was so well curated. Mali offered us a mix of communication and interaction-based activities as well as self-led introspective activities. This fostered a sense of belonging and ease. I especially loved the last activity where we were able to move our bodies and tap into inner child joy - it felt like a perfect culmination of the MAGIC shared throughout the retreat. The amount of healing that took place in just one day is a testament to how incredible Mali is as a space-holder. I would absolutely take part in another one, and have told all my friends about it too! Thank you <3”


Photos from past Sister Sanctuary day retreats held by Mali Earth Flower 

More details:

​Light cushions will be provided for sitting on inside but please bring a shawl/blanket to place over you for yoga nidra and a yoga mat or second blanket for lying-down on. 

I also recommend bringing a water bottle, a journal if you wish, warm layers and also to wear something that is comfortable for moving around in, stillness and lying down. 

Capacity is 10 sisters.


Who is this for?

This retreat is for both women and womb-folk who identify with the notion of sisterhood and feel comfortable in a space in which there will be reference to our wombs (whether physical or spiritual).


Can I park on site?

Yes. There is space to park on site.


Is there an age restriction? 

This is for adult folks of all ages over the age of 18. Children and babies are not allowed.


Can I bring my drum/ musical instrument ?

You are so welcome to bring a drum, rattle or acoustic instrument if you would like to share a song or join in with more than your voice in group songs. 

Also, as with all elements of the day, singing is optional and no one will be pressured to join in with the handful of group call-and-response songs offered should they not wish to. 


Important information:

​Full address will be sent with booking confirmation. Please feel free to reach out for the full address ahead of booking if needed. 

Refunds will not be issued from 7 days before the event onwards. The only exception to this is if there is a waiting list and someone can take your space upon cancellation. 

Please also note that the opening & closing ceremonies and tea around the outdoor fire may be amended and held in the indoor area instead if the weather is wet.

Let us know of any food allergies ahead of time. Anyone is also welcome to bring their own lunch and snacks if they would prefer.

You're welcome to get in touch with any further questions.


This will be  a deeply special day  ♡





Select tickets

Early Bird Ticket £50 Sold out
Standard Ticket Tier 1 £55
2 left
Standard Ticket Tier 2 £60
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