Kundalini Activation · Dandelion

Kundalini Activation

kundalini activation kundalini energy kundalini awakening energyhealing non ordinary states of consciousness energy activation energy release
Hosted by Kundalini arts
Enquiries to mindbodycolleen@gmail.com
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Kundalini Activation is a sacred transmission of pure life-force energy that facilitates a profound awakening process within. This intelligent energy is a catalyst for transformation at the deepest levels. It is neither Kundalini Yoga nor Kundalini Breathwork but a sublime journey of surrender and remembrance. The activation does not rely on willful effort or self-generating practices. Instead, it is a divinely guided process that harmonizes with your unique needs. 



My sessions are held in a way that is very nurturing, supportive, and professional. If you have felt nervous about Kundalini Activations, I promise you will be energetically held through each moment of the experience.



The benefits of Kundalini energy are endless. For each person, the experience can be different based on their unique needs and constitution. Some of the most common include:

★ Increased self-awareness and personal growth

★ Emotional healing and release of past traumas

★ Enhanced creativity and mental clarity

★ Greater sense of peace and inner joy

★ Expanded consciousness and spiritual insight



Diet: Do not eat 3 hours before the session. It is best to eat light on the day you are receiving the energy. No drinking, drugs, or smoking on the day of or the day before.

Clothes: Wear loose comfortable clothes that you feel free to move in.

Consumption: Refrain from drinking alcohol, smoking, or using any substances at least 3 days before and after the session.



The personal changes you may go through after a session can be very diverse. Here are some things to best support your experience:

Time: Plan for some downtime for yourself to process immediately after the session. It's best not to have any appointments, errands, or lots of driving planned.

Foods: Your taste and desire for foods may fluctuate after the session. It is best to listen to what your body intuitively wants.

Grounding: It can be supportive to spend some time out in nature after the session to rebalance your energy.

Sensitivity Increase: Often our senses are more open and enhanced after experiencing the energy. Immediately after that, you may want to avoid crowded places, loud sounds, or any environments or people that may be extra stimulating.


For more preparation + aftercare support download my Kundalini Session eBook.


Location: Self Retreat Studio | https://g.co/kgs/eQTTLsv


DM me any further questions about the workshop:





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General £55
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