Voice of the Heart 4 dates

chakra inner voice free your voice meditation kirtan
Hosted by Frances Narayani Baker
Enquiries to francesnarayanibaker@gmail.com
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A monthly meditative evening of mantra, kirtan and voicework. 

Discover the power of sound and your voice, as we connect to our hearts and sing.The ancient wisdom of mantra, the resonance of sound in our bodies and the connection with our authentic voice can take us to a a place of deep stillness and presence. The voice, when used in this way, can be a profound tool for healing and transformation.

Up to 48 hours before -  full  refund given or transfer to the next circle. 
Within 48 hours  - no refunds or circle transfers  (you are welcome to transfer  your space to someone else if you are able, please contact me to find out if there is a waiting list, if there is I will try and fill your space so I can refund you).

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General £18 - £25

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