Temple of Babalon

Hosted by Temple Nights
Enquiries to shantitemplenights@gmail.com
22+ people
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We welcome you to the Temple of Babalon. This Temple is only for those who have already been to temple two or more. It is for those who are bravely ready. Babalon is the Red Goddess, who represents the re-unification of the Mother and Whore falsely divided so long ago, with so many dire consequences. Her essence is the decommissioning of judgements about what is “high” and “low” s*xuality. We are all on a complex path of acquiring experiences to fulfil our soul journey, and in her temple we will create a space that embraces all expressions of s*xuality equally, be they raw expressions of lust, or subtle tantric practices... all with consciousness, in a space that is trauma aware.  Come as you are. You are welcome in Her Temple. 

This temple is an introduction to s*x magick. The essence of s*x magick, as practiced throughout history, is recognising the power in the deep trance state that Eros leads us into. From this place we are able to manifest our visions for an empowered life and a renewed, healed culture.

In the first, held portion of the temple we'll activate our own and each others subtle erotic bodies for heightened sensitivity, then perform a group ritual choreographed around sacred temple geometry. We'll then learn how to supercharge our intentions using a classic s*x magick technique known as sigils (magickal symbols).

The second portion will be a more free flow space with different themes to invite you into the magickal  practices of Babalon's Temple. 
You can choose to be alone and/or co-creating together, weaving the temple in free play. 

Date : Saturday 9th March

Time : 3.30pm to 10.30pm

Venue : The Wild Goose, The Yard, St Werburghs, Bristol, BS2 9YP.


Cost : Price £75, Low income - £65, Abundant supporters £85

Things to bring: 

  • An offering/flower for the shrine to Babalon
  • A yoga/camping/roll matt if you have one
  • One or two pillows
  • Something tasty and delicious to share with the group for snack during the evening temple.
  • We will provide herbal teas and a fruit platter.
  • Bring a couple of sarongs or a bedsheet to lay on and make youself comfortable - especially if using oils etc

Further information: 
You do need to have experience of being in similar spaces with a certain level of awareness, openness and willingness to explore is essential for your own self-care and also the synergy of the group.  

We invite you to come, just as you are and feel. We know that being in these environments can bring up a lot of emotions. This is a safe space to welcome them and work with them in an embodied, held and ritual temple space. The evening will be held throughout. 

FOR COUPLES: Please make your agreements together before you arrive at Temple. It is totally fine if you wish to stay purely with each other during the night. 


We have a no refund policy for the Temple. However, you are welcome to sell your ticket on to a friend. If you do so, please do let us know and send us their email so we can give the info about the temple. 

Any questions please contact Shanti on 07875 151582

Welcoming you with an open hearts, 

Shanti & Quinn

About us


Quinn is a student and teacher of the sacred arts at the foundation of the human mystery. He explores this great psychedelic reality through music, dance, yoga, magick, writing, dream work and conscious connection. He has many years experience teaching kundalini-tantra, and facilitating at the intersection of embodiment, experiential consciousness, and mysticism. Quinn has trained under the International School of Temple Arts (ISTA), Mankind Project, Kundalini Research Institute, ART (Authentic Relating), and with several one-to-one mentors in Western and Eastern mysticism. His experiential offerings lead you to taste the freedom beyond the confines of mundane reality and put you in contact with the You beneath and the Others beyond. Quinn’s workshops are trauma-aware and rooted in authentic consent. Quinn also holds a degree in physics, and is the father of delightful 5yo witch-in-training. He is based in South Devon.


Shanti has been practising Tantra for 25 years.
She is Mama, Healer, Mover, Somatic Educator, Artist and a Creative.
She is intuitive, playful, a tribal gatherer and a little bit witchy.


Select tickets

This event started about 1 year ago

Women's Ticket £75
Men's ticket £75 Sold out
Non Binary £75
2 left
Abundant supporter £85 Sold out
Women's low income £65
2 left
Men's low income £65 Sold out
Non Binary low income £65
2 left
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