Unveiling Aphrodite Temple

Hosted by Temple Nights
Enquiries to shantitemplenights@gmail.com
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Beloveds, namaste, 

                                   welcome to the Temple, Unveiling Aphrodite. This sacred devotional temple will be an journey into adorning ourselves, and each other, through ritual maquiage, jewellery and temple clothing, as a spell, or prayer. Unveiling  within us the beauty, love and sexuality of Aphrodite and her lovers. We will be offering an Aphrodisiac tea made from  the herbs & flowers of this land (Rose, Mugwort & Fennel) to guide us in towards her. The second half of the night will open into a free space where we can explore and be guided by this ritual energy. 

This is a journey into the sacred space of the heart and sex, allowing ourselves to be seen and to see each other in our erotic, sexual beauty, in all the vulnerability and pleasure it may bring. 




Date : Saturday 13th January

Time : 4pm to 10.30pm

Venue : Wild Goose Space, The Yard, St Werburghs, Bristol, BS2 9YP


Cost : Price £65, Low income - £55, Abundant supporters £75

Preparations & arrival: 

Please eat your main meal before the Temple. Come freshly showered. 

Arrive in your normal clothes as we will dress and adorn ourselves and each other in ritual space. 

Please do not wear strong smells as others may have very sensitive noses.

Please arrive on time at 4pm. The doors will close at 4.20pm.  

Parking is free in the Streets nearby, but please don't park in the Yard.

Please be discrete and quiet as you arrive and leave the Yard. 


Things to bring: 

  • An offering/flower for the temple shrine for Aphrodite
  • Make up, gorgeous jewellery and something comfortable, beautiful and sexy to wear
  • A veil 
  • A yoga/camping/roll matt if you have one
  • One or two pillows
  • Something tasty and delicious to share with the group for snack during the day (mince pies are welcome).
  • We will provide herbal teas and a fruit platter.
  • Bring a couple of sarongs or a bedsheet to lay on and make yourself comfortable - especially if using oils etc


We are creating and holding a safe loving space for you, filled with beauty, ritual and play. 

We have roughly a male/female balance AND all genders are welcome and celebrated.  

This temple will be an exploration into non penetration play and devotional worship. 



We have a no refund policy for the Temple. However, you are welcome to sell your ticket on to a friend. If you do so, please make sure they have experience and do let us know and send us their email so we can give the info about the temple. 

If you have any questions before the night, please do get in touch with us: 

Shanti: 07875151582 


On the night itself, please call Shanti’s phone: 07875151582


Welcoming you with an open hearts, 

Shanti & Hugs


About us


Hugs brings heartfelt holding and teachings to the team. He is a certified Sexological Bodyworker and Sacred sexual practitioner. His passion is supporting others to deepen their pleasure capacity and widen their orgasmic expansion. Through body based learning, insight medibation and self pleasure practices he guides you through deeper layers of your pleasure patterns, using discussion, demonstration and embodied exercises.



Shanti has been practising Tantra for 25 years.
She is Mama, Healer, Mover, Somatic Educator, Artist and a Creative.
She is intuitive, playful, a tribal gatherer and a little bit witchy.


Select tickets

This event started about 1 year ago

Female £65
Male £65 Sold out
Non-Binary £65
2 left
Female Concs £55 Sold out
Male Concs £55 Sold out
Non-Binary Concs £55 Sold out
Abundant supporter £75
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Feedback on Deva Shanti's events

4.8/5 from 70 ratings
The feedback on Deva's facilitation is overwhelmingly positive, with participants consistently praising their ability to create a safe, loving, and caring space. Deva is described as a skilled space-holder who facilitates deep, potent experiences with grace and compassion. Participants appreciate Deva's mothering softness and the support they provide, allowing people to feel held and witnessed as they explore their bodies, feelings, and connections. The feedback highlights Deva's talent for cultivating an inclusive, accessible environment where participants feel normal and fully human. Overall, Deva is lauded as an exceptional facilitator who brings a beautiful, devotional energy to their work and helps participants have transformative, nourishing experiences.
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