Tantric Meditations

  • Wed 10th Apr 2024, 6pm – Wed 15th May 2024, 8pm BST (UTC +01:00)
  • Stroud, UK
  • https://dandelion.events/e/t11ag
Hosted by Temple Nights
Enquiries to shantitemplenights@gmail.com
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Namaste beloveds,

                                                       welcome to this offering - a  6  week series of classes in Tantric/Neo-tantric Meditations. These practises come from many teachers that I have studied with over the last 30 years, as well as my own practise and explorations, alone and with partners.

I’d like to invite you to experience practices inspired by the Vigyan Bhariav (Shiva’s 109 sutras on Tantra). These practises will focus on rituals of devotion, beauty and honouring ourselves, and each other. 

We will find keys into our own experience, through breath, sound, movement. 

We will awaken the senses, entering into embodied tactile sensual meditations. 

We will learn about the energy centres (Chakras), and how, through bioenergetics, they can build into an orgasmic dance, our life force (Kundalini), alone and with another/others. 

We will learn about, and practise meditations around the plus and minus poles (polarity), and the third energy - the union of opposites. 

We will explore breath patterns that open and move our s*xual energy, allowing more of ourselves to awaken and be expressed, to see and be witnessed in heartfelt space of acceptance, just as we are. 

I like to connect our practice to the seasons, so the meditations will mirror the lush vibrant new green energy of spring and early summer, of blossoming and fecundity.

These 2  hour classes will be full of playful, heartfelt deep erotic meditations that you can take home to practice alone or with another.


You are welcome to come alone, or with a partner, lover, or friend. 

You may drop in for one class, or  journey together for the whole 6 week series.

This will be a non-penetrative space, though nudity is welcome.

All genders are welcome.

A certain  level of openness & self-development will be required.


Where:  Stroud

When: 6 – 8pm, Wednesdays, 10th April – 15th May. 

Price: £25, £18 (Concs), or £135 for all 6 classes.

The studio is beautiful and intimate - booking is essential as places are limited (10 people). 

Tickets are non refundable. You can sell them on but please tell me, so I can send out the welcome info to the person you have sold it to.


Contact: Shanti: 07875151582


Looking forward to being with you in mediations of love and conciousness,



About me:


Shanti has been practising Tantra for 25 years.
She is Mama, Healer, Mover, Somatic Educator, Artist and a Creative.
She is intuitive, playful, a tribal gatherer and a little bit witchy.


Select tickets

This event started 11 months ago

10th April - Waged £25 Sold out
10th April- Concession £18
1 left
6 Weeks £135 Sold out
17th April - Waged £25
17th April - Concession £18
1 left
24th April - Waged £25
3 left
24th April - Concession £18 Sold out
1st May- Waged £25 Sold out
1st May - Concession £18 Sold out
8th May - Waged £25
3 left
8th May - Concession £18 Sold out
15th May - Waged £25
2 left
15th May - Concession £18 Sold out
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