Sacred Kakaw and Sound Medicine Journey

cacao sacred sound journey glastonbury sound journey avalon sound healing cacao ceremony sound medicine kakaw
Hosted by Annabelle Stapleton-Crittenden
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You are warmly welcome to join us for this late autumnal gathering, guided by Annabelle Charanbani and Arjuna Magee. 

We will begin by sharing a kakaw (cacao) ritual together before flowing into a long sound medicine journey to deeply relax, release, rejuvenate on a cellular level and experience a vaster state of awareness. 

Instruments include a Chiron gong, crystal singing bowls, drums, flutes, voice, kora, handpan, chimes, rattles and more.

Booking in advance is recommended.

For your comfort, we highly recommend bringing a yoga mat and/or sheepskin to lie down on, a blanket to keep warm, and a cushion for your head if you'd like one. 



Kakaw (a Mayan spelling of Cacao) is considered a heart-opening ancestral medicine, helping us to become more attuned to the wisdom of our blood. She supports us to feel what is latent and yearning for expression, to connect to our sensuous creativity and inspiration, and to access states of heightened bliss and loving awareness.

The kakaw we will be communing with is a fermented variety and comes from an organic plantation in the jungle in Chiapas, Mexico, where it is lovingly tended by a Mayan family and prepared with the intention for it to be shared ceremonially.



Sound medicine vibrates the material of our being to bring us into a more harmonious flow or patterning. Amongst other things, it supports our bodies in circulation, stress release, detoxification, and cellular rejuvention.

It can guide us into waking dream states whereby we can reconcile subconscious memories, receive clarity and guidance, and journey into the unseen.




My path is devoted to the healing and creative arts, supporting people to come into greater presence and to engage with life with more passion, ease, curiosity and confidence. For this, we work towards optimising physical health, creative flow, connecting with spirit, and allowing the heart and soul to lead with greater clarity.

I primarily serve with kundalini yoga and meditation, sound medicine, intuitive storytelling, self-enquiry, movement and holistic massage, accompanied by various plants.

This line of work is ultimately about finding balance. Of solar and lunar, personal and impersonal, infinity and finity consciousness, earth-water-wind-fire-ether. It includes detoxing physically and emotionally, reconciling and releasing tired memories, finding greater flow with creative energy and joy, and awakening sensuality. We develop our relationship with the soul voice, and we become more awake to the ways in which wisdom and guidance is being transmitted in each moment.

I'm in deep gratitude to my many teachers and guides - human, plant, animal, mineral, angel and other - with whose perspective and company I've had the fortune to be gifted. In particular, acknowledging the indigenous lineages from Mexico, India and Australia from whom I've received great inspiration, teachings and guidance.




I am a multi-instrumentalist with over 20 years of experience in music performance, recording, and teaching drums across the UK and abroad, and was raised in Glastonbury.

From an early age I developed a passion for music and rhythm. I was born into a bhakti tradition, and whilst on a family holiday to India at the age of 10 I fell in love with the ecstatic heartfelt folk music, kirtan. This began my journey of music education, receiving lessons on the Mridanga, the Harmonium, the drum kit, the African djembe, Indian, Irish and Japanese flutes, guitar, hand pan, kora and singing.

Since the age of 14 I’ve been performing with bands around Europe, playing and exploring many styles including Funk, Jazz, Reggae, Rock, Soul, Folk and World music.

As well as making music, a lot of my focus is now directed toward studying music and rhythm therapy and offering this in care homes, hospitals and hospices.


"As guide, Annabelle's expertise will make of your journey a comfortable and safe space from beginning to end, without a doubt in good hands for the powerful kundalini yoga. A beautiful Cacao ceremony and the tapestry of sound harmonisation driving my imagination vividly wild. A majestic inner exploration with unique transcending qualities."

“Really lovely and enlightening journey, both Annabelle and Arjuna were great hosts. The sound healing at the end was incredible and I really enjoyed learning about the magic of kakaw.”

“Such a beautiful evening, so touched by all of the love that was offered into the room. Thank you again for a deeply nourishing evening.”

“Absolutely incredible experience -- I left feeling light, healed, and energised. Wonderful & skilled practitioners who made me feel very safe and held.”

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This event started 4 months ago

Standard £15
Concession £10

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