Soulful Leadership: 3 Month Group Coaching Journey · Dandelion

Soulful Leadership: 3 Month Group Coaching Journey

community conscious leadership conscious leadership and social change course
Hosted by The Psychedelic Society
Activity Soul Beam
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Join Soulful Leadership Coach Bonny Tydeman for an intimate journey of learning and self-discovery, designed to cultivate self-knowledge and authentic self-expression in service of the more beautiful worlds our hearts know is possible. 

This container will support you to:

  • Connect to your inner wisdom and be led by your inner authority
  • Commit to living in service of your values and authentic desires
  • Understand your gifts and your wounds and the relationship between them
  • Untangle yourself from patterns of blame, shame and self-sabotage
  • Articulate your journey and unique perspective
  • Find a sanctuary, solidarity and accountability among a community of like-minded people

This will be an intimate container where you will receive in depth attention and guidance. We will meet weekly on Zoom and every participant will receive a 1-1 coaching call towards the end of the journey to help integrate the learning and clarify how you will take it forward.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "I got so much out of this course! It was filled with wisdom, from psychosynthesis frameworks, to self-inquiry prompts, group discussions, homework exercises, links to external content, and Bonny's ever spot-on reflections on our sharings… The content was excellent, thought-provoking and challenging yet uplifting... I finished it with a feeling of hope for the future and a sense of courageousness for my unique path, in making a positive dent in the world." - Soulful Leadership Course Participant


As the source of our creativity and our capacity to transform ourselves and the world, the soul is a vital & often missing dimension of leadership. 

The troubles of these times are calling us forward and calling us out - who do we need to become to create the vast changes necessary to ensure the thriving of all life on Earth? 

"I used to think that the top environmental problems were biodiversity loss, ecosystem collapse and climate change. I thought that 30yrs of good science could address these problems. I was wrong. The top environmental problems are selfishness, greed and apathy, and to deal with these, we need a cultural and spiritual transformation and we scientists don’t know how to do that." - Gus Speth


The Proposition:

The way we are being ‘led’ is missing a vital dimension - attendance to and appreciation for  the core human values of truth, beauty, freedom & love. For, if we are not being led towards that which is most sacred, most meaningful, most deep & abiding in life, then we are being led astray. 

Any leadership that perpetuates paradigms of division, domination and control, is leading us astray… 

When the sanctity of life is being violated, true leadership involves saying a firm and resounding NO to that which seeks to extract, exploit, violate, dominate or manipulate life. (Both in the world and inside ourselves.) And saying an emphatic and resounding YES to possibility, creativity, imagination, joy, beauty and the sacred. (Both in the world and inside ourselves.)

Read my Soulful Leadership Manifesto.

The Predicament pt 1 (external):

The interlinked crises - at the level of mental health, social inequality, political polarisation and ecological collapse - together create the polycrisis, which is so complex it cannot be effectively approached at the level of analysis/ strategy alone… The logical mind wants to solve it like it would any other problem, but this is an altogether different beast, something that is actually beyond our powers of comprehension. 

The Process:

Overwhelmed by complexity and faced with existential threat, our survival personalities kick in and try to protect us through:

  • Getting on top of the problem - ie. Research: ‘If I understand everything well enough I’ll be ok’
  • Getting swept up in the problem - ie. manic action, “It’s up to me to save the world”
  • Flying away in idealism - ie. some version of “God will save us”
  • Collapsing into cynicism and nihilism - ie.”we may as well not even bother trying, nothing matters anyway.’’

The Paradox: 

All of these reactions have some value in keeping us alive and sane and none of them will create the lasting change we need, because they are coming from the wrong place.  Paradoxically, our desire to avoid suffering tends to create more suffering… So while we do not want to suffer and do not wish it on ourselves or others, we cannot respond meaningfully to the pain of the world unless we are willing to live alongside it.

The Predicament pt. 2 (internal)

  • How can we find the courage to face the crisis we’re in?
  • What does it look like to respond from within our heartbreak, rather than resisting it?
  • What inner resources can we draw upon to find strength and sanity to navigate the incredible complexity and uncertainty of these times? And why should we bother?
  • How do we kindle our belief in possibility? And stoke our fires of creativity?
  • How do we stay close to what matters most? And use it to light a torch of hope?

The Practise:

If we look at the predicament through the logical mind, it’s all too easy to collapse into despair or cynicism. A ‘reasonable’ person might tell you it’s ‘unreasonable’ to believe that a more beautiful world is possible. But ‘reason’ has never been the ‘reason’ for life. ‘Reason’ is not what motivates us - Beauty, Truth, Freedom & Love are what motivate us. The practice in these times is to align ourselves to these appetites of the soul, and to live in a way that ardently cultivates and protects them. 

The Prayer:

May I remember why I am here 

May I liberate myself from the conditioning that tames my spirit and dulls my lust for life

May I notice, appreciate and create beauty as an act of prayer in devotion to the Earth 

May I communicate authentically the essence of my humanity

May I keep the door to my heart open even when storms of grief are raging, hungry ghosts are prowling and the lull of numbness promises sweet relief


What to expect:

This will be an intimate container where you will receive in depth attention and guidance from your facilitator. 

Recordings of all the sessions, along with slides, notes and worksheets will be made available so you can catch up if you’re not able to attend live. 

This means that you can opt-in in the way that feels most relevant and beneficial for you given where you are in your life and journey of self-unfoldment. Some of you will be keen to learn psycho-spiritual theory and frameworks, others will be looking for a place to integrate your psycho-spiritual understanding, and still others will be seeking support in the application of your work in the world. 

This will be a space of mutual enrichment that welcomes difference and operates with the understanding that everyone has something vital to contribute to the whole. You can come seeking clarity, accountability or sanctuary - there will be a place for all of it.

Every participant will receive a 1-1 coaching call towards the end of the journey to help integrate the learning and clarify how you will take it forward.

Payment plans are available for every price tier. If you want to set one up, pay the deposit and email me.

If you're curious but not sure if this course is right for you, book a discovery call with me. You can also learn more about me and my approach by listening to this conversation on the Dandelion Podcast. 


 The Journey:

Weeks 1& 2: Laying the foundations, exploring the terrain. 

What is leadership? What is soulful leadership? Why does it matter? And how can we embody it? Meditation, visualisation, discussion and enquiry questions to help you land in the container and connect to why you’re here. 

Weeks 3&4: Awakening your passion, stirring your soul

Let our passion be the seed of our actions. In this session, we will look to beauty and the sacred as core motivators in a life of service; enquiring into where we find joy and meaning in life and connecting to the feeling of pleasure and flow through embodiment exercises. 

Weeks 5&6: Telling your story, tending your wounds

We’ll take a deep look at your journey through life… The moments of challenge and initiation. How you adapted to survive. The things you've loved and lost. Your greatest achievements and biggest grievances… the turning points; the breakthroughs; the game-changing encounters… what has marked you and made you who you are.

Weeks 7&8: Confronting your shadows, disarming your heart

We'll go to the places where it hurts, and recognise the defence mechanisms and compensation strategies you've created and perpetuated to avoid your pain. We’ll drill down into the narratives and limiting beliefs you're carrying, and explore techniques for releasing them.

Weeks 9&10: Harvesting your gold, clarifying your vision

Having enquired deeply into what has moved you and changed you and continues to set your heart ablaze, you will be guided through enquiry and writing exercises to crystallise your own leadership manifesto.

Week 11: 1-1 Coaching 

Week 12 : Declaring your truth and your mission as a soulful leader

An opportunity for you to witness and be witnessed by your peers in the declaration of your mission and vision as a soulful leader. 

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "Motivating, challenging and deeply inspiring - a place to vision your life's purpose and meaning.." - Soulful Leadership Course Participant


Who I am:

I am a soulful leadership coach & facilitator. My MA training in Psychosynthesis Leadership Coaching means that I am able to work with my clients at psychological depth and to help them to grapple with important issues of meaning, purpose and identity.

 My background in the creative industries means that I bring a creative and adaptive approach to self-enquiry, using a range of tools including visualisation, drawing and creative writing alongside dialogue.

 I am passionate about the synthesis of spiritual exploration with psychological understanding and about the meeting place of personal and social transformation. 

My Creds:

  • MA in Psychosynthesis Leadership & Organisational Coaching (thesis on Soulful Leadership)
  • MA in Applied Imagination (project on relationship between play & personal transformation)
  • BA in History of Art & Visual Cultures (dissertation on freestyle & flow states)
  • 15 Years practise of Vedic meditation & study of Vedic philosophy
  • EMCC Accredited Senior Practitioner
  • Professionally supervised, with hundreds of hours of 1-1 experience

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REFUNDS POLICY: Please note, we do not arrange refunds or exchanges. When possible we encourage reselling on Ticketswap.

ACCESS:  We do our best to include everyone in our events, regardless of health circumstances. If you have access requirements please email the event organiser directly to discuss. Many facilitators are able to offer reduced ticket prices for those truly unable to afford the ticket price. If this applies to you, do please get in touch with the event organiser.

For PSYCHEDELIC KNOWLEDGE AND RESOURCES please check out the Psychedelic Society website

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Early Bird £400 Sold out
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Abundant £550
Deposit - Payment Plan £200
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