Free Circle Training - Come What May

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Hosted by Come What May
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This is a FREE training!

cum.what.may is a non-profit organisation led by a team  of experienced Sex Educators, Facilitators and Practitioners.

Our intention is to create safe, inclusive and free-to-access spaces for people to dissolve sexual shame and find their truest sexual expression. Over the past two years we have hosted over 100 free events for our community, including bi-weekly Men's, Women's and Mixed Circles, as well as workshops  and month-long events.

We have big dreams: 

we aim to sit 100,000 people in Circle.

To do that, we need to build a network of trusted Circle Leaders that believe in our vision, and want to offer and share this work with their own community.


Hosting a Circle is easy...

But hosting a Circle where people feel safe and held can be a challenge, especially when discussing shameful, sensitive and intimate subjects such as sex.

On September 21 and 22, we offer our second Circle Training. 

This training is free (donations optional), open to anybody, and led by heart-centred, passionate and experienced Facilitators.

JotePrakash is an Inspiro Awakening Coach, a Kundalini Yoga Teacher, a Musician, a Writer, and a Ritual Space Holder. He has been holding Sacred Space for 8 years now including running a festival, rejuvenating events for spaceholders, men's retreats and an online Space-Holder Training called Inspiro. JotePrakash is also the Head of Circle Trainings at cum.what.may,

Seán is the Founder and President of cum.what.may. He is a Speaker, Sex Educator and Facilitator, as well as Executive Coach and Regenerative Angel Investor.


People who:

-want to be an integral part of the cum.what.may movement

-want to learn how to hold safe spaces

-believe sexuality is an important topic

-want to support their own communities

-see a future working with cum.what.may

-fuckin' awesome, funny, cheeky, human beings  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯



-12 hours tuition

-ongoing group support

-comprehensive guide, tools and techniques on how to create a safe container

-modules for each section of a Circle including how to open and close a deep sharing space

The question is, why not sign up for free today?

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