Motherhood: A Voyage of Death & Rebirth for The Soul · Dandelion

Motherhood: A Voyage of Death & Rebirth for The Soul

intimacy identity and connection death and rebirth mother circle folklore womens circle motherhood journey of the soul
Hosted by True Nature
Activity True Nature
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Explore the soul growth that conscious motherhood requires, guided by the ancient wisdom of the Handless Maiden. 

This workshop explores the powerful themes of death and rebirth as they pertain to a mother’s soul, offering deep insights into the challenges and awakenings that come with nurturing life.

Throughout this deep-dive session, you'll explore the symbolic and emotional layers of motherhood, uncovering the hidden lessons and growth opportunities within. Using immersive exercises and shared wisdom, we'll navigate the cycle of endings and new beginnings, helping you to embrace the full spectrum of your transformative journey.

Join us to connect with the profound insights of the Handless Maiden, rediscover your inner strength, and celebrate the rebirth of your true self as a mother. This is your chance to explore the sacred transformation of motherhood and find renewal in your own soul’s voyage.

The Handless Maiden is a poignant fairy tale about a young woman who, after a series of trials, loses her hands due to a vow made by her own father and mother. Despite this severe loss, she endures immense hardship and remains resilient. The tale follows her journey through suffering, betrayal, and isolation, ultimately leading to her healing and redemption. 

By the story's end, the Handless Maiden regains her hands and finds happiness, symbolising a profound transformation and the restoration of wholeness. The narrative explores themes of sacrifice, resilience, and the deep, often painful path to reclaiming one's true self.

What to expect 

During these Saturday & Sunday morning sessions, we'll create a safe container to share about painful edges of growth motherhood has required of us and reclaim our sovereign choice over how we let these experiences shape us. 

We will divide the tale of the Handless Maiden into four parts, engaging in immersive solo and small group exercises within each. 

  • Two Live Zoom sessions 9:30 - 12:00am
  • Recording of the workshops
  • Playlist of Wild Mother songs to download
  • 1 x private 45-minute coaching session with Faye


Saturday 23rd November 9:30 - 12:00 am 

Sunday 24th November 9:30 - 12:00 am 


Who will benefit from this:

Mothers Seeking Inner Strength and Renewal: For those looking to reconnect with their inner strength and celebrate their journey, this workshop provides a supportive environment to explore and honour the rebirth of your true self.

Women Experiencing Emotional Exhaustion: For those feeling drained by the demands of nurturing life and seeking ways to uncover and heal emotional wounds, this session offers restorative practices and deep reflection.

Individuals Struggling with Identity Loss: If you’re feeling disconnected from your sense of self due to the demands of motherhood, this workshop will guide you in rediscovering and embracing your authentic identity.

Mothers with Children of Any Age: Whether you have one child or many, if they are birthed, adopted or fostered, or if they are infants or fully grown adults, all experiences and stages are welcome. 

Neuro-Diverse Mothers or Mothers of Neuro-Diverse Children: If you’re facing unique challenges in balancing your needs and those of your child but feel misunderstood or alone, this is a safe and compassionate space to feel heard and validated.

About Your Facilitator 

Faye Gould is an advocate of women's empowerment and a mother of a thirteen, eleven and eight year-old.

Over two decades, she has worked with various charities focusing on domestic violence, survivors of modern slavery and female homelessness. In 2022, she spent 40 days wild camping on Dartmoor to explore what it means to embrace her inner wild woman and is now writing a book about the experience. 

Currently, Faye works with True Nature as the Communication and Community Manager, supporting retreats and leading The Women’s Fire. Through True Nature, Faye continues to inspire and empower women, guiding them to reclaim their strength, freedom, and inner wildness.

Motherhood: A Voyage of Death & Rebirth for The Soul

Low Income £45
Includes Private Coaching Session
Standard £60
Includes Private Coaching Session
Supporter £75
Includes Private Coaching Session
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