Alchemical Entheogens: Elixirs of Magic & Mystery · Dandelion

Alchemical Entheogens: Elixirs of Magic & Mystery

workshop magic energy healing alchemy psychedelic science elixir
Hosted by Diamond Union Alchemy
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Join Vajra & Veronica for an evening exploration of ancient mystical elixirs & new earth celestial Somas.

Beginning with a brief history of Alchemy as it has evolved and interweaved a unifying golden thread through the esoteric hearts of ancient and modern spiritual traditions, with a particular focus on the magical ingredients that ignite each unique path, and their associated benefits.

From quirky mercury magic of the levitating Himalayan mystics and Diamond ash in the Tibetan plateau, to Cobra venom and Dhatura Siddhas in tropical Sri Lanka; the praised white Ormus powder of the Kemetic adepts of ancient Egypt; glowing wish fulfilling gems in China; Biblical herbal temple synergies and much more in the quest for the eternal elixirs of life and the ultimate human attainment of the Diamond Rainbow Body of Light Ascension.

There will be an offering of some of their Eternal Living Light Elixirs range to receive and imbibe the inner spirit & flow of the gathering. Including Nano Diamond infused Saffron, Oud, Blue Lotus, Ormus, C60 Shungite, Amrit Shilajit and more.

Saffron Nano Diamond Nectar

All of their formulas contain Nano Diamond, and they will dive into the quintessential esoteric & mainstream relevances of Diamond based internal and external technologies in the evolution of humanity.

They will also share on modern alchemy and the new Earth Solar codes that are radiantly being transmitted into the planetary leylines & vortices, such as are witnessed via the northern & southern light portals; platinum rainbow lights recently seen over the UK, and solar flares.


Ormus infusing expedition under the Northern Lights. -7 celsius, Jan 15th 2024.

Fresh from their Icelandic & Caribbean land activation travels, they share a new Volcanic Ormus elixir of Gold, Platinum and Silver, prepared under the Northern Lights Aurora Borealis rays, and infused with the legendary rare authentic Ye Ming Zhu (Bright Night Glowing Pearl) alchemy and Nano Diamond nectar. This is a complete light body nutrition for multidimensional activations and rejuvenation.

As practitioners of  inner temple alchemy, they mirror this externally by curating intricate elixirs with some of the most rarest and highest frequency gems, metals, minerals, herbs, salts, nectars and resins currently known to man. 

They are proponents of organic & intricate  entheogenic synergies to feel connected to the joy of God (entheos); the unified field of all creation, for spiritual evolution and general daily well being.


Caribbean Ocean Temple Alchemy, Curaçao healing Island, Jan 2024.


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This event started 9 months ago

Alchemy Admission £14.44

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