Ancestral Healing: Unwinding From Patriarchy (Part 3)

ritual ceremony and ritual deep ecology ancestral healing ancestors
Hosted by True Nature
Activity Ancestral Healing
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A gentle unpacking of the impact of patriarchal wounding on our own and our ancestor’s lives and getting a taste of the antidote to this wound.

(This online workshop is the final part in a three part series about ancestral healing. If you would like to dive deeper, join the course this September.) 

The patriarchal wound is a type of ancestral and intergenerational burden and the related suffering, caused by the power imbalance between genders. Patriarchy places men as superior to women, distorting the possibility of true partnership between genders, and as such it touches all of our lives. 

What to expect:

In this event we’ll look briefly over the history of the patriarchal wounding from an ancestral perspective of European and Middle-Eastern cultures and examine traces of pre-patriarchal cultures. You’ll enlist the help of your own blood ancestors through embodied relational ritual to more deeply understand the effect of patriarchy on your life and on your ancestors’ stories, to also make space for shifts from this particular positionality. You’ll explore ways that you can deepen into the embodiment of the particular antidote to patriarchy that aligns with your own path, ancestors and culture. 

There are no prerequisites, however, prior experience with inner work and relating with spirit are both helpful. Attendance of the “Introduction to Ancestral Healing” workshop is not mandatory, but highly recommended. 

PLEASE NOTE this event might not be suitable for you if you're currently experiencing heightened mental distress or if you are in crisis. Feel free to contact me if you need any clarification. 


“It is evident that there is another logical alternative: that there can be societies in which difference is not necessarily equated with inferiority or superiority. The opposite of patriarchy is not matriarchy. It is partnership”

Riane Eisler

This workshop is for you if:

  • You’ve struggled to form relationships that feel equal
  • You grew up in a dysfunctional family
  • You are longing to shift away from patterns of over efforting and from being on the grind
  • You feel disempowered by the current system of privilege and power-over others

How you may benefit from this work: 

  • Understand more deeply how patriarchy has affected your ways of relating
  • Feel deep rest and a softening in your nervous system
  • Learn how to partner with the ancestors to transmute the poisons of patriarchy
  • Develop a more healthy relationship with power

More about working in partnership with the ancestors

This work is rooted in an animist/relational framework which understands the world in terms of relationality. It understands our imbalances and ill-health as related with ill-maintained relationships; with ourselves, other humans, the more-than-human, and the invisible worlds. Starting to repair these relationships and maintaining them, is part of a redemptive decolonial process of being of service not only to ourselves but to the world. In the times we live in, supremacist ideologies and behaviors of various types (human supremacy, racism, patriarchy, i.e.) continue to place us as separate from the world rather than as part of it. Coming into a right relationship with our ancestors can form a part of  much needed cultural healing, starting to transform a culture of individualism into one of interdependence. The times we live in are craving for it. 

This event is open to all genders, races, ethnicities, sexual orientations, disabilities and religious beliefs. 


Alex (  is an integrative and somatic psychotherapist and ritualist supporting people to access a deeper sense of connection with themselves and the world around them. Born in Greece, he has spent many years living in the UK. He has an MA in Dramatherapy, is an accredited Ancestral Healing Practitioner, and has further extensive training in somatic trauma therapy, ecological grief work and processwork. 

Over the past 9 years he has worked as a psychotherapist individually and in groups with people in various situations. His practice focuses on encouraging conversations between body awareness and imaginative/intuitive sensing and sits at the crossroads of creative - expressive psychotherapy, animist/relational principles, contemplative practice and somatic trauma therapy. He accompanies people whilst they heal from developmental and intergenerational trauma, move through profound life transitions, and contend with the realities of grief, death and dying, helping people develop their capacity for a greater sense of wholeness. His ancestors are from the Balkan peninsula, the Black Sea, and the Central and Eastern Mediterranean


“Alex offered and held a space that felt safe, interesting, suggestive. I liked his care and responsiveness, the way he shared his own experiences and how he has embodied what he's learned.” - Ditta

“ This work was a full body dive into cultivating deeper trust, discernment, courage and imagination.Alex’s facilitation, attunement, spaciousness and care were palpable throughout. He attentively gave guidance, while also allowing for my own pace, process and impressions to emerge.” - Tanya 

“Alex's guidance is sensitive, kind, boundaried and warm. He meets me where I am and brings acceptance, curiosity and skill to whatever I encounter. I have been able to tap into other forms of knowing and seeing and have surprised myself at the level of detail I am able to receive.” - Martha

ABOUT TRUE NATURE: A platform for feminine and ecological empowerment, True Nature guides women to rediscover their wild authenticity and deepen their connection with the Earth. Through transformative retreats, events, trainings and membership, they blend soulful ritual, embodiment practices, authentic relating and nature immersion to inspire growth, healing, and community. Rooted in a vision of co-creating cultures of wholeness, one women at a time, True Nature nurtures a movement of women embracing their power and living in relationship with the more-than-human world. Learn more by visiting our website and by following us on Instagram

REFUNDS POLICY: Please note, we do not arrange refunds or exchanges. When possible we encourage reselling on Ticketswap.

ACCESS: We do our best to include everyone in our events, regardless of health circumstances. If you have access requirements please email the event organiser directly to discuss. Many facilitators are able to offer reduced ticket prices for those truly unable to afford the ticket price. If this applies to you, do please get in touch with the event organiser.

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