Psychedelic Breathwork Workshop with the Psychedelic Map For Change

breathwork embodiment healing and wellbeing embodiment expression and creativity embodiment course
Hosted by The Psychedelic Society
Activity Breathwork Odyssey
Enquiries to
< 10 people
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Curious about the power of your breath?

Are you curious to change your physical, emotional and mental state with the power of the breath?

Would you like a tool, (the breath) to find more inner understanding and make lasting changes?

-→ Join us, a tribe of four internationally known transformation practitioners with decades of experience for a 2-hour online workshop.


You will learn:

1) Conscious Connected Breathing 

2) to acknowledge what is holding you back in life

3) to get curious about restrictions in the body and create space for freedom 

4) to tap into an inner wisdom, not intellect but implicit wisdom 

5) a foundation to how the breath can be used to connect with other areas in your life, such as  your relationships, communities, humanity, planet earth and even the cosmos. 


This workshop will benefit you if you are:

1)  anxious that you are not succeeding in life

2) always wanting more yet never satisfied

3) concerned about your place in the world.


We have designed a convenient online workshop making this accessible to anyone who is curious about breathwork or wants to deepen your connection to self. We will spend time for preparation and integration before and after the conscious connected breathwork.

You will be given some exploratory questions and form small groups to support you connecting with yourself and others, you will also set your intention for the breathwork session. 

We aim for the conscious connected breath session to be 60 minutes, allowing  time after to rest, reflect and integrate, we also welcome you to share your experience.

We provide a safe and connected space for you to go where the breath takes you on this 2 hour journey.


“It has been a unique experience for me to combine both analytical questions and experiential breathwork. It created new insights for me that I wouldn’t have gotten otherwise.” Christian Erhard, Executive Coach and Hero's Journey Facilitator


You will need:

1) A comfortable space to lie down

2) Pen and journal 

3) Warm blankets and pillow

4) Water 

5) Headphones (we will play music) 


Price £25 / £20 / £15 


Who we are and what we do as a collective:

Steven Ebbers – founder


Ruth Veda – founder 


Marcus Antonius Druen – founder


Ana Badila – co-founder 



6-Week Breathwork Programme

For those of you who would like to explore more we also run a 6-week breathwork programme in which we use the power of the breath to explore the impact you have in this world and the one you could have! In this unique programme with four facilitators we combine cohort based learning with guided breathwork, facilitated integration circles and step by step coaching tools on a visual board. We would love to accompany you on a deeper journey, becoming more conscious and making the changes you want within yourself and your world.

“This course is a unique blend of spiritual and practical, art and science, knowledge and intuition. You are in for a delicious personal discovery. Three Michelin Stars.Jenia Espe, Coach & Consultant


Psychedelic Map For Change - PMFC 

The word psychedelic means ‘mind manifesting’. We urgently need to manifest our minds, to understand the unintended consequences of our choices over longer timeframes. The Psychedelic Map For Change guides you to be fully responsible for all aspects of your life: yourself, your relationships, your work and contribution to organisations, your part in humanity, nature and the universe.

This a simplified version. Download the full map here: 

“Marcus, Ruth and team are curating rare magic in their innovative combination of modalities for growth. By combining the PMFC, Compassionate Enquiry, breathwork, Hawkins Scale and safe group sharing they have created powerful synergy to identify, explore and process challenges and measure gains with each session.” Dr. Farzana Mohideen Botes, Psychiatrist


Please read the following documents before buying a ticket:

Contra indications

Waiver Form


REFUNDS POLICY: Please note, we do not arrange refunds or exchanges. When possible we encourage reselling on Ticketswap.

ACCESS:  We do our best to include everyone in our events, regardless of health circumstances. If you have access requirements please email the event organiser directly to discuss. Many facilitators are able to offer reduced ticket prices for those truly unable to afford the ticket price. If this applies to you, do please get in touch with the event organiser.

For PSYCHEDELIC KNOWLEDGE AND RESOURCES please check out the Psychedelic Society website

Our facilitators have agreed to our code of conduct. Learn about our procedure for raising concerns

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Join from £5 a month and become part of this amazing community with invites to special events and more.

Select tickets

This event started about 2 years ago

Abundant £25
Standard £20
Low Income £15
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By proceeding you agree to the terms and conditions of Dandelion and The Psychedelic Society and understand this event is organised by Ruth Clarke, who takes financial and legal responsibility for the event.

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