New Moon Harmonising Gong Bath · Dandelion

New Moon Harmonising Gong Bath

sound yoga voice work cacao ceremony and ritual sound healing and cacao ceremony gong bath london ceremony voice activation
Hosted by The Psychedelic Society
Activity Lani and Annabelle's Events
Local group London
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We warmly invite you to gather in ceremony on 24 November new moon in Scorpio, sharing an evening of sacred cacao, sacred voice activation and sound journeying. 

Activating a state of self-healing and transformation, bringing flow to your life force energy, attuning to the vision and guidance of your soul, and harmonising and optimising your sacred body vessel.

This is a graceful passage to connect with Spirit and realise yourself as a being of Love.


A deep meditative journey in harmonising sound of Gongs, Light Language and Grounding Percussions. Facilitating an intimate softening into stillness, peace and radiant state of being.


The ceremony will involve a sacred cacao ceremony, where we drink a rich brew of the plant Cacao. A plant medicine that powerfully opens the heart and attunes us to our feeling body - restoring emotional balance, heightening the intuitive and sensory perception and freeing creative expression.

The Cacao we will be communing with comes from Guatemala, lovingly grown and shared by the guardians of the Tz´utujil Mayan tribe


To be able to freely express our voice as we are is a profound remembrance of how we can be in every day life.

The voice is our unique soul signature that has an innate capacity to access and release energetic blocks embedded in the cellular memony.  When the Voice is given space for intuitive expression, our ilife force naturally increases and our inborn creative gifts rises to be realised.  The participants will be guided to intimately attune to their inner process and voice what is being felt in the living moment.  This is a powerful practice within a safe space that encourages embodied presence, authentic expression and deep self-connection.

After the practice, we will flow into a deep meditative journey in harmonising sound of Gongs and a beautiful sharing circle, to further support with integration. 

The ceremony will involve a sacred cacao ceremony, where we drink a rich brew of the plant Cacao. A plant medicine that powerfully opens the heart and attunes us to our feeling body - restoring emotional balance, heightening sensory perception and freeing creative expression.

Guided with love by Lani Rocillo 



 is a sound medicine practitioner, a musician and a community creator.  The focus and intention of her offering is to open space to facilitate deep and heartfelt experiences through sound and plant medicines. She creates harmonising sound immersion and guides to activate the intuitive voice - practices where we are led to be present and surrender to the living moment. For it is in presence that we can touch the mystery of our own inner universe and realise our fundamental essence as Love.

She supports to awaken self empowerment, our natural capacity to self-heal, realise balanced health, compassionate purpose and heightened creative potential. 

Her practice is inspired by intuitive, heartfelt and embodied expression, which she explores along-side guidance from ancient wisdom knowledge.

REFUNDS POLICY: Please note, we do not arrange refunds or exchanges. When possible we encourage reselling on Ticketswap.

ACCESS:  We do our best to include everyone in our events, regardless of health circumstances. If you have access requirements please email the event organiser directly to discuss. Many facilitators are able to offer reduced ticket prices for those truly unable to afford the ticket price. If this applies to you, do please get in touch with the event organiser.

For PSYCHEDELIC KNOWLEDGE AND RESOURCES please check out the Psychedelic Society website

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+ 15 people

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This event started almost 2 years ago

Supporter £35
Standard £30
Concession £25 Sold out
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Equinox All Night Sacred Sound Journey with Blue Lotus Cacao

Autumn Equinox: Kundalini Yoga, Kakaw and Sound Medicine Journey

Kundalini Yoga, Sacred Kakaw and Harmonising Sound Journey

Samhain: Kundalini Yoga, Kakaw and Sound Medicine Journey

Samhain: Kundalini Yoga, Sacred Kakaw and Harmonising Sound Journey

Sound Healing Facilitator Training

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