Ecstatic Dance Mayhem (with Live Music & Contact Improv)

ecstatic dance ecstatic live music contact improv
Hosted by Ecstatic Dance Mayhem
Enquiries to
12+ people
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Studio 303
Directions to enter below
Comment trouver l'espace ci-dessus

Doors close at exactly 19:29. You cannot enter after that.

Les portes se ferment à 19 h 29 précises. Il n'est plus possible d'entrer après cette heure.

--The Event--

Super Early Birds: $19.95 (10 Available until Sat, March 1st)

Early Birds: $27.50 (Available through Saturday, March 22nd)

Regular: $35 (Available until one hour before the event)

At the Door: $40

Note: We may take phots & videos at this event

-- Schedule--

19:00 - Doors open

19:29 - Doors close
19:30 - Opening circle
19:40 - Warmup
20:20 - Ecstatic Dance led by DJ Backpack Jesus and live musicians
22:00 - Sound healing
22:15 - Wind down and closing circle


If financial constraints are stopping you from coming, contact Dan at

The building address is 372 Saint-Catherine St W, Montreal, Quebec H3B 1A2
Enter the building through Cafe Crepe on St. Catherine
After going through the back door of Cafe Crepe, turn to the right and go to the elevator
Go to the third floor and Studio 303 is on the left

L'adresse du bâtiment est 372 Saint-Catherine St W, Montréal, Québec H3B 1A2
Entrer dans le bâtiment par le Cafe Crepe sur St. Catherine
Après avoir franchi la porte arrière du Cafe Crepe, tournez à droite et prenez l'ascenseur.
Montez au troisième étage et le Studio 303 se trouve sur la gauche.

Select tickets

Super Early Bird $19.95 Sold out
Early Bird $27.50
Available through Saturday, March 22nd
Regular $35
Available until one hour before the event
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Add a donation to Ecstatic Dance Mayhem

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By proceeding you agree to Dandelion's terms and conditions and understand this event is organised by Dan, who takes financial and legal responsibility for the event.

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