BRISTOL - Soulful Yoga & Handpan: Journey through meditation, movement & sound

yoga healing and wellbeing south west embodiment expression and creativity yoga nidra embodimenent handpan meditation bristol
Hosted by The Psychedelic Society
Local group South West
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Join us for an immersive evening of meditation, movement and relaxation accompanied by the enchanting rhythm of a live handpan.

After grounding in meditation, we will move through a vinyasa yoga flow designed to invigorate and open the body, with soothing rhythms of a live handpan played throughout. The movements will dance between strength and softness, or “Sthira '' and “Sukha,” which are core principles of inner harmony, as outlined in Pantajali’s Yoga Sutras. 

The session will end with a yoga nidra. Otherwise referred to as “yogic sleep,” this is a guided relaxation practice to bring you to a state of tranquillity. 

This workshop is suitable for all levels, whether you’re a well-practiced yogi or new to the practice. 

Please bring your own yoga mats. 

About your facilitators

Martha Allitt

Martha is a journalist, educator, yoga teacher and co-director of the Psychedelic Society. Martha facilitates and curates events, workshops and courses about the intersections of altered states, biomedicine and wellness, and writes about such issues on various media platforms including Lucid News, Trial Site News, the Psychedelic Society and Double Blind

Martha completed her 200 hour YTT with ULU Yoga four years ago and has facilitated various embodiment workshops since. She currently studying hands-on teaching as a form of Bhakti (devotional yoga) and is interested in applying embodiment practices and nervous system regulatory techniques into the psychedelic integration space. 

Mikey Cirelli

Mikey is a musician and mental health mentor. He has degrees in neuroscience and psychology, and has a particular interested in the intersectin of mental health with shamanism and entheogenic substances. He's currently pursuing the training path of a counselling psychologist with aspirations to work closely with psychedelic assisted psychotherapy in the future

Mikey began his musical journey as a drummer and percussionist. He began playing handpan over 3 years ago now and has loved every second of playing the ethereal and beautiful instrument. Mikey's handpan adventure has opened up supporting ceremonial spaces in both the UK and Egypt, as well as gigs and collaborations with various producers. You can find some of his music here:



REFUNDS POLICY: Please note, we do not arrange refunds or exchanges. When possible we encourage reselling on Ticketswap.

ACCESS:  We do our best to include everyone in our events, regardless of health circumstances. If you have access requirements please email the event organiser directly to discuss. Many facilitators are able to offer reduced ticket prices for those truly unable to afford the ticket price. If this applies to you, do please get in touch with the event organiser.

For PSYCHEDELIC KNOWLEDGE AND RESOURCES please check out the Psychedelic Society website

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