May Day Spectacle (Beltane)

beltane dartmoor may day participatory spectacle folk songs costume making
Hosted by Brown Bread Choir
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Celebrate our drop-dead-gorgeous Green Earth and the coming of the May. 

Create a participatory pageant with us to welcome in the Summer!! 

“Meditations on a May Morning” is for all singers, dancers and performers of every level to be part of a 40-strong May Day Spectacle on top of Haytor, Dartmoor.

SING, DANCE and MAKE  at this beautiful celebration high up on magnificent Dartmoor.

In elaborate and colourful lo-fi costumes that we will handmake together, we’ll learn folksongs round the fire (the good ones that are older than time), dance, camp overnight (if you’re feeling wild), then wake to the sound of the cuckoo.

WHEN: Wednesday 30th April - Thursday 1st May 2025.

COST: Sliding scale, £45, £35, or £25 

WHO CAN APPLY: Anyone and Everyone who likes home-made costumes, folksongs, giant cardboard vegetables, and wants to celebrate this gorgeous time of year. 


30 April

3pm: Arrive, settle in 

5pm: Costume - Fitting 

6:30pm: Song- practice 

7:30pm: Spectacle - Full Rehearsal 

1 May

4:45am: Wake Up

5:15 AM : the Spectacle begins

8am: Nice warm brekkie ! 


Sink Your Feet in Happy Dew 

Fresh leaves are sweet but SO ARE YOU

Select tickets

Discount £35
Low-Budget £25
Full Price £45
Add a donation to Brown Bread Choir

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