6 Day Integrative Psilocybin Retreat by Kiyumi

somatic practices expression and creativity embodied expression and wellbeing psilocybin inclusive psychedelic retreat truffles
Hosted by Kiyumi
Activity Integrative Psilocybin Retreats with Kiyumi
Enquiries to contact@kiyumi.org
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What We Do:
Our 6-day retreats facilitate legal, meaningful, and connective psychedelic processes that explore mind, body, and spirit. We focus on in-depth preparation and integration both in a one-on-one setting as well as within the collective. Each facilitator team combines knowledge from psychotherapy and somatic therapy.

Our retreats encompass diverse holistic practices and workshops such as yoga, free dance, somatic voice and sound work, mindfulness, art, and other contemplative and embodiment practices. These practices provide tools for the navigation of psychedelic experiences and support your wellbeing during and after the retreat. Through the connection to nature, we support the healing journeys of our participants, providing calm and rest within beautiful and expansive landscapes. You may wind down during the retreat in the sauna or stroll through the Dutch countryside.

The power and healing potential of the collective is at the center of Kiyumì’s work, bringing people together from all over the world, different ages, walks of life, while providing a safe and inclusive space.

“Releasing pain. Laughing. Connection. Peace. Stillness.” - Tiph, former participant

What is included: 

  • 5 days and 6 nights
  • 2 psilocybin journeys
  • Thorough application process
  • Preparation and integration packages
  • One-one-one preparation call with dedicated facilitator
  • 3 one-on-one sessions with dedicated facilitator during retreat
  • Embodiment, movement, contemplative, and artistic practices
  • Tools for psychedelic navigation
  • Plant-based food specially designed for support throughout retreat
  • Shared accommodation
  • Private accommodation at extra costs
  • Sauna
  • One-one-one integration call with dedicated facilitator

The Venue & Accommodation 
Nestled between ancient oak trees and beside a lake, the Land van Yemaya is a beautiful venue. Not only is the surrounding nature spacious, but the ceremonial room provides tranquility and connection to nature through its design and impressive view. After a stroll over the grounds, you may want to have a swim in the lake or wind down in the sauna. The Dutch country style houses have been renovated with love bringing the venue to modern comforts while preserving its original charm. The shared accommodations are comfortable and will be shared amongst maximum 3 people. Private accommodations are available upon request and at an additional cost.

The menu takes care of your nutritional needs each step of the way. We emphasize delicious and healthy food as part of a happy life. All food is plant-based to ensure compatibility for everyone. We understand that all people are different and our chefs are open to and welcome your dietary requirements in terms of intolerances or allergies, and will support you throughout the retreat.

How to participate?
Please apply via our website. We will contact you shortly. If you have any questions or would like more in-depth information, please book a free call via this link

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