Navigating Boundaries & Consent (Online taster session)

psychedelics psychedelic therapy mainstreaming psychedelics integration psychedelic integration psychedelic assisted therapy psychedelic science and mental health psychedelic science
Hosted by The Psychedelic Society
Activity Harm Reduction & Psychedelic Integration
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Navigating Boundaries & Consent  

Do you want to create more safety when holding space for someone's psychedelic experience?

When having your own experience, do you want to feel more held by your guide(s)?

Do you want to understand the difference between serving and taking?

This is an introduction to better understanding touch, boundaries and communication in order to create more safety within psychedelic therapy and guiding. 

This online evening workshop will serve as a taster session for us to explore the hurdles we face on the journey to informed and authentic consent. This introduction will be a combination of practical self-exploration, partner work and using real-life challenging situations. 

We will explore our ability to identify our wishes and boundaries through the use of touch which is a powerful communication channel. Through these explorations, we will create a map for becoming more aware of unconscious relating dynamics and enhancing language models for clean communication and more congruent results. We will introduce the potential for growth and/or harm in shadow relating behaviours that impact us all. 

Why is this important?

Through a deeper awareness and understanding of our own behaviours, our intention is to provide you with tools to build greater trust and intimacy in psychedelic therapeutic settings. By enabling a safer relationship between guide and participant, we create the potential for a more rewarding psychedelic experience.


Note - a recording of this session will be sent out to all ticket holders in the week following the event.

Our Facilitators 

Adam Wilder and Lizzi Luminati bring a wealth of experience from their complementary backgrounds to the exploration of consent, boundaries and touch in the arena of psychedelics, whether as a research participant, client, psychedelic psychotherapist or guide. 


Adam Wilder

Adam is a human connection & boundaries coach, facilitator and founder of the Togetherness movement. He is known for creating Shhh Dating, the world's first speed dating experience based on non-verbal connection games. In 2019, he launched the House of Togetherness pop-up in Covent Garden which welcomed 8,000 people through its doors to learn and experience new practices for vibrant and authentic relating.

Adam curates the Togetherness venue at Wilderness festival annually, making exceptional experiences in Human Connection accessible to a festival audience. The venue was voted in the top 3 experiences of the festival. It was there in 2019 that he hosted the largest ever mass-spooning circle with 1447 spooners.

Adam has worked with more than 20,000 people in person and online. He is a trained counsellor, a certified wheel of consent and Circling facilitator and a big advocate for playfulness and creativity. He regularly delivers creative and culture-changing workshops to businesses and organisations. More at

Lizzi Luminati

Lizzi Luminati is a certified psychedelic assisted psychotherapist and is a senior psychoanalytic psychotherapist and clinical supervisor working in private practice for over 20 years. She has worked in the fields of psychotherapy, yoga therapy and drama therapy. With a lightness of touch and a highly developed intuition, Lizzi uses her laser focus and heartfelt compassion to creatively facilitate deep transformational change for groups and individuals.

Driven by a deep-seated passion for the evolution of our collective consciousness, Lizzi trained as a oneness facilitator in 2009 and is a certified psychedelic assisted psychotherapist with the Integrative Psychiatry Institute. She also studied with The Conscious Dying Institute to become a certified death doula and end of life facilitator. 

Lizzi’s embodied wisdom has led colleagues to describe her as ‘a therapist’s therapist – a paragon in healing and transformational psychotherapy.’ Bringing the depth of her experience as a healer, Lizzi’s feminine presence and playful spirit creates a safe and supportive space for in depth healing in order to greet these troubled times with resilience, courage and love. 


REFUNDS POLICY: Please note, we do not arrange refunds or exchanges. When possible we encourage reselling on Ticketswap.

ACCESS:  We do our best to include everyone in our events, regardless of health circumstances. If you have access requirements please email the event organiser directly to discuss. Many facilitators are able to offer reduced ticket prices for those truly unable to afford the ticket price. If this applies to you, do please get in touch with the event organiser.

For PSYCHEDELIC KNOWLEDGE AND RESOURCES please check out the Psychedelic Society website

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