6-Week Transformational Breathwork course with the Psychedelic Map For Change
Wed 11th Jan 2023, 11am – Thu 16th Feb 2023, 1pm CST (UTC -06:00)
- Online
- https://dandelion.events/e/e04xq
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Activity | Breathwork Odyssey |
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Enquiries to | ruthvedatherapy@gmail.com |
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Attending |
13+ people
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The common problem
Are you anxious that you are not good enough? Are you co-creating relationships you say you don't want? Are you always wanting more yet are never satisfied? Are you concerned about your place in the world?
You won't solve these problems by reading more articles, listening to more podcasts or going to more self-help courses that teach you ‘how to change’ which you then won't do afterwards. We have been there, done that, got the t-shirt.
Why this course is different
That's why we designed our course so that you will actually manifest the change and integrate it in mind, heart and body…in the here-and-now!
We combine group learning with guided psychedelic breathwork, integration circles, 1:1 therapy and step-by-step coaching tools on a visual Miro Board. The ratio of (16) participants to (4) practitioners is 4:1. Hence, we get to know you personally at some depth.
“It has been a unique experience for me to combine both an analytical framework and experiential breathwork. It created new insights for me that I wouldn’t have gotten otherwise.”
Christian Erhard, Executive Coach and Hero's Journey Facilitator

The Experience…
Join a group of conscious, curious and courageous people to explore what stands between you and your greatest embodied potential.
in six weeks…
This six-week course uses the power of breathwork to transport you into altered states of consciousness where you get to explore yourself and the impact you have in this world – and the one you could have…
via Breathwork and the Psychedelic Map For Change…
We achieve this by anchoring the guided breathwork sessions onto the six realms of the Psychedelic Map for Change: you, your relationships, your role in organisation/s or communities, as well as your part in humanity, nature and the universe. In this process you get to explore and melt your various limiting beliefs, fears, traumas, and resistance.
with tangible results!
By the end of this 6-week journey, you could:
- have changed a self-limiting belief
- learned how to create more expanding relationships
- taken a career-changing action
- feel energised and motivated to find your place and do your thing in society
- have a few epiphanies on how everything is connected
- have made meaningful friendships that outlast the course
The price: £220 (low income), £260 (Standard), £340 (Abundant)
What's included:
✔ intimate group learning in small pods and triads, 16 participants max in cohort, four facilitators
✔ 6 two-hour online live group sessions
✔ of which 4 include one hour guided conscious connected breath work sessions
✔ 4 one hour integration drop-in sessions (optional yet recommended)
✔ 1 one hour 1:1 Compassionate Inquiry Relational Therapy Session
✔ 30 mins stand-by support after each breath work session beyond the 2-hours
✔ Engaging and managed closed Telegram Group
✔ Digital (printable) worksheets.
“This course is a unique blend of spiritual and practical, art and science, knowledge and intuition. You are in for a delicious personal discovery. Three Michelin Stars.”
Jenia Espe, Coach & Consultant
Watch Marcus's five mins (edited) interview by ‘Biohacking Babe’ Lauren Sambataro:
If you want to experience a 2-hour taster workshop first: https://dandelion.earth/events/635bb48d40e01a0010563b7b

Your Facilitators and our roles (bios below)
Steven Ebbers
-→ your breath work guide whom many members of the Psychedelic Society UK already know and love
Ruth Veda
-→ your super-organised host for all group sessions, Relational Therapist for your Compassionate Inquiry 1:1s, and co-moderator of our closed Telegram Group
Ana Badila
-→ your spiritual coach and lead facilitator for all integration session, and co-moderator of our closed Telegram Group
Marcus Druen
-→ your lead facilitator for the orientation and sense-making sessions and first responder for your questions on the Psychedelic Map For Change
Why we use the Psychedelic Map For Change - PMFC
The word psychedelic means ‘mind manifesting’. We urgently need to manifest our minds, to understand the unintended consequences of our choices over longer timeframes.
A map is a useful and ever-evolving tool to navigate both known and uncharted territories. Whilst you need to draw and explore your very own map, our collective set-and setting is change the story: specifically, to change the story from separation to a story of connection and unity, from competition to collaboration, from extraction to regeneration.
The Psychedelic Map for Change, or PMFC, aims to support the movement of heart-centred leaders and change catalysts. We want to reform capitalism as the lead domino for whole system transformation. At an individual level, every choice is rooted in a core belief, and many of our beliefs stem from childhood trauma and even inter-generational trauma. The Psychedelic Map For Change guides you to be fully responsible for all aspects of your life: yourself, your relationships, your work and contribution to organisations, your part in humanity, nature and the universe.

This a simplified version. Download the full map here: https://tinyurl.com/y8y494bk
The PMFC is standing on the shoulders of giants is influenced by contemporaries like Christiane Seuhs-Schoeller, Charles Eisenstein, Gabor Maté, Brené Brown, Fréderic Laloux, Nora Bateson, Adah Parris, Daniel Schmachtenberger, Richard Lang, Sam Harris, and others.
“Psychedelic Map for Change is such a well thought out program, and it works! It makes perfect sense to work on yourself before you can show up your best in relationships, and then to the world. Combining informative education, breathwork, group dialog and homework assignments allowed me to really go deep into inner work to shift my core beliefs. The Compassionate Inquiry session with Ruth helped to embody the lessons. Highly recommend!”
Glenda Sparrow, Psychedelic & Life Transformation Coach
Structure – overview and curriculum
We recommend that you create capacity of 4-5 hours per week to get most out of it. This is what to expect:
- course modules are weekly on Wednesdays 5-7pm UK time via zoom (2 hours)
- we are at hand for more support after the sessions for up to 30 minutes
- we offer drop-in integration sessions on Thursdays from 6-7pm (1 hour)
- we start every session with a quick check-in around our current energetic states and body scan
- you will receive weekly: engaging and on point content, light homework, and prompts for further individual reflection via our closed Telegram Group (1-2 hours)
- you are invited to share and engage with the group
- you will be matched with a buddy for your dyad work in each session
- we work with Miro Boards: whilst not essential to complete the course, we do recommend you set-up a free account
- we haven't finally decided which parts we record, but definitively not anything you share in triads or the group.
--> Week 0: Onboarding
--> Week 1: Orientation and Container Building
--> Week 2: Breathing into Self
--> Week 3: Breathing into your Relationships
--> Week 4: Breathing into your Work Life
--> Week 5: Breathing into Humanity, Earth and Cosmos
--> Week 6: Sense-Making and Final Reflections
“Marcus, Ruth and team are curating rare magic in their innovative combination of modalities for growth. By combining the PMFC, Compassionate Enquiry, breathwork, Hawkins Scale and safe group sharing they have created powerful synergy to identify, explore and process challenges and measure gains with each session.”
Dr. Farzana Mohideen Botes, Psychiatrist
We offer three payment options to support people on a lower income. If you consider yourself to be a high-earner then paying an abundant option helps to subsidise places for people on lower incomes. We really appreciate your support.
If you feel strongly called to come but cannot afford the low income option, please get in touch and we can discuss a payment plan or bursary place to support you.

About your Facilitators
The universe put this quartet together through a series of synchronicities - and our first co-creation simply wanted to emerge. We have a vast array of skills, modalities and experiences in our collective toolkit. What unities us is our mindset and how we show-up: we are all doing our 'shadow work’. We are also innovators and successful business owners in our respective fields. Hence, conceiving and creating this course felt like pure flow - and that will show.
“Within the safe container of the Psychedelic Map for Change I was grateful to experience the unique combination of somatic breathwork, Compassionate Inquiry and deep, meaningful group connection. This unique alchemy of elements allowed for greater expansion and consciousness to manifest. Thank you for holding the space with devotion and grace.”
Lauren Mugglebee, Coach. Inspiring Motivator. Storyteller.
Steven Ebbers – founder

Steven is all about connection…connection to yourself, to others and our environment. He loves helping people to question their reality and reconnect them to what he calls the Simple-Self. That part of you that knows exactly what it needs, how simple it may be. Whether that’s a good conversation with a good friend whilst walking through the woods , being creative, or a little dance.
When we reconnect to the Simple-Self we quickly realise how little we actually need and how we can let go of everything else that doesn't serve us. And that’s where the breath comes in…our breathing doesn’t lie. It connects us straight to what’s alive in us, whether that’s joy or stress. There’s no hiding when it comes to the breath. Which is why it is his favourite tool!
Steven uses all kinds of breathing modules depending on what you need; activating or relaxation techniques for shorter sessions or Conscious Connected Breathing for the more deep and intense sessions.
He has been doing Breathwork sessions on and off for about 7 years until he got fully qualified. Besides being a qualified breathwork facilitator he is also an ICF accredited coach, has a background in Psychology (MSc) and is a Firewalk Facilitator.
Ruth Veda – founder

Ruth is holistic massage therapist, Compassionate Inquirer (in her last month of mentorship) and facilitator of various online experiential group experience incl. self-massage and laughing therapy. She works with her clients helping them to be 100% responsible, this is where she has found we can change our story from victim to creator. Through body work and compassionate inquiry she holds a safe space of curiosity for you to explore and understand yourself.
On her journey from Paramedic to Massage Therapist and then to Compassionate Inquirer Ruth Veda have come to realise that taking care of the body & mind is essential as it really is the only place that you live. Ruth Veda is grateful to live in a lush forest in the UK with the love of her life: Marcus…
Marcus Antonius Druen – founder

Marcus is an amateur polymath. For the last 20 years he has optimised his knowledge and skills to play the success game: he (still) is a self-employed executive coach, facilitator, trainer and organisational development consultant who worked for Microsoft, Sanofi, EON Energy and Lidl as well as small firms like Future Energy Ventures, Business Fights Poverty, diffferent, and Desolenator - the world's first solar-powered off-grid water desalination plant.
For the next 20 years he is shifting to play the impact game. Marcus is a bridge builder between the existing system and the new one that clearly wants to emerge. He senses that the intersection of psychedelics and web3/DAOs has the potential to co-elevate consciousness of business people, so that we can co-create the regenerative renaissance. He is a Third Wave Psychedelic Coach and hosts the podcast Leading Audacious Change.
He also embodies recovery and transformation…Assisted by psychedelics, therapy and many other modalities, he has healed significant childhood trauma, overcome mild PTSD from a near-drowning and severe shame from contracting a nasty STD, and freed himself from porn and weed addiction, busyness, and co-dependency.
Ana Badila – co-founder

Ana is a microdosing coach for leaders who want to bring more JOY and ALIVENESS in their work and life. She has created ODIN, the first systematic microdosing journal for beginners. She is a ♡ Heart-centred Coach and Retreat Designer. Ana is a student of life, soul searcher and deep diver into layers of reality and consciousness.
With a M.A. in Special Education and Psychology she has always been interested in how the human brain works and the connection between mind, body and spirit. She left her comfortable and steady growing career as a Special Needs Specialist, back in Romania, to go explore and live across the world, starting from zero in Canada! She thought she was looking for adventure when in fact she was looking for herself and the courage to be fully self-expressed. After nine years of soul searching, she found her North Star, her why: to inspire and empower those around her through presence and example.
Ana found that psychedelics and play are a great combination to heal trauma, connect with herself and allow the Divine expression to pour through her, manifesting into this reality. She is a Third Wave Psychedelic Coach, guiding those who want to design a life that they love based on play, presence, and connection to be fully self-expressed.

Event Details
You’ll need to create a free zoom account which you can set up here: zoom.us
Our zoom room: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6096255768
Dates: six consecutive Wednesdays and four consecutive optional drop-in Thursdays starting 11th January 2023.
- Wednesday 11th January 2023, 5-7pm GMT
- Wednesday 18th January 2023, 5-7pm GMT
- Wednesday 25th January 2023, 5-7pm GMT
- Wednesday 1st February 2023, 5-7pm GMT
- Wednesday 8th February 2023, 5-7pm GMT
- Wednesday 15th February 2023, 5-7pm GMT
- Thursday 19th January 2023, 6-7pm GMT
- Thursday 26th January 2023, 6-7pm GMT
- Thursday 2nd February 2023, 6-7pm GMT
- Thursday 9th February 2023, 6-7pm GMT
You will be able to choose the date and time of your 1:1 session with Ruth from her calendar at the beginning of the course.
Enquiries: ruthvedatherapy@gmail.com
Please read the following documents before buying a ticket:
REFUNDS POLICY: Please note, we do not arrange refunds or exchanges. When possible we encourage reselling on Ticketswap.
ACCESS: We do our best to include everyone in our events, regardless of health circumstances. If you have access requirements please email the event organiser directly to discuss. Many facilitators are able to offer reduced ticket prices for those truly unable to afford the ticket price. If this applies to you, do please get in touch with the event organiser.
For PSYCHEDELIC KNOWLEDGE AND RESOURCES please check out the Psychedelic Society website.
Our facilitators have agreed to our code of conduct. Learn about our procedure for raising concerns
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This event started about 2 years ago
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Upcoming Breathwork Odyssey events
Breathwork Odyssey
- Steven Ebbers
- Wed 26th Mar 2025, 7:15pm – 9:15pm GMT (UTC +00:00)
- Soma hŌṃe (N16), Stoke Newington Church Street, London, UK