Elemental Being Retreat

wellness nature retreat being elemental
Hosted by Megan Avery
Enquiries to elementalbeingretreats@gmail.com
17+ people
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Join us on the Elemental Being Retreat for a tender-brave exploration of our interbeing with all that is.

As we move towards Beltane, we will celebrate the full spectrum that life offers, weaving together therapeutic practices, embodiment, archetypal explorations, the 8 Cs of internal family systems, land ceremony and more. 

Through the magic of the group container, we will connect more joyously to ourselves, each other and the natural world. 

Four juicy days in community to liberate your Elemental Being! 

“The support was incredible. I felt so comfortable being myself fully - tears and all! Thank you for providing a space that is so freeing. The world needs more of this love, safety & compassion.”


Each day will follow a similar rhythm, which every session being optional, although full participation is encouraged to experience the fullness of this carefully curated experience.

Example Timetable
07.30 - Meditation, breath & dance - meeting the Great Wisdom Goddess, archetype and element for this day
08.30 - Breakfast
10.00 - Yoga session & group process
13.00 - Lunch & free time
16.00 - Afternoon workshop & land connection ceremony
19.00 - Dinner
20.00 - Evening workshop

EARTH - the calm + centered sovereign
- opening 
- group connection
- making the altar
- yoga nidra

WATER - the curious + creative lover
- Meeting the land
- Earth ceremony
- Water ceremony & wild swim
- Meeting our emotions & different parts with loving kindness (based on IFS practices)

FIRE - the confident + courageous warrior
- Fire ceremony - song, voice & music
- Cacao ceremony 
- Dancing the elements

AIR - clear + compassionate healer
- Partner play
- Integration practices
- Metta meditations
- Final celebration and close

“I can say whole heartedly that I have come away a better person and it has catapulted me into improving and changing my life even more than before. Becoming better for myself and those that I love. Going on this retreat is one of the best decisions I have ever made.”


The group is open to everyone who feels a calling to connect more deeply to themselves, community, the natural world and the mysteries of life. Unfortunately the site is not accessible for those with certain physical disabilities - please contact Megan to discuss further. 

Taking part in this retreat requires adequate mental and physical health to be self-responsible within group processes; we are all facing the horrors and joys of life and your whole self is fully welcome, but do get in touch if you have any concerns or questions.


“Where to begin!! The cacao ceremony was so rich, soulful & at times incredibly confronting. I felt a deep connection to myself that I truly thought I'd lost. I also worked through some personal shadows that needed releasing, to do that with the support from this group was so powerful. Also the final practices I found particularly moving. What a beautiful exercise in expressing self love. Megan's knowledge always blows me away, and Bendy's kind heart kept the space so soft & nourishing. Grateful is too small of a word” - CHELSEA, BRISTOL

​To meet our different parts with curiosity and compassion, to connect to the richness of our bodies and the deep wisdom that can be found there, to unlearn the bullshit and remember our truths, to touch into our unique gifts and the profound power of community.

This will be a gentle yet brave, welcoming yet challenging, soft yet strong space for you to be held and from that loving place, explore your edges. All workshops are also optional, with free time each day.


Megan - A little about the experience I will be leaning into to hold you in this space alongside the rest of the team: I am a clinical psychologist working with adults with complex trauma in the NHS, an experienced yoga teacher & teacher trainer, and a nature-based facilitator with over 14 years of experience holding space for others and more than 20 years of practicing yoga. I also founded and direct the Bristol Yoga Roots Project with two dear friends.

Claire Bender - assistant teacher, make-up magician, and space holder in her own right: https://www.houseofbendy.com

Shell Toll - chef: https://www.flowwithshell.com/catering (pics on website all from last year's retreat)

“I cannot recommend this retreat enough. Megan holds space so beautifully and the days are crafted so carefully to journey you through the elements, connecting you to nature and your heart, through your body. I really loved the barefoot elemental walk and cacao dance ceremony. I felt free to be myself. Writing this is making me realise just how much we did as there’s so much more I could say! What took me most by surprise is how connected to the whole group I felt in just a few days that it was difficult to leave. I am so grateful for this experience and definitely recommend you take the leap and go on this wonderful journey. I am already booked on to Elemental Woman! If I was to sum it up in one word it would be: joyful.” - AMY , BRISTOL


When not in the yoga space you can enjoy the chill out areas, peaceful gardens or the sauna. Only a short trip away is the colourful town of Totnes and the River Dart, ideal for wild swimming. The retreat space is surrounded by the glorious Yeoland, with altars to the different elements across the landscape. In the free time in the afternoon there will be craft activities and trips to the river or coast that are optional. Shell will be serving up three delicious meals a day, plus snacks and hot drinks. If you haven’t eaten Shell’s food before, prepare to have your experience of ‘retreat food’ completely redefined!

“It was absolutely amazing. I thought the balance of movement, reflection, learning, talking in big / small groups, activities, quiet time, noisy time, fun time, sad time and DANCING was brilliant 

A webpage with images and links to videos is here: https:/www.meganavery.co.uk/elemental-being-retreat-2025

Are you feeling the call? We would LOVE to welcome you in to this circle of love, empowerment, vulnerability, strength, mystery and playfulness. You are so welcome, as you are. Reach out with any questions to elementalbeingretreats@gmail.com 

With love and power
Megan and the team 

Cancellations refunded (minus £50 deposit) up to 60 days before the retreat or at any time if you can fill your space. Deposits are non-refundable to cover admin time.

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