Deep Rest Sound Journey

soundbath sound journey sound healing sound bath meditation
Hosted by a touch of Presence
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Join us for a sound journey intended to help you slow down, quiet your mind and gently repair your nervous system at a profound level.

This is a special opportunity to connect more deeply with your Self and charge your intentions around the time of the dark/new moon for the month or season ahead. Drop in, and allow yourself to be held through an acoustic meditation that will help quiet the mind, awaken the body's senses, and open up your consciousness to receive a transmission of sound medicine that will blend a variety of sacred musical instruments, creating a unique and immersive soundscape. 

The sound bath will be held at the Healing House, a beautiful and secluded oasis for intimate events and ceremonies. It will last just over an hour, incorporating the sounds of various chakra attuned crystal bowls (432Hz) and Himalayan singing bowls from Nepal and India, a gong, the shamanic drum, an assortment of rattles, shakers, and bells, a rain stick, ocean drum, and koshi wind chimes.

At the end, there will be 7 minutes of silence, inviting you to rest in a silent meditation, as you integrate and finish receiving the medicine, before concluding the evening. There is then no rush to can stay behind, drink some tea, pull an oracle card and socialise with other attendees (if you wish to).

Everything is provided for, including mats, blankets, cushions, and refreshments, so all you need to do is show up and relax into the sound and remember…It is safe to rest.

Tickets limited to 11.



Sound has a wonderful way of cleansing the body, mind, and soul without the need for language. Sound carries a vibrational rhythm, moving through objects and space. It is conducted by water, which makes up 60% of our bodies. Sound therapy operates through a process of entrainment and resonant frequency. Every object (including various parts of our body) is vibrating - the rate at which it vibrates is its resonant frequency. Entrainment is a natural process in which a rhythmic pattern induces other objects to fall into the same rhythm. In other words, entrainment synchronises fluctuating, irregular brainwaves and frequencies (that various parts of the body are tuned to) by providing stable and harmonious frequencies which they can re-attune to. As such, sound healing therapy can release energetic blockages, realign and restore flow to our energy. It is also a powerful tool for inducing a meditative theta brainwave state and regulating the nervous system, allowing the body to revert to a state of ‘rest and digest’, which promotes our own innate capacity to heal.

For more information about sound therapy, visit: 


Safiatú is a qualified Sound Bowl and Reiki practitioner, and founder of Comfort in Sounds. Additionally, she is a psychosynthesis counsellor in training, a therapeutic approach which advocates that we are each on a psychospiritual journey towards greater wholeness, authenticity, and the Self-actualisation of our potential. She believes that growth and well-being must include a recognition and reclamation of the body, mind and spirit. She is passionate about transpersonal psychology/therapy, Buddhism, ritual and ceremony, gatherings around sacred fires, somatic practices such as ecstatic dance and conscious movement, sound medicine in all its forms, and learning how to create and hold a safe space for others. 





Tuesday, July 18th 2023 // 7.00pm – 8.30pm


The Healing House, 99 Truro Road, London, N22 8DH, UK



£15 to £25 (sliding scale)

Use promo code ‘EARLYBIRD’ to get 10% off if booking 3 weeks or more before any event.

Refunds only available up to 2 weeks before date of the event. After this stage, you are welcome to transfer/sell your ticket to someone else if you can no longer come.


Your intentions will be rooted in the earth with each attendee having a tree planted on their behalf through Tree Nation. You can track the growing forest here:


  • Arrive from: 6.30pm
  • Doors open: 6.50pm
  • Session begins: 7.00pm
  • Doors close: 7.15pm
  • Session ends: 8.30pm


You are encouraged to arrive up to 30 minutes before the start time (from 6.30pm). Please ensure you give yourself as much time to get settled into the space as you need. There is a kitchen area where you can help yourself to refreshments, such as tea, biscuits and fruit when you arrive.

In addition:

  • Important! Make sure your mobile phone is either on silent mode or switched off before the event. 
  • Go to the bathroom beforehand if you need.

We will call you in 5-10 minutes before we are due to start and invite you to start making yourself comfortable. 

The journey will officially start at 7.00pm with an introduction, followed by a short guided meditation that leads into the sound bath. The instruments will be played for over an hour, and then there will be a period of silence for 7 minutes, where you can rest with your breath and finish integrating the experience. I will then gently call everyone back and slowly close the session.

The experience will end at 8.30pm. You are welcome to stay for another hour, help yourself to refreshments after and socialise with other attendees (if you want) whilst I pack up.

To minimise disruption and respect the boundaries of this container, anyone who arrives after 7.15pm won't be admitted (there will be no refunds for latecomers).


  • Mats, cushions, blankets and eye pillows are all provided
  • Eye mask - do bring one if you like to block out all light
  • Water (to make sure you are hydrated)
  • A journal to write notes and/or a talisman to journey with


  • Comfy, warm clothes (you may wish to bring clothes to change into when you arrive)
  • Socks


There are some contraindications. Sound baths are not advised in circumstances listed below:

  • First trimester of pregnancy
  • Epilepsy
  • Pacemaker, or heart conditions
  • Metal implants or plates in the body


Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions ahead of the event.

If you have a physical disability and need to be escorted by a carer, please get in touch to discuss how we can accommodate you.

Select tickets

This event started about 1 year ago

Standard £20
3 left
Supporter £25
3 left
Concession £15 Sold out
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