Imbolc Ritual: an initiation into your true wild nature

spirituality ceremony and ritual womens work imbolc womens circle divine feminine sacred feminine
Hosted by Your Wild Nature
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Imbolc is one of the Celtic fire festivals, celebrating the emerging of the light after a long winter . Celebrated every year on 1st February, it's the half way point between Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. Sparks of new life are beginning to emerge. It's a time for dreaming in the new .  

Imbolc is also associated with the Goddess Brigid (in Ireland it's St Brigid's day). She is the goddess/ saint of healing, fertility, protection and the hearth. 

She is the keeper of the threshold between worlds - born literally on the threshold of her parent's home, she holds space between this world and the unseen world. Imbolc is a time of the liminal - the light is returning, but it's not yet Spring, the growth is still happening in the darkness - deep in the earth and deep within you. You may be feeling the discomfort of the shifts (remember or imagine some of the discomfort of pregnancy as your body expands and the growing life within you demands that your psyche and your soul expand to accommodate this next version of you).

What is this year asking of you? It’s the year to lean into your feminine power and dream into all the potent possibility that you hold.

Join me for this powerful Imbolc initiation into the energy of the goddess Brigid and Imbolc. Which unsung part of you is asking, whispering or demanding to be birthed through you?

Bring 3 small candles, a small item from nature, a pen and journal and something to sit on. We'll be indoors (with a roaring fire in the wood burning stove). 

Looking forward to welcoming you into this initiation!

Select tickets

This event started 5 months ago

Early Bird £15
Purchase available until Sunday 28th January
Standard £18
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