Lion's Gate Portal: Manifest Abundance · Dandelion

Lion's Gate Portal: Manifest Abundance

manifesting energy healing astrology manifest group meditation guided meditation manifestation healing meditation lion's gate portal lion'sgate manifestationmindset
Hosted by Life In Confidence
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“Thank you so much. That was amazing! I love your light language. It was really powerful and thank you for sharing your magic, your medicine and the work that you do. For being the divine light and channel you are. So grateful.”

Samantha Tune, Queen Of Tune Healing And Hair, UK


“Last night was amazing I felt so high vibration wise that I wanted to stay in that frequency. Today I feel tired but really great actually... emotionally I almost feel elated... very grateful and super grounded which isn't normally me ... thank you for that experience.”

Jess Brown, AUS


“Thanks again for the wonderful ceremony yesterday. I’ve had huge shifts already…Physical- my knees haven’t felt so good for ages and I was able to fully stride out during my morning dog walk… this is amazing. Emotionally - daughter had a few meltdowns yesterday and instead of feeling overwhelmed myself, I felt really grateful that I could guide and support her. She was able to self regulate quicker as I was more in tune with what was going on. Spiritually- I feel lighter and somehow more connected to source. The world seems more magical and I fully appreciated my dog walks in the woods. I feel as if I’m seeing the world in a new way- noticing everything instead of being stuck in my head rushing about.Mentally- the internal chatter is a bit quieter and I feel more able to focus. This is abundance for me!”

Susan Sproull, UK


"Lion Gate Portal Ceremony was nothing short but magical. The time, the duration of the ceremony, the ceremony itself, the meditation, the light language, the energy, the atmosphere, and the oracle card- it all has made a brilliant experience for the senses, emotions, and intuition. It has allowed me to access and interpret the images that were meant for me. It’s funny when you think about it, all you need is so close to you, but you need someone to show you which direction to look at, and Jessica is that person. This is my second Lion Gate Portal Ceremony with Jessica, and I highly recommend it to anyone interested in entering the realm of possibilities full of signs, symbols, hints, cues, and messages- all that makes a perfect sense with a right person to guide you through."

Katia Britta, EU


Do you feel called to dream big and live big but don't know how?


Do you get lost in the analytical mind in lack and limitation?


The Lion's Gate portal opens on 27th July, peaking on 8th August with the last day on 12th August. This cosmic event occurs annually and is the most potent time to create your heaven on earth of divine prosperity.


The earth is situated with the Sun in Leo star constellation and the dog star, Sirius are in energetic alignment with 3 points of Orion's belt bringing this energy into the great pyramid of Giza where this energy harvested back in ancient times to bring manifesting powers to your higher reality.


Would you like to leverage off a powerful portal that's opening up to help you manifest abundance, courage and power to move forward in your life?


Join me on a cosmic journey in high vibe galactic frequencies with divine prosperity and heart-centered abundance🌟


Here's What You'll Experience...


  • Higher Timeline Activation value $400 Go on a journey to call in your higher self to show you your higher timeline that you're ready to call in and magnetise into your physical reality in the coming days, weeks and months ahead through quantum timeline healing, light language, star magic and sound therapy.


  • Sacred Sharing Circle value $200 Feel safe and supported in a group dynamic with a highly successful mentor and like-minded heartcentered people as you share yourself with the tribe.Receive a personalised card reading and intuitive insights with next steps moving forward.


  • Astrological Update value $100 Receive bite-size guidance on August to be mindful of planetary changes and shifts that would influence your energy and decisions.


Can't make it live? You might be keen on plugging your ears to my Divine Empowerment audio!

See you live to create your heaven on earth!


Surrender To Trust,

Jess X Goh | Soul Founder Of Life In Confidence

Trauma Coach In Childhood Abuse


YT: Life In Confidence


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This event started 3 months ago

General admission £46
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