Grey Wolf Story Cafe: Equinox Special with Mica Sinclair

myth storytelling live music hay-on-wye mica sinclair marcus pibworth
Hosted by Grey Wolf Stories
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The Grey Wolf Story Cafe is back… now in its new venue, The Globe, Hay-on-Wye*

This month, storyteller Marcus Pibworth will be joined by ‘a multi coloured power house of creativity, a musician that lights up the world of others with her deeply felt, off-the-wall, spontaneous creations” aka Mica Sinclair. 

Marcus and Mica will weave together enchanting stories and soulful songs of transition and change, as we shift from the lighter half of the year into the darker months, inviting us to celebrate the fruits of our labour, recognise the balance and harmony in our lives and make space for what is to come.

If you’re looking for an evening that combines fun filled artistic expression with deep, meaningful themes, then join us for a night of storytelling for adults at the Grey Wolf Equinox Cafe!

The cafe bar will be open for all your refreshment needs.


*Thanks to everyone who has supported The Grey Wolf Story Cafe in Abergavenny over the past year, I hope many of you will still be able to come to Hay, and if not watch this space for upcoming storytellings in and around Abergavenny.

Select tickets

This event started 5 months ago

Money means different things to different people, so we've tried to offer a tier that fits your budget.
Feeling Abundant £12
If this month has been good to you, consider paying it forward to support others more low income places
Standard Price £10
Low-income £7
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By proceeding you agree to Dandelion's terms and conditions and understand this event is organised by Grey Wolf Stories, who takes financial and legal responsibility for the event.

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