The Open Hearth : Circle of Belonging · Dandelion

The Open Hearth : Circle of Belonging

circle fire ceremony belonging welcoming togetherness ceremony
Hosted by Jewels Wingfield
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There's an ancient longing in our Soul to Belong

~ A call to bring home our exiled parts & wrap them inside a blanket of our Love

~ An invitation to reclaim native traditions & be guided by the wisdom of the natural world 

~ A need for kindred spirits who meet us in our longing for a better world and ally with us

~ A weekend to immerse yourself in nature with a circle of beating hearts


Change-makers, space-holders, mothers, sisters and lovers and couples, fathers and brothers and dancers and grafters, wild ones and shy ones, queer folk and all folk, if this resonates, come gather round the fire, deep in the forest. 

A weekend to explore what it means to Belong, to feel welcome, to explore what it might take for you to fully live your life, bring your gifts and live from the heart.

I believe that at this time on Earth we need to return ourselves to being more embedded into the web of life. We need to be finding ways to lead from our hearts and not ur heads. We need to be exploring new systems of living and more than anything we need to be empowering each other to live our most true and authentic lives.

A large part of this is the mending of our wounds. Without this we continue as we do. This mending I believe can only be fully embraced when we are embraced by nature, by life itself. This weekend will be a chance to explore how we can do this while keeping a fully regulated nervous system. With simple but powerful practices that root us back into your body and heart and give us the inspiration to take the path of transformation.

I have sat in circle for most of my adult life and I know the power of what can happen when we do this. I have done this within nature for a lot of it and I have seen directly the impact this bring to the inner work we humans need to do.

Please join us and take some time in a loving held circle to explore your inner world.



22 – 24 September 2023

Arrival –  Friday 4pm
Depart – Sunday 3pm

Staying with us 
We have a beautiful eco campsite, compost toilets with a view to die for, hot showers and beautiful facilities. All surrounded by wild and ancient forest with all that you need for easy outdoor living. You can either bring your own tent and camp or we have space for a few campervans.

We will be offering home made vegan soup and bread for your arrival on Friday evening as well as a hearty meal (which will be vegan and wheat free) for you on Saturday evening. Please bring breakfast and lunch with you. We have a fully fitted field kitchen with all you need to take care of yourself and or/ share, make and eat food.

Select tickets

This event started 12 months ago

Campervan / Camping Ticket £149
Low Income / Concession £95
Add a donation to Jewels Wingfield

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