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How To Self-Love

transformation ceremony and ritual personal development mind body soul self healing
Hosted by The Psychedelic Society
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We live in a culture with a self-love deficit.

It's not our fault, but it is our responsibility to change this for ourselves. 

What would it be like to be in a thriving, healthy relationship with yourself?

What would it look like, sound like, feel like to show yourself love, care, and appreciation the way you do for others in your life who you really cherish?  
What would it be like to claim ownership of your life, your habits, and your scary stories in a powerful and practical way and move forward? 

This is a free online workshop to unpack what self-love looks like in action and the impact of living in a society that perpetuates the myth of “not enough-ness."

We will be learning and using  EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)- a potent therapy tool designed to perfectly cultivate self-love from the depths of our wounding, not from a place of perfection, and to call in all our missing, exiled parts like the tender, raw allies they are.

It is a fast and effective therapeutic tool you can practice on yourself, anywhere and anytime, which you can use for the rest of your life.

It’s gentle, and the impact is long-lasting.

EFT  gets to the core of a problem and helps shift neural-pathways to tackle it differently. It releases stuck, buried emotional energy that has been in the body for years, it soothes  the nervous system, boosts confidence and self-compassion, and reduces anxiety and depression.
It helps you self-regulate and return to a more integrated brain state. 

It's not about the superficial stuff.

There is a narrative that self-love is self-indulgent, selfish, or egotistical, but that is not the self-love we are working towards. Grandiosity is not self-love. Learning to soothe, regulate, and tend to ourselves is a sustainable and regenerative way to co-exist in the world. It allows us to show up more fully in relationships and in the world as the integrated individuals we can be.

About your Facilitator 

Dominique Antonina is an experienced and qualified practitioner in Emotional Freedom Techniques, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Grief Tending, and Transformational Life Coaching. She has worked in mainstream mental health for the NHS as an activity therapist, and in the realm of psychedelics and alternative healing- for the Synthesis Institute as a ceremony facilitator, and volunteered with Psycare UK and Kosmicare doing psychedelic welfare and harm reduction. Her work is deep, inclusive, nuanced, and gentle. She likes to bring a sense of humor and warmth into the unseen parts of the psyche and is passionate about healing in community, not isolation. She believes trauma is as much about a lack of empathetic, skillful support as it is about harmful events and cares about creating more self-love as an antidote to disconnection and disempowerment. The core of her work is helping people come back to self-love as a resourceful way to meet life. She does 1-1 work, group work and holds ceremonies. You can find out more, read testimonials, or book in a discovery call at her website:

Some feedback from past workshops

★★★★★ "Best thing I have done in such a long time."    Curtis

★★★★★ "Dom was such a great facilitator for this workshop, her energy is so great and she held the space very well. She was super understanding of everyone's needs and felt into the situations to see if anyone needed extra support or attention at any time, there was no pressure for anyone to do anything they weren't comfortable with but we all showed up with honesty and vulnerability, I felt very supported. The EFT was my favorite part of the day, it was super powerful and the statements used were specific but also resonated massively among the group. I would definitely attend another one of her workshops and even considering having some EFT sessions separately too."     Rachel


★★★★★ "Really well held by the facilitator, who managed to weave together discussion and reflection, alongside embodied and relational exploration between participants. There was enough containment to be able to touch into what is a really wild area."       Luke




REFUNDS POLICY: Please note, we do not arrange refunds or exchanges. When possible we encourage reselling on Ticketswap.

ACCESS:  We do our best to include everyone in our events, regardless of health circumstances. If you have access requirements please email the event organiser directly to discuss. Many facilitators are able to offer reduced ticket prices for those truly unable to afford the ticket price. If this applies to you, do please get in touch with the event organiser.

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