Circle of Brotherhood Retreat

mens work mens group mens retreat
Hosted by Circle of Brotherhood
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Join us for a weekend of exploration into empowered male psychology 

A retreat for men who wish to channel more clarity, inner strength, camaraderie, focus and empowerment. 

Successfully achieving a fully balanced masculine identity requires enormous work in terms of self definition and boundary setting. Many Men today feel at odds with themselves and their own masculine identity. 

The masculine self is never stronger or more cohesive than when it is clear about its mission and when its vision of the world and related ideals that it serves are worthy of the supreme commitment.

This retreat is aimed at all men who wish to embark on a journey of self discovery and cultivate a healthy relationship with their masculine powers and unite with other men who share a common purpose and want to initiate a higher code of conduct for themselves and their fellow brothers

We will be exploring the archetype  of the Warrior and looking into how important it is to access this essential energy as a man in todays world.

Another significant part of this retreat will be the Kambo ceremony on the opening day.

Indigenous people of the Amazon have used kambo for centuries to heal and cleanse the body by strengthening its natural defenses and warding off bad luck. It is also used to increase stamina and  heighten senses for hunting skills. Traditionally Kambo was only done by the men of the tribe as they would go out to hunt, the medicine would make them more successful in tracking and killing animals therefore assuring the wellbeing of the tribe. Thus Kambo has been so important and sacred to the men of these tribes for such a long time. How this medicine translates to our world today is in our ability to be decisive, focused and energised  when it comes to living our lives. 

Anyone with any heart conditions get in touch with us before booking on.

Retreat itinerary 

Day one will consist of:

Opening ceremony 

Kambo ceremony (Hunter Medicine)

Food and refreshments

Sharing circle

Group chanting and meditation 

Hapeh ceremony 

Creative sharing 



Day 2:


Ritual combat

A  mountain hike 

Cold water dip


Return to base

Closing ceremony 



The retreat will be held over two days and will include an overnight stay. All meals and medicine will be provided. Just bring your enthusiasm for the work.

No refunds on purchased tickets


Select tickets

This event started 9 days ago

General sale £160
Low income £100
1 left
Abundant £200
3 left
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