Womb Metamorphosis: 6 Week Course

breathwork intimacy identity and connection course meditation dance womens circle
Hosted by The Psychedelic Society
Activity Womb Mystery
Enquiries to bryony.darbon@gmail.com
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"Deep, clear, internally connective, magical. Bryony is like a powerful conductor of feminine energy and wisdom and a knowledgeable teacher of deep and almost forgotten feminine arts." - Katrin  


Returning to body wisdom, we unearth our true and raw essence through the cultivation of practices in Womb consciousness, such as Ritual, Shamanic Embodiment, Womb Activations, Light Language and Alchemical Meditation.


The Call

In this modern age, the symptoms of a society disconnected from our bodies and the Earth are becoming more prevalent. The rise in Womb health conditions, such as PCOS, endometriosis, uterine fibroids and chronic fatigue are a by-product of a world that is far removed from the cyclical rhythms that are here to guide us through this ever-changing landscape. This course is about returning to ourselves in our fullness, integrated in all aspects: health, wellbeing, creativity, spirituality and community. Here we honour the intelligence of the Earth and our own bodies. Within a supportive hive of sxsters, we unearth our wild feminine power through an in-depth programme into the multi-faceted nature of our Wombs. 

"Bryony’s womb alchemy gatherings never cease to amaze, inspire and create magic on a deep level. She holds the space with reverence and guides ever so gently." - Pippa

Using these three components, we will create an informative map to guide us deeper into our Wombs: 


Practices in self-care, working with healthy boundaries as we discover cyclical awareness and natural healing modalities. 
This is about creating a balanced lifestyle that works in harmony with your Womb, allowing you to feel more energised, supported and nourished.


Here we tap into the feminine principle, which is all that is witnessed: ritual, dance, creativity, and emotion. 
Developing tools in courageous expression, as we manifest our dreams and desires.


Discovering your personal path, we explore your unique expression of spirituality, and embodiment of the divine.  
Informing a Womb-led spiritual practice, that meets your needs as a sovereign being.

This is the path to empowerment, a deep remembrance of something ancient within us that many of us are being called to awaken.

(artwork by Jade Wade Art)

"Absolutely amazing. Bryony is such an incredible teacher - so humble, gentle, and goes at the perfect pace. Really grateful to be a part of this group of wonderful women." - Maddy  


Six Week Structure

Tuesday's 3rd May - 7th June 2022, 19:00 - 22:00 UK on Zoom

Meeting weekly in our online temple space, we will undertake a journey through the elements and sacred feminine symbols:

Week One: 03/05
The Temple: Opening Ceremony: The Womb as an alchemical vessel

Week Two: 10/05
The Cave: EarthEmbodied Wisdom: The intelligence stored within the body

Week Three: 17/05
The Chalice: Fire: Inner Alchemy: Sexuality as a pathway to freedom

Week Four: 24/05
The Well: Water: Emotions & Creativity: Giving voice to our inner landscape

Week Five: 31/05
The Labyrinth: AirInitiation: The spiral path of feminine empowerment

Week Six: 07/06
The Moon: SpaceCosmic Rhythms: Our body as the microcosm of the universe

(3 Weeks later)

Integration Meeting: 28/06
The Rose: Closing Ceremony: Returning home to ourselves: The Womb as a gateway to the divine


Why symbols?

Symbols form the building blocks of the human psyche - offering us a way to access deeper knowledge, by contextualising something otherwise abstract or hidden. They offer a creative learning experience, reconnecting us with ancient, pre-verbal language - the language of our dreams and unconscious, the realm of the feminine. They provide appropriate contemplation for those seeking to contact their inner essence, as they tap into deep archetypal imagery within the mind. 

I love working with symbols, because I feel they hold within them the wisdom of our ancestors, and our own personal power - reminding us that the knowledge which we seek, comes from within. 

Symbols offer us a form of communication through the feminine that goes beyond gender - allowing this work to be accessible to those who may wish to explore the Womb, but may not identify as a Womxn, giving access to a more fluid language for ourselves.

To me, much of the feminine has become distorted and disempowered - through a culture that only values certain aspects of its definition. Through engaging with symbols in this way, we work towards reclaiming the feminine in all its expressions - allowing us to embody our true and raw essence, which is empowered, liberated and sovereign.

Symbols are like the keys to a hidden vault of knowledge, offering ideas which are expansive - as opposed to ideologies which can be limiting. 

We can all see the effects of a system, where imposed ideologies form a culture that is disconnected from themselves and the Earth. 

By activating the imagination through symbols, we can begin to envision a new reality, a New Earth, awakening to the sovereign, multi-dimensional nature of our being - returning to ourselves fully embodied and able to meet life's challenges with grace and ease.


"Engaging, informative and magic. An alchemical combination which moved me deeply. Thank you!" - Sara   


  • 6 × 3hrs Live Workshops
    We meet weekly on Thursday evenings, for a 3hr live session delving into Sacred Symbols of the Feminine, journeying through Shamanic Embodiment, Creative Ritual, Guided Meditation, Sharing Circles, Womb Activations and Light Language.
  • Resources & Homework
    Each week you will receive a recording covering the symbol for  your personal exploration, a guided meditation, a PDF with resources, and optional homework, typically in the form of a creative task or ritual.
  • Sxsterhood Pods
    You will be placed in a pod of 4 or 5 other Womxn, so that you can share in depth and form close connections. 
  • Integration Meeting
    The final session will occur a few weeks later, to see how the work has been integrating into your life as you continue your journey into the Womb.
  • Womb Buddy Work
    You will have the chance to connect deeper with other Womxn from within the circle, to share stories, and insights from practices.
  • One to one Mentoring
    Opportunity to receive one to one mentoring with Bryony, to deepen your personal practice and creativity. Many womxn from previous courses have signed up for mentorship after completing the course.

"This was just wonderful and the facilitator is a magician. Thank you I have so much gratitude that I got to attend." - Dimuthu Fonseka 


What are the benefits and possible effects of this course?

  • Increased awareness and deepening of the relationship with your Womb.
  • Awakening of the creative and sexual energy, and discovering how you can channel this in your life.
  • The development of your own personal Womb practice to nourish your body and soul.
  • Building of sxsterhood and lasting friendships, through authentic and clear communication.
  • Learning to connect to your body wisdom, increasing your intuition and confidence. 
  • Empowerment and radically stepping into your sovereignty.
  • Reclaiming sexuality as sacred, the centre of our power. 
  • Discovering a rich range of self-care practices, and natural healing modalities.

To note...

Although the effects of this work may be therapeutic, it is important to know it isn't therapy. If you are moving through something extremely challenging, we strongly recommend that you combine this work with a somatic/ psychotherapist who can offer you one on one support.

"I absolutely loved Womb Alchemy - it was beautiful and so deep and powerful. Bryony holds a wonderful sacred space with her welcoming and wise energy. Amazing!" - Candice Kali Snow

The Modules

Week One: The Temple

The Opening Ceremony

The Womb as an alchemical vessel

Our culture has become far removed from the intelligence of the body and Earth, as can be seen in a system that encourages heavy hormonal therapy over simple lifestyle changes as a solution to Womb health conditions. We need to honour the bodies that birth and nurture us if we want to have balance in our lives. 
In this module we establish our bodies as our inner temple, through creating healthy boundaries, informed by cyclical awareness and mapping of our Womb space.
We begin our descent into the realm of the Womb, and open the space with a ritual to honour our sacred vessel. 
Reclaiming our Womb as a sacred space, we release myths around shame and perfectionism. Witnessing each other in our fullness, we begin to build our sxsterhood and delve into practices such as altar creation, cyclical awareness and Womb journaling.

Week Two: The Cave

Element: Earth

Embodied Wisdom: The intelligence stored within the body

The Cave represents the external manifestation of the Womb, the primordial place of power. 
Discovering the anatomy of our ‘inner cave’,  we will learn wellness practices in massage, herbal medicine and Womb Yoga. In this way we can become more self-reliant in our approach to health, knowing ourselves more deeply as we move through our cycles and the ever-changing landscape.
Self-care is about taking autonomy, and making space to honour our needs. These simple lifestyle changes can enhance health, vitality and mental clarity. 


Week Three: The Chalice

Element: Fire

Inner Alchemy: Sexuality as a pathway to freedom

The Chalice is the symbol of the Goddess, so here we reconnect with our sovereign divinity and ability to manifest from our Wombs. 
Dancing with Fire, we encounter the flame of our sexuality, reclaiming it as sacred. 
Through the burning away of impurities from past relationships, traumas and unwanted beliefs, we can become the vessel for powerful change and transformation. Through the practices of temple dance and alchemical meditation, we increase sexual pleasure and creativity.
Within the Chalice is the matrix of feminine darkness, the meeting place of Earth and Sky, the terrestrial and celestial realms.
This week is about pleasure, sensuality and releasing the masks that keep us from our fullest expression. Using ritual, we cut the cords of anything holding us back from experiencing bliss and ecstasy in our lives. 

Week Four: The Well

Element: Water

Emotions & Creativity: Giving voice to our inner landscape

The Sacred Wells are recognized as Womb gateways, portals that led to other worlds and offered life giving waters as the source of magical renewal. 
This week we are reclaiming our Wombs as our creative centre, the place where our dreams and visions are made manifest. The feminine principle in spirituality is all that is witnessed ritual, dance, creativity, and emotion. This is about honouring our emotional experiences, as a gateway to deep creative potency and insight. Here, we re-weave the story of our own life, in remembering our sovereignty to create, whilst building confidence and courageousness in our artistic expression. Using vocal practices and creative tasks such as writing your own myth, we seek to discover your personal truth.


Week Five: The Labyrinth

Element: Air

Initiation: The spiral path of feminine empowerment

The feminine journey is a spiral path. This downward, inward movement leads you along the non-linear path of dreamtime consciousness, the mythic realm of the Womb.
Using the allegory of the Labyrinth, we undergo a ritual to discover what lies at the very centre the Womb, the core of our feminine essence. This is a journey to authenticity and belonging, as we shed the skins of the past to come home to ourselves in our fullness.
Entering the Labyrinth is like a metamorphosis, those who enter its serpentine path, don't emerge the same.
Exploring techniques in alchemical embodiment, we enter an altered state recognised as Womb consciousness, learning how we can anchor ourselves in this place, guided by our Womb - the inner compass
As we begin to embody the wisdom within us, we can grow a deeper trust and sense of acceptance towards ourselves, honouring the inner knowing that we have when we let our intuition and our Womb lead the way.


Week Six: The Moon

The Womb as the interface of cosmic rhythms.
Element: Space 

As our closest planetary sxster, the Moon’s cycles deeply affect life here on Earth.
The Womb is the interface of these cosmic rhythms, offering us a gateway to expanding our awareness. Awakening the body as a microcosm of the Universe, is the key to understanding how we are co-creators in the dream of life.
Through visualisation and meditation techniques, we seek to discover guidance from the Moon within, as we unearth our inner sensual and stellar selves
Within each womxn exists the living knowledge of creation, encoded within her Womb and DNA. This will be an inner quest to discover the true alchemical potency of our sacred vessel, the meeting place of the celestial and terrestrial realms.
With the Moon as our ally, we connect to the powerful female archetypes associated with the phases of the Luna cycle, seeing how engagement with these archetypes can both enliven and enrich our lives.

Integration Meeting: The Rose

The Womb as gateway to the Divine. 

Integration Ceremony.

This final gathering will be a ceremony of Womb empowerment and blessing, as we reflect on the steps taken from bud to blossom, and witness each womxn in her reclamation of the feminine essence.

In this integration meeting, we are connecting to our personal divinity in a collective prayer space, reflecting on what we have shed and gathered in the continual process of rebirth, through the Luna cycle. Having begun weaving the practices into our lives, we witness each womxn as she shares her experience, seeing how we can be inspired and uplifted  by another's unique expression, and support each womxn as she comes into her blossoming. 

Something really powerful happens when womxn come together, we find ourselves interconnected through our shared journeys, empowered by the solidarity of both being held and holding.


Through collective intention, we have the strength of the group to manifest and make magic, transmuting centuries of separation and competition, that have held us back from our authentic selves and being supportive to each other.


Why participate?

The world needs empowered and liberated women. 

The restoration of the wisdom of the feminine, draws closer each time a woman takes her own power. 

By coming together as a collective, we are part of this rebalancing act, as we restore what was once 'lost' or 'hidden' behind the veil - recognising that it begins with womxn both honouring themselves and their stories. In undergoing this course in a weekly format, we build lasting friendships and connections that will be supportive as we move deeply with the Womb and our own empowerment. This is an in-depth programme that is designed to meet you where you are at, inviting you to go deep as you wish, or take a more gentle course if desired. Through a holistic approach, you are given a strong foundation to make informed lifestyle changes, on all levels - through wellness, expression, spirituality and community. 


If you are curious and want to find out more, or are unsure and want to have a little taste of the work before you commit, then you can join the Free Masterclass happening on the 19th April or one of Bryony's one off workshops.

All events can be found via the Womb Alchemy Activity Page.


About your facilitator

Bryony is a facilitator of Womb empowerment, alchemical embodiment, movement and meditation practices.

As an initiate of a hidden, yet very much alive, ancient women's shamanic tradition, whose origins stem from the British Isles, Eastern Europe, and the temples of old in Greece, and Crete.

Having been a student and teacher of yoga for many years, specialising in Womb Yoga and Yoga Nidra, Bryony stumbled across this living pathway by a series of synchronicities and serendipitous events. This rich tradition leads the walkers of it's ways into a more empowered, and enriched life, equipping them with the tools to stand both firmly planted in the earth, whilst exploring their inner sensual and stellar selves. Skilled in bridging worlds and turning the mundane to magic, she invites those willing to dive deep, to come to the betwixt and between and discover the sweetness that it holds. 

The fusion of Bryony's training in yoga and shamanic practice allows her to navigate the architecture of holding sacred space - through ceremony, classes, workshops, retreats and one on one sessions. She offers alternative and nourishing methods for students and clients alike to discover their own medicine through movement, magic, myth and mystery school teachings. 

Hers is an ongoing inquiry - committed to the path of learning and discovery, she continues to develop her work through shamanic and yoga training and a dedicated daily practice.



"This was such a special course which helped me to connect with myself in a way I have never done so before. Bryony is the most humble and modest host who facilitates your journey in a way which enables you to discover your own path and insights whilst growing with the knowledge and beautiful practices she provides. I would highly recommend this course if it is calling to you, there is so much to be learned from our womb wisdom and it is a journey that is only just beginning for me and I am so grateful for Bryony for providing such a profound and long awaited path." - Jess


“Developing connection with my womb is the most significant process in my life. Bryony is the perfect guide to do so due to her ancient wisdom and knowledge. I highly recommend this course as I have been experiencing improved awareness and understanding in all aspects of my life. The 6-week course plus integration circle has been an absolutely amazing journey with a bunch of beautiful women. The aftercare is also outstanding, the meditations and playlists are very useful resources to practice alone. Very grateful for the space, working with ancient symbols is so exciting! Love, Annamaria” - Annamaria


“I've been to many of Bryony's Womb Alchemy events over the past year or so, including the six week course. The events have helped me enormously in a journey I've been on around healing from hypothalamic amenhorrea and reconnecting with my womb. The benefits have been astonishing and often unexpected. The movement exercises and meditations, in particular, have birthed creative visions and shifted emotional/energetic blocks. It's been a great space in which to connect with other women and feminine grace and power generally - highly recommended!” - Anonymous


“Yet again Bryony has succeeded in putting together three hours of mind, body and soul nourishing material which brings together a group of sisters who have never met and yet, share such a special connection, throughout the experience. By channelling the magical energy of the serpent, I managed to shed aspects of grief and trauma through a somatic movement practice and embodied visions of what I wanted to manifest. Bryony is a humble and skilled facilitator who weaves together ancient knowledge with bespoke practices to create a truly unique and unforgettable workshop that will have lasting effects in your day to day life. I can't recommend her work enough x x x Jess x x x” - Jess


I try to keep up a regular practice, but there is something truly magical in the space created and held by Bryony, especially in the group sessions. This session was an important moment in my journey, the stars literally were aligned. I was able to access depths of my inner self and womb like never before; it felt infinite and no doubt the 121 sessions I have been doing with Bryony helped me journey deep fearlessly. As a result I feel more connect to the world and the positive vibrations all around me, I am better able to escape the chatter of my mind, and be more womb led and in my phyical body. I am able to enjoy the delicious feelings of just being here in this moment, and channel the aliveness in my body. I am so grateful for the shared space and energy with all the other sisters. I highly recommend Bryony's beautiful work and encourage regular participation to really experience progress in one's journey.” - Meher


Such a gorgeous experience, witnessing and being witnessed is so powerful, since the session I've been celebrating a deeper connection with my womb and the life force, which we awakaned together. I highly recommend Bryonia as her wisdom, which she shares serves profound healing and supports awakening joy and creativity. The aftercare is also thoughtful and beautiful, the mediation and other resources shared supports me to go even deeper with this practise.” - Annamaria


Supporter: £333
Standard: £255
Low Income: £222
Early Bird (Until end of March): £188

There are four payment options to support people on a lower wage. If you consider yourself to be a high earner, then paying the supporter option helps to subsidise places for people on lower incomes. We really appreciate your support. If you feel strongly called to come but cannot afford the low income option please get in touch to discuss something that can work for you.

Practical Info

To join this event you’ll need to create a free zoom account which you can set up here: https://zoom.us/ Instructions on how to join the call will be sent the week before the first session

Please note that we do not arrange refunds or exchanges. We welcome swapping or reselling your tickets with people you know or via Ticket Swap

For enquiries please email Bryony at: bryony.darbon@gmail.com

Website: bryoniamelissae.com 

Facebook Page: The Womb Alchemist

REFUNDS POLICY: Please note, we do not arrange refunds or exchanges. When possible we encourage reselling on Ticketswap.

ACCESS:  We do our best to include everyone in our events, regardless of health circumstances. If you have access requirements please email the event organiser directly to discuss. Many facilitators are able to offer reduced ticket prices for those truly unable to afford the ticket price. If this applies to you, do please get in touch with the event organiser.

For PSYCHEDELIC KNOWLEDGE AND RESOURCES please check out the Psychedelic Society website

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This event started about 2 years ago

Supporter £333
Standard £255
Low Income £222
1 left
Early Bird (Until end of March) £188 Sold out
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By proceeding you agree to the terms and conditions of Dandelion and The Psychedelic Society and understand this event is organised by Bryony Darbon, who takes financial and legal responsibility for the event.

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