Springs and Stones - An evening of honouring & working with October's New Moon, exploring our soul connections to the magic of the natural world & an opportunity for a wild dip or swim · Dandelion

Springs and Stones - An evening of honouring & working with October's New Moon, exploring our soul connections to the magic of the natural world & an opportunity for a wild dip or swim

community setting intentions womens circle soul connections moon work energy work moon magic natural magic river swim wild swim circle of women shadow work safe space witch newmoon newcycle soulreflection
Hosted by Springs And Stones
Enquiries to tara@wildswimmingwoman.com
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We invite you to join us in a beautiful outdoor space, to come together as community, to grow and explore our soul connections to the magic of the natural world whilst honouring and working with the energies of the new moon.  

The new moon marks the beginning of a new cycle, a time when the sun is completely blocked from shining its light on the moon’s surface and she is at her darkest.  From within this darkness, the new moon energy offers us the opportunity to be in greater touch with our shadow, the darker parts of ourselves that we push away, hide away from or that we are unaware of. She offers us a sacred, still space where we have a chance to deal with things differently.  Where we can tolerate the intensity, the sensations and feelings, and embrace the knowledge that life is messy and challenging, and yet is also filled with joy, love and abundance. 

We may find ourselves feeling more introspective, with a clarity of vision as the energy of the last cycle slips away.  This is a time to set our intentions and begin to steer ourselves in the direction of what we want most.  The new moon offers us new beginnings, new starts - a deep need for which is something which resonates within us all. She calls us to dream of what we want most and asks us to reach for it with both hands.  As we face the next phase of the cycle with the waxing moon moving towards the next full moon, we can begin to embrace the work we need to do so that when the time comes, we may bask in the light of the full moon and celebrate our achievements. 

We will begin our evening by walking to the fire, where we will come together to hold a gentle ritual honouring the powerful healing energies of the moon and nature.  After a cleansing ritual, and as we sit in mindful awareness, we will work with the dark moon’s energy, sacred herbs and the fire to help us sit with those parts of us that need our awareness, attention and love.  We will spend time setting our intentions for the new cycle, fresh beginnings and stretching those fingertips out to grasp onto our dreams.

There will then be an opportunity to join us for a new moon wild dip or swim in the river.  If you prefer, you can sit on the banks of the river near the steps and cleanse your hands and feet in moon water. Our evening will come to a close as we gather together again to share our stories, support each other, laugh together and drink some tea and perhaps eat a little cake.

If you haven't been wild swimming before or you would like to build your confidence up a little more first, you can book a one to one with Tara@wildswimmingwoman or join one of her Dip Your Toe in events which was how Meredithe started wild swimming!



Select tickets

This event started 15 days ago

New Moon - 2nd October
One space for one new moon £15
One space to join us on one new moon ritual and wild dip/swim
Two New Moons - October, November
One space for two new moons £27
One space to join us for two new moon rituals and wild dip/swims
Three New Moons - October, November, December
One space for three new moons £40
One space to join us for three new moon rituals and wild/dip swims

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By proceeding you agree to Dandelion's terms and conditions and understand this event is organised by Meredithe Smith, who takes financial and legal responsibility for the event.

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