3-Month Professional Training: Coaching Highly Sensitive People · Dandelion

3-Month Professional Training: Coaching Highly Sensitive People

highly sensitive person
Hosted by The Highly Sensitive Human Academy
Enquiries to info@highlysensitivehumans.com
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A 3-Month Professional Training for Coaching Highly Sensitive People. Learn the fundamental skills needed to coach Highly Sensitive People from a holistic and integrative framework—certified Professional Development accredited by IACTM.

Why Learn to Coach highly Sensitive People?

Research shows that 1 in 5 people are Highly Sensitive and it's estimated that around 50% of clients who seek out coaching, therapy, or mentorship are Highly Sensitive. These statistics emphasise the importance of understanding this unique set of traits and learning how to work with Highly Sensitive People (HSP). Highly Sensitive People often feel misunderstood and can struggle with stress, anxiety and overwhelm; however, HSP are also gifted with a range of skills; they respond extremely well to positive interventions and this enables them to thrive with the right resources in place.​The HSP's depth of processing and sensitivity to subtleties means they're often drawn towards holistic and spiritual perspectives - they resonate and benefit from approaches that are transpersonally orientated. This is the only 3-month programme available that offers a holistic approach for coaching Highly Sensitive People which will leave you equipped with the right skills, mindset and diversity of perspectives to thrive in your work with Highly Sensitive People.​​

Course Curriculum:

1. An Introduction to the Course & The Highly Sensitive Person
2. An introduction to Transpersonal and Integrative Coaching
3. Who are we? Exploring Our Self & Identity
4. Helping Highly Sensitive People Set Healthy Boundaries
5. Holding Space & The Healing Presence | Mindfulness
6. Parts Work for Highly Sensitive People
7. How to use Self-Compassion Practices with HSP
8. Helping HSP find Clarity on their Purpose & Vision
9. Communication Skills for Highly Sensitive People
10. Shadow Work and How to Integrate the Shadow
11. Going Beyond our Pre-Programming as a Highly Sensitive Person
12. Authentic Marketing as a HSP Coach: Clarify your Purpose and Story


The Online Webinars

Tuesdays in May, June, July 7.00 - 8.30 pm (GMT, London)

1. An Introduction to the Highly Sensitive Person & An Integrative Approach

What is the Highly Sensitive Person? What are the traits? How we can support Highly Sensitive People through an embodied and Integrative approach? Learn why this approach to coaching is unique and so crucial for significant transformation.

2. Who are we? Exploring the Self & Personality Traits

What is our identity and how has it been formed? What do we mean by Self and the Ego? Learn how to help clients connect with their core Self or Soul qualities. Helping clients to map out their external influences around the 'Self'.

3. Holding Space & The Healing Presence

What does it mean to hold space for self and others and why is this so important? We explore the transformative potential of this more receptive quality and the liminal space. Learn how to ground yourself and find your anchor.​Enter expansive and altered states of awareness.

4. Exploring & Integrating our Parts

​Building awareness of the different parts of our psyche, and the importance of integrating our parts. A practical activity for working with parts and how this can help Highly Sensitive People feel more integrated and whole.

5. The Healing Potential of Self-Compassion Practices

The scientific theory behind the benefits of self-compassion. Why self-compassion practices are so crucial for our healing. Engage in methods for cultivating self-compassion. Explore other practices for cultivating self-compassion.

6. Clarifying Purpose & Vision

Helping clients connect with their core values. Guided visualisation for creating clarity when feeling blocked. Connecting with purpose - what is our reason for Being? Helping the Highly Sensitive client clarify their mission and vision in life.

7. The importance of Shadow Work & How to Integrate the Shadow

Learn the theory behind the shadow and why ignoring the shadow keeps us stuck and stops us from moving forward. Learn powerful shadow exercises and practices you can use repeatedly with your clients.

8. Going Beyond our Pre-Programming as a Highly Sensitive Person

Exploring where our limiting beliefs came from and accessing the subconscious. We will learn the power of visualisation and a guided process for helping clients manifest their intentions.

9. How to Establish your Niche and Market your Business

What's the message you're sharing as a HSP Coach? What's unique to you? Discover what your niche is (if you haven't already!) and explore ways to market, use social media, improve your copy-writing through story-telling and clarify your brand.

10. Q + A and Course Integration

In this final live training, we will have time for Q+A. We will also use the session to integrate our learning from the course and review any of the materials which need to be reviewed. This session will be based on the individual needs of the students who are enrolled on the course :)



  • Do I need to be a coach to join the course?

This course is aimed at those who already have experience working as a coach, counsellor, therapist or mentor and want to expand their skills and knowledge to specialise in working with Highly Sensitive People from a coaching perspective. However, you don't need to be a coach to do the training, and you can still complete the training as an introductory course on how to work with Highly Sensitive People. At the end of the course, you'll either be certified as a 'Professional Practitioner for Highly Sensitive People' or a 'Professional Coach for Highly Sensitive People' (see Levels of Qualification Below for more information).

  • Who is the course for?

The course is for professional coaches with want to specialise in working with Highly Sensitive People or those who are already working in this field and want to expand their skills and join a community of HSP Coaches. It is also for those who are new to coaching and want to begin their journey working with Highly Sensitive People. It's primarily aimed at those interested in transpersonal, holistic and integrative ways of working with people; the course draws on psychological and spiritual perspectives on how to work with HSP.

  • When does the course take place?

The course starts on Tuesday 7th May 2024 and runs until Tuesday 30th July 2024. You will attend 10 x live 90-minute workshops (Tuesday evenings) and receive reading content, material and resources for the duration of the course. You will also receive a personal 1-1 private coaching/mentoring sessions (1 hour in total).

  • How much time do I need to dedicate to the course?

You'll need to dedicate about 2-3 hours a week to go through the reading materials and engage in your practice. There will also be 10 live workshops (15 hours in total) as well as a personal 1-1 private coaching/mentoring sessions (1 hour in total). If you can't make the live workshop you'll get access to the recording. After completing the course, there are 3 x supervisions session included (3 hours total). The course totals 50 - 90 hours of professional development.

  • What is the Refund Policy?

You can get a refund within 7 days of making the purchase, however, refunds will not be offered after 7-days of purchase. If you have any questions, concerns, or complaints regarding this refund policy, we encourage you to contact us using the details: info@highlysensitivehumans.com

  • How many spaces are there on the training?

Spaces are limited to 15 people. This is because of the personalised nature of this training; the group is kept small to make sure that everyone receives the care and attention needed. You receive 1 x personalised 1-1 session during the 3-month training, and the group is encouraged to support and engage in peer-peer coaching. We will continue with group supervision and stay connected after the training is complete.

  • Is the course all online?

Yes, all sessions and course content are online. It is a mixture of pre-recorded materials, downloadable workbooks, worksheets, MP3, videos and lessons. There are also 10 x live workshops throughout the training. If you miss any of the live sessions, you'll be able to listen to the recordings.

  • So far, where are students who've joined the course located?

We have people joining the course from all over the world! So far, we have the US, Canada, Europe and the UK! We welcome people from all over :)

Become a Professional Coach for Highly Sensitive People today


Levels of Qualification

Completing the 3-month professional training will either certify you as a Professional Practitioner for Highly Sensitive People or a Certified Coach for Highly Sensitive People. Here's what qualifies you to be certified in each level:

Professional HSP Practitioner

Completing the 3-month training gives you 60 hours of Professional Development towards becoming a Highly Sensitive Person Coach. After completing the 3-month training, you will receive certification as a 'Professional Practitioner for Highly Sensitive People' and will be listed as a Professional Practitioner in the HSH Directory. To continue your journey as a Professional HSP Coach, see the additional requirements for the next level.

Professional HSP Coach

To receive certification as a Professional Coach for Highly Sensitive People, you can either include professional coach training hours/training you've completed elsewhere or complete and record an additional 40 hours of 1-1 or group coaching experience. These 40 hours, in addition to the 3-month HSP Coach Training, will enable you to receive certification and be listed as a 'Professional Coach for Highly Sensitive People.'

Why take this professional training?

This professional training is unique as it's the only coaching certification that specialises in how to coach & mentor Highly Sensitive People from an integrative and holistic perspective. You're going to want to join this course if you're ready to...

  • Learn transpersonal perspectives for empowering Highly Sensitive People
  • Incorporate the concept of soul and spirit into your work
  • Learn about the transformative potential of holding space for ourselves and others
  • Work with parts of the psyche to seek greater healing and wholeness
  • Explore the healing potential of self-compassion practices
  • Help your clients gain clarity on purpose and vision
  • Work with and integrate the individual and collective shadow
  • Explore Psycho-spiritual Transformation in Highly Sensitive People

Bonus Material

You'll also receive...

1-1 Coaching

You will also receive two personalised 1-1 private coaching/mentoring sessions as part of your learning and course experience. These sessions will help you to integrate and ask any questions specific to you and your journey.

10 x Live 90-Minute Training Session

As well as access to an abundance of ready-to-use and pre-made content this training includes 10 x live sessions on Zoom - where you'll have the chance to interact with other members on the course, ask questions and practice the application of techniques.

3 x Supervision Sessions

You will have lifetime access to the course material, as well as 3 x group supervision sessions 2, 4 and 6 months after completion of the course. These sessions will give you the chance to share, integrate and ask questions as you continue to grow on your journey as a Highly Sensitive Person Coach.

What will I receive at the end of the course?

Professional certificate at the end of the course

  • Get listed on Highly Sensitive Human's Directory as either a Practitioner for Highly Sensitive People or a Certified Coach for Highly Sensitive People (6-months free listing then 50% for future years)
  • Badge to put on your website showing you've undergone Professional Training for Coaching Highly Sensitive People and are a Professional Practitioner or Coach for Highly Sensitive People
  • On-going supervision with 3 x group sessions spread out over 6-month after completing the course
  • You'll have the opportunity to submit your writing as a guest blogger on Highly Sensitive Humans
  • Be interviewed on the Highly Sensitive Human Podcast which to date has + 28k listeners


“The 3-Month Professional Training on Coaching Highly Sensitive People was a very professional and well-designed course. The resources were full of practical information and they were also visually appealing. I enjoyed the sense of community created between the other course members, and the live trainings were very helpful.”

 Course Participant

“Jules takes the time to guide each person through their journey of self-discovery. She helped me connect with my intuition and what my soul was actually looking for”

“Before I discovered Highly Sensitive Humans and Jules' work I often felt alone in my experience. I knew I wanted to help other people similar to me - but I had no idea where to start! Since going through the content I've learned what tools I can use for all the different struggles that HSP face. I feel confident in holding space for others and most importantly I no longer feel alone in my experience as an HSP”


“I enjoyed this course tremendously. I learned a lot from taking this course with Jules De Vitto. It definitely is money well spent as it not only helps one in a professional way but also in personal self-development.”

 Maggie Kelly - The Unstoppable HSP

“Jules is a wonderful teacher and has been supportive and available throughout. Before I joined the course I had no clear direction but now am firmly on the path to using my own innate gifts to be a coach with a focus around HS children. As someone who’s only recently learned that I’m highly sensitive and high sensation seeker (again a whole new revelation to me) having chance to connect with other people who also experience the world in this unique way has been amazing and extremely validating and will hopefully be ongoing. ”

 Course Graduate

“After working many years as a yoga and meditation instructor along with being a clinical health coach, I began focusing specifically on working with highly sensitive people who experience anxiety. I was excited when I saw the professional training for coaching highly sensitive people, because I was already interested in holistic and integrative approaches to our health and wellbeing. This course offered me the opportunity to connect and build professional relationships with other HSP coaches, while honing my coaching skills using a transpersonal approach. It has provided me with a very practical tool box full of introspective practices I can share with my HSP clients as well as increasing my confidence in coaching. This is a great course for anyone interested in contemplative practices and learning more about the many different aspects of yourself as an individual as well as helping other HSPs do the same! ”

 Daphnie Leigh, E-RYT 500, Health & Ayurvedic Lifestyle Coach for HSPs with Anxiety (www.yoiranger.com)

“Jules' coaching and workshops have left me feeling confident and able to expand my professional work as a coach. She has helped me to discover my unique message as a coach and also connect with other like-minded souls on a similar mission!”

 Community Member

“I already feel a lot more confident having a clearer mental structure on the topic, knowing which tools to use for what, where I still want to work on and also some metaphors that help me value our gift of sensitivity. So thank you Jules for all this great content, this is even better than I expected and is good for me to work on myself”


“​"I am so deeply grateful for your work Jules and that of Dr Elaine Aron. You've enabled me to not only accept my sensitivity but to really explore what my traits are telling me. I'm realizing that I am struggling to find the words to describe how I feel; my whole world seems to have opened up"”

 Community Member

“Jules is wonderful in the sense that, she holds the space for everyone, honouring each person’s process, allowing the transformation to occur slowly, silently, and soothingly. She is a caring, warm and sincere person who puts her heart and soul into helping people through their self-healing”

 Course Member

“The 3-Month Professional Training on Coaching Highly Sensitive People was a very professional and well-designed course. The resources were full of practical information and they were also visually appealing. I enjoyed the sense of community created between the other course members, and the live trainings were very helpful.”

 Course Participant

“Jules takes the time to guide each person through their journey of self-discovery. She helped me connect with my intuition and what my soul was actually looking for”

“Before I discovered Highly Sensitive Humans and Jules' work I often felt alone in my experience. I knew I wanted to help other people similar to me - but I had no idea where to start! Since going through the content I've learned what tools I can use for all the different struggles that HSP face. I feel confident in holding space for others and most importantly I no longer feel alone in my experience as an HSP”


“I enjoyed this course tremendously. I learned a lot from taking this course with Jules De Vitto. It definitely is money well spent as it not only helps one in a professional way but also in personal self-development.”

 Maggie Kelly - The Unstoppable HSP

“Jules is a wonderful teacher and has been supportive and available throughout. Before I joined the course I had no clear direction but now am firmly on the path to using my own innate gifts to be a coach with a focus around HS children. As someone who’s only recently learned that I’m highly sensitive and high sensation seeker (again a whole new revelation to me) having chance to connect with other people who also experience the world in this unique way has been amazing and extremely validating and will hopefully be ongoing. ”

 Course Graduate

“After working many years as a yoga and meditation instructor along with being a clinical health coach, I began focusing specifically on working with highly sensitive people who experience anxiety. I was excited when I saw the professional training for coaching highly sensitive people, because I was already interested in holistic and integrative approaches to our health and wellbeing. This course offered me the opportunity to connect and build professional relationships with other HSP coaches, while honing my coaching skills using a transpersonal approach. It has provided me with a very practical tool box full of introspective practices I can share with my HSP clients as well as increasing my confidence in coaching. This is a great course for anyone interested in contemplative practices and learning more about the many different aspects of yourself as an individual as well as helping other HSPs do the same! ”

 Daphnie Leigh, E-RYT 500, Health & Ayurvedic Lifestyle Coach for HSPs with Anxiety (www.yoiranger.com)

“Jules' coaching and workshops have left me feeling confident and able to expand my professional work as a coach. She has helped me to discover my unique message as a coach and also connect with other like-minded souls on a similar mission!”

 Community Member

“I already feel a lot more confident having a clearer mental structure on the topic, knowing which tools to use for what, where I still want to work on and also some metaphors that help me value our gift of sensitivity. So thank you Jules for all this great content, this is even better than I expected and is good for me to work on myself”


“​"I am so deeply grateful for your work Jules and that of Dr Elaine Aron. You've enabled me to not only accept my sensitivity but to really explore what my traits are telling me. I'm realizing that I am struggling to find the words to describe how I feel; my whole world seems to have opened up"”

 Community Member

“Jules is wonderful in the sense that, she holds the space for everyone, honouring each person’s process, allowing the transformation to occur slowly, silently, and soothingly. She is a caring, warm and sincere person who puts her heart and soul into helping people through their self-healing”

 Course Member


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This event started 6 months ago

Regular Price £1,997
3 x Instalments £667
6 x Instalments £334
12 x Instalments £167
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