An Introduction to Ancestral Healing · Dandelion

An Introduction to Ancestral Healing

ritual ceremony and ritual cultural healing ancestral healing animism healing
Hosted by True Nature
Activity Ancestral Healing
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Transform Intergenerational burdens into blessings.


An introduction to Ancestral Healing, learning about the basic principles of ritual practice when connecting with the ancestors through discussion and embodied ritual. 

Who are the dead to us and who are we to them? 

By reaching out for their support, you can access vitality and clarify your purpose and your relationships. The process can help to transform inherited burdens and heal intergenerational trauma, and to be better able to receive and embody the gifts that come down our bloodlines. 

This event will offer an opportunity to drop into a space of gentle nourishment through embodied ritual practice and to learn more about the ancestral healing process through a talk and discussion. The embodied ritual will consist of a basic offering practice, connecting with  the more-than-human and with the well ancestors. 

 The discussion will centre around the following topics:

 - Who are the ancestors and what are the benefits and risks of consciously relating with them?
- Why do we need ritual safety and why we begin with a cautious approach to connection?
- What are some basic principle around ancestral reverence and ritual?
- What are the implications of the work for personal healing, your family relationships and the greater cultural landscape of these times?

“We live in a kind of dark age, craftily lit with synthetic light, so that no one can tell how dark it has really gotten. But our exiled spirits can tell. Deep in our bones resides an ancient singing couple who just won’t give up making their beautiful, wild noise. The world won’t end if we can find them.” - Martin Prechtel

PLEASE NOTE this event might not be suitable for you if you're currently experience heightened mental distress or if you are in crisis. Feel free to contact me if you need any clarification. 

This is an introduction to a longer and more in-depth course which will run later this year. Attending this event is recommended if you're interested in the longer course.  This event is open to all genders, races, ethnicities, sexual orientations, disabilities and religious beliefs. This approach to Ancestral Healing has been developed by Dr Daniel Foor.

This workshop is for you if:

  • You are curious about connecting with your ancestral heritage
  • You feel out of place with how modern culture is developing
  • You had difficulties in your family of origin
  • You are longing to feel deeply seen and supported by your own people
  • You want to heal from intergenerational trauma
  • You want to be a source of healing in the world 

How you may benefit from this work:

  • A deeper sense of belonging
  • A basic understanding of the principles of ritual
  • Understand the need for structure and safety when relating with the dead
  • Feel more grounded and deeply held and supported
  • Cut through the isolation of extreme individualism and experience yourself as deeply connected with the web of life
  • Feel more deeply aligned with your purpose
  • Feel more empowered and cultivate a source of healthy cultural pride

More about Ancestral Healing

This work is rooted in an animist/relational framework which understands the world in terms of relationality. It understands our imbalances and ill-health as related with ill-maintained relationships; with ourselves, other humans, the more-than-human, and the invisible worlds. 

Starting to repair these relationships and maintaining them, is part of a redemptive decolonial process of being of service not only to ourselves but to the world. In the times we live in, supremacist ideologies and behaviours of various types (human supremacy, racism, sexism, i.e.) continue to place us as separate from the world rather than as part of it. Coming into right relationship with our ancestors can form a part of  much needed cultural healing, starting to transform a culture of individualism into one of interdependence. The times we live in are craving for it. 



Alex ( is a psychotherapist, a ritualist and animist soul guide supporting people to access a deeper sense of connection with themselves and the world around them. Born in Greece, he has spent many years living in the UK. He has an MA in Dramatherapy, is an accredited Ancestral Healing Practitioner, and has further extensive training in somatic trauma therapy, ecological grief work and processwork. 

Over the past 8 years he has worked individually alongside people in various situations and settings as a registered therapist: dying people and their families, refugees, people with disabilities and mental health difficulties, people in extreme states and spiritual emergencies and neurotypical people from all walks of life seeking a greater sense of wholeness. His approach is rooted in an Earth-honoring animist framework which understands our world in terms of relationality. As such it focuses on encouraging conversations between body awareness and imaginative/intuitive sensing, helping people develop their capacity for personal and cultural healing. His ancestors are from the Balkan peninsula, the Black Sea, and the Central and Eastern Mediterranean

“Alex’s facilitation, attunement, spaciousness and care were palpable throughout all of our sessions. He attentively gave guidance, while also allowing for my own pace, process and impressions to emerge.” - Tanya 

“Alex's guidance is sensitive, kind, boundaried and warm. He meets me where I am and brings acceptance, curiosity and skill to whatever I encounter. I have been able to tap into other forms of knowing and seeing and have surprised myself at the level of detail I am able to receive.” - Martha


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This event started about 1 year ago

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