Urban Foraging in Treptower Park · Dandelion

Urban Foraging in Treptower Park

nature berlin ecology nature connection herbalism rewilding herbal foraging spring herbs
Hosted by The Wild Path
Activity Foraging
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Enquiries to simka@wildpathcoaching.com
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The sap is flowing, the buds are bursting, Plänterwald is reeking of onion... Despite the Berlin weather gods' best attempts to thwart us, it's SPRING - and it's high time for some foraging!

Spring greens - like dandelion, nettle, cleavers, burdock, berry leaves, and wild garlic - are powerhouses of nutrition and make amazing tonics. They're packed with nutrients that support the immune system, decrease inflammation, support detoxification and increase circulation to help us move out of our sluggish winter mode. 

Meanwhile, spring flowers - like wild violets, forsythia, hawthorn, daisies, or these currants - are some of the sweetest, wildest, most delicate flavors of the year. 

In this foraging tour, we'll focus on easy-to-identify herbs and flowers which are abundant in urban Berlin, which you can use for spring salads, pestos and tonics. I'll explain how to identify the plants, tell you about their uses and mythology, and of course teach you how to keep yourself - and the land and its other inhabitants - safe while foraging. 

After our tour through the park, we'll apply our learning by making a foraged pesto all together in the forest (I'll supply the fresh homemade bread to eat it with!).

When: Saturday April 22nd, 11.00 - 15:00
Where: Treptower Park, ending in Plänterwald (~ 4km walking in total)
Cost: Suggested contribution 25€, or pay what you can - preferred at registration, but cash or by PayPal on the day is also possible.

Attendance is limited to 15 people, so registration is required!

A note on pricing & philosophy:

Foraging is more than just an instagrammable trend. It's ancestral knowledge that connects us deeply with ourselves and with the land. I believe that it is a radical anticapitalist practice, and teach it as such.

That's why I've decided to offer my foraging tours this season on a donation basis. This work is my livelihood, but I believe this learning should be accessible for everyone. Please feel fully invited to attend regardless of your financial circumstances.

Of course, this depends on folks who do have the means supporting the event financially. So please contribute what you can to support this model and the renewal of plant-based healing & knowledge!

Select tickets

This event started over 1 year ago

Pay-What-You-Can €0
Pay by donation at checkout, or if needed by PayPal or in cash on the day
This event is offered on a pay-what-you-can basis. If you have the means, please pay in full! If you don't, please contribute what you can. And if you're unable to contribute anything right now, I've been there - it's on me.
If you prefer, you can PayPal your contribution to simkasenyak@gmail.com.

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By proceeding you agree to Dandelion's terms and conditions and understand this event is organised by The Wild Path, who takes financial and legal responsibility for the event.

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