Money, money, money! A Parts Workshop

psychology money money beliefs internal family systems self healing parts work
Hosted by Grow in Harmony
Activity Parts Work
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What is your relationship with money?

“It's complicated”?

Most people have an uneasy relationship with money. It can seem terribly important, as well as frustratingly meaningless. When we get down to it, our relationship with money is intimately connected to our self-worth and our ability to trust that other people care about us. 

This workshop offers a space to get curious and compassionate towards our money-stories. It doesn't promise to make you rich. However, if you have difficulty receiving, then spending some time caring for those parts of yourself can't hurt, can it? ;) 

What is parts work?

Parts work, based on Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy, is founded on the observation that every person has a core nature that is compassionate, confident,creative and other wonderful qualities. However, we are often disconnected from our true nature because we are caught up trying to manage and control our lives, and protect ourselves from suffering.

In parts work, we turn towards these 'protector parts' of ourselves, with curiosity rather than criticism. As the relationship with our parts unfolds, we learn to value them for their hard work, and they learn to trust us to lead ourselves in the present moment. They become our champions and advisors, instead of controllers, critics or saboteurs.

With some practice, it is possible to do parts work by yourself, potentially gaining a huge amount of agency in your own healing journey. I have created a free online guide to support you. The guidance is based on my training in parts work through Aletheia coaching, and my personal experience and study of IFS therapy. This workshop will teach you the steps of solo parts work, and facilitate practice and reflection. You will follow the process on your own, journalling if that supports you, and there will be time for questions and sharing.

Who can benefit from this workshop?

I've found that almost everyone gets something out of parts work. It can be particularly useful in bringing clarity to situations in your life where you are experiencing confusion or forces pulling in opposite directions. For example, you may want to move past a pattern that seems to hold you back from what you most want. 

Please note that a workshop isn't usually the right context to go into situations associated with trauma or very strong emotions. For that, one-to-one support is recommended and Robin is available to discuss that separately.

Your facilitator:

Robin Prospect (she or they) is a coach and facilitator. She trained in parts work in the Aletheia Advanced Coaching Programme, a transformational coaching modality with roots in Buddhism and neuroscience. Robin has facilitated workshops and retreats across many topics, years and countries. You can stay connected with her work through her blog, Meaningful Mondays, and her website,

Select tickets

This event started 2 months ago

This workshop is offered in the 'economy of flow', in which it is hoped that resources move between people as needed. You will be invited to donate what you can at the end of the workshop. If you prefer to donate something now, that's also welcome.
Standard £0
This workshop is offered in the 'economy of flow', in which it is hoped that resources move between people as needed. You will be invited to donate what you can at the end of the workshop. If you prefer to donate something now, that's also welcome.
I look forward to exploring with you!

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