Munay Ki Activations

shamanic healing shamanic initiations light body
Hosted by Open lotus Living
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This is the first session of a 5 mont journey, meeting every month in person, and in between online.  

These rites were bought to the West by Alberto Villoldo, and are wonderful keys in our journey of wellbeing and becoming our best self. We'll sit in sacred space, share circles and every session I'll offer the 2 initiations to you. There's plenty of time for integration between sessions as we meet every month. 

If you're called to join, you can reach me on to ask any questions and check out the website page for dates and further info. you can also buy the book and oracle card pack in advance, and links to the related websites are on my website event page. 

Set in a wonderful location in Mid-Wales, you'll enjoy a retreat-like feel every day we meet, and connection with other members of the group.   

Select tickets

Munay Ki rites ticket

Munay Ki full £588
2 left

The full exchange for 5 months of in person and online sessions

Munay Ki Concession £288
1 left

The concession exchange for 5 months of in person and online sessions

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