New Year's Day Celebration 2025

community celebration alcohol-free new year's day ecstatic dance sauna ecstatic dance bristol sober kids space chill space bristol community ceremony sober event bristol elixir bar sober curious live sound bath live music africandrumming 2025 café kings weston house nyd 2025 acro yoga
Hosted by Ace Collectiv
Activity Ace Collectiv
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Ace Collectiv presents

New Year's Day Celebration 2025

Wednesday 1 January
12:00 - 21:30
Kings Weston House, Bristol


Tickets are sold out!

There will be no tickets available on the door.

Tickets & Resales
For those with tickets who can no longer attend, we now have a new resale feature on Dandelion.

To resell your ticket
- log in to your account on Dandelion (
- go to the NYD event page ( and click on your ticket under 'Your orders' at the top
- the ticket is now available for resale for someone else to buy
- ⁠if someone purchases a resale ticket, the original purchaser's ticket is refunded

Tickets will only be available via this resale option on event page which will be live up until the doors open at 12:00 midday.


“A fantastic experience. Incredible venue and tribe of people making it welcoming, warm and great energy. Incredible venue and amazing variety of offerings. I'm so grateful to be with this wonderful community on NYD to celebrate together.  It’s beyond words what you're creating for community. So needed and welcomed by all. Thank you so much!

Melanie, NYD Celebration 2024

💫 Are you ready to be part of a truly extraordinary celebration on New Year's Day 2025?

🏛  In breath-taking 18th century estate - a place so unique it's never anything like this before.

Imagine this…

✨ A stunning venue filled with historic charm and elegance creating the perfect setting for connection, community and celebration.

✨ An experience designed for all - child friendly, so the whole family can join

✨ A vibrant lineup featuring Ecstatic Dance, Live Music, DJs, Breathwork, Live Sound Baths, African Drumming and Dance, Acro Yoga, Capoeira, Ecstatic Tai Chi and more

✨ Multiple spaces offering an array of activities - Main Space, Workshop Space, Cuddle & Chill Space, Kids Space, Alcohol-free Elixir Bar and Café, Outdoor Sauna Spa and beautiful grounds set in nature


We can’t wait to welcome you and start the New Year with a powerful prayer of community, connection, celebration, dance, joy, prosperity and more.


Kings Weston House

Kings Weston House is a magnificent 18th century estate house located next to Blaise Castle in north Bristol. We are delighted to be using this incredible venue that has several stunning spaces and stunning grounds that will serve as the beautiful backdrop for our New Year's Day Celebration 2025.

Artists, Facilitators & DJs

Michael Sebastian - Live Organic Dance Music Experience

Gaia Harvey Jackson - NYD Ecstatic Dance

George Thompson - Ecstatic Tai Chi

Special Guest DJ

Denise Rowe & Allan Kerr - Earth Dances

Camilla Mason - Live Sound Bath

Freya McFarlane - NYD Breathwork

Osara - Opening & Closing Ceremony

In Space Through Sound (Kyle Rose & Shamir) - Live Sound Bath

Iona McNeil - 2025 Manifestation Workshop

Capoeira Angola Bristol - Capoeira

Nine Lives Yoga - Acro Yoga

Josie Corke - Opening Prayers & Live Music

Treasure - Cuddle Space & Connection Workshops

Hello Sunshine Sauna - Outdoor Sauna Garden


Opening & Closing Ceremony - Ecstatic Dance - Live Organic Dance Music - DJs Breathwork - African Drumming - Live Sound Baths - 2025 Manifestation Workshop Ecstatic Tai Chi - Acro Yoga - Conscious Connection Workshops - & more


Sauna Garden - Cuddle & Chill Space - Kids Activities - Altar Space
Ceremonial Cacao  - Alcohol-free Elixir Bar - Organic Café
High Quality Sound System - Beautiful Spaces with Wooden Floors


Vanbrugh Room - Oak Room - Cuddle & Chill Space - Kids Space
Alcohol-free Elixir Bar & Café - Sauna Garden


12:00 House Doors Opens / Cacao, Food, Drinks & Stalls Open

Front Lawn

13:00 Opening Ceremony - Freya & Osara

Vanbrugh Room

13:30 Manifestation Workshop 2025 - Iona McNeil
14:30 NYD Ecstatic Dance - Gaia Harvey Jackson
16:15 Earth Dances - Denise Rowe & Allan Kerr
17:45 Live Organic Dance Music Experience - Michael Sebastian
19:00 DJ set - Special Guest DJ
20:30 Live Sound Bath - In Space Through Sound
21:15 Closing Ceremony - Freya & Osara
21:30 Complete

Oak Room

13:30 Opening Prayers & Live Music - Josie Corke
14:45 Ecstatic Tai Chi - George Thompson
16:15 Capoeira - Capoeira Angola Bristol
17:45 Acro Yoga - Cat Duval
19:00 NYD Breathwork - Freya McFarlane
20:30 Live Sound Bath - Camilla Mason
21:15 Complete

Cuddle & Chill Space

13:30 Conscious Connection Workshop - Treasure
14:30 Held Space (drop in & out)
17:30 Conscious Connection Workshop - Treasure
18:30 Held Space (drop in & out)
20:30 Cuddle Sound Bath
21:15 Complete

Kids Space

13:00 Face Painting
14:00 Face Painting
15:00 Face Painting
16:00 Balloon Fun & Games
17:00 Balloon Fun & Games
18:00 Balloon Fun & Games
19:00 Closing Games
20:00 Space Closes

Sauna Garden

Hello Sunshine Sauna are delighted to be creating a beautiful covered Sauna Garden in the woods next to Kings Weston House. The Sauna Garden will have the legendary silver caravan sauna, 2 cold plunges, clean showers, changing tent and a large fire pit for fireside jamming..

Please book your sauna pass in advance to guarantee a place and bring 2 x towels. 

Book here

The Sauna Garden will be open for two hours before the event for all you sauna lovers, hot throughout, and then a wind down sauna to end the day..

10:00 Open
22:00 Last entry
23:00 Closed

Safe(r) Space Agreement

By attending this experience you agree to respect and follow our Safe(r) Space Agreement (found here). These agreements indicate the behaviour that is acceptable and must be followed. They are put in place to ensure that everyone feels safe and welcome.

When purchasing a ticket you must check the box to say that you have read the agreements.
These agreements are emailed to everyone who attends and are present throughout the spaces at the venue.

Please take full responsibility for your own experience, remain open minded and creatively curious.
Reach beyond the edges of your comfort zone and always ask for consent.

Our agreements create a safer space to be expressive and intimate, and at the same time, ensure that everyone remains respectful of each other. Thus creating a more collaborative, trusting and respectful environment and community.


~ Important Info ~


Schedule & Arrival

Please arrive from 12:00 to land, explore the spaces and get food / drinks / cacao before the Opening Ceremony at 13:00

Venue, Parking, Travel & Access

Parking space is limited at venue.

We encourage lift sharing, cycling or using public transport / e-scooters where possible.

The nearest train station is 30min walk to the venue (Shirehampton Train Station). Trains run twice an hour on NYD.

If driving

  • please lift share where possible
  • please arrive early to make sure you find somewhere to park
  • if car park is full there are other parking options nearby (see below)

Venue Address

Kings Weston House, Kings Weston Lane, Kingsweston, Bristol, BS11 0UR

Google Maps link


There is a car park on site with limited space. Please use other transport methods or lift share where possible to make sure there is enough parking space for those travelling from further afield.

Nearest local car park if venue car park is full:

Travel & Bristol Clean Air Zone (CAZ)

If driving please check if you need to pay to drive through Bristol's CAZ:

Bristol CAZ map:


Please email us if you have any specific needs for attending this event and we will do our best to accommodate you.

What to Bring

  • Water & bottle
  • Dress in layers (to keep warm / cool when needed)
  • Cash / card for café, bar & stalls
  • 2 x towels if using the sauna (please book in advance)
  • Notebook & pen (if your like to journal)
  • Something to lie on for the Sound Bath (blanket, yoga mat or similar)
  • Earplugs if you are sensitive to loud music (the music may get loud at times)
  • Ear protection for babies & children


By attending this event you agree to respect and follow our Safe(r) Space Agreement (found below). These agreements indicate the behaviour that is acceptable and must be followed. They are put in place to ensure that everyone feels safe and welcome at our events.

Parents / carers are responsible for their children at all times. Children must be accompanied by a parent / carer over 21yrs, 1:1 ratio for children under 5yrs.

All ticket prices include Booking Fees.

  • £35 / £40 / £45 Low Income (please only buy this ticket if it genuinely applies to you to make sure these tickets are available for the people that really need them)
  • £40 Pre-Release Tickets
  • £45 Super Early Bird
  • £50 Early Bird 
  • £55 General Release
  • £60 Final Release
  • £15 Kids Ticket 5-12yrs (children must be accompanied by a parent / carer over 21yrs, 1:1 ratio for children under 5yrs)

After purchasing a ticket, if you haven't received a confirmation email, please check your Spam Folder.
If it's not there, please email us.

Alternatively, if the ticket transaction has gone through, you can turn up and give your name on the door to gain entry.


Please note, that by purchasing a ticket you agree that Ace Collectiv is not liable for any injury or harm that you may incur at this event. 

Refunds & Transfers

Please note, we do not arrange refunds.

We encourage ticket reselling on the following groups:
(links can be found in your ticket confirmation email upon purchase of your ticket)

  • Let’s Dance ~ South West & Wales (WhatsApp)
  • Ace Collectiv Community (Signal)
  • Journey2the1 (WhatsApp)
  • Lovejam South West (WhatsApp)


~ Safe(r) Space Agreement ~



By attending this experience you agree to respect and follow our Safe(r) Space Agreement (found below). These agreements indicate the behaviour that is acceptable and must be followed. They are put in place to ensure that everyone feels safe and welcome.

When purchasing a ticket you must check the box to say that you have read the agreements. These agreements are emailed to everyone who attends and are present throughout the spaces at the venue.

By attending this experience you are doing so because you want to expand your innerstanding of yourself, challenge your prejudice and connect with other like minded people.

Please take full responsibility for your own experience, remain open minded and creatively curious. Reach beyond the edges of your comfort zone and always ask for consent.

Our agreements create a safe(r) space to be expressive and intimate, and at the same time, ensure that everyone remains respectful of each other. Thus creating a more collaborative, trusting and respectful environment.

Safe(r) Space Agreement

  • You are responsible for yourself, your wellbeing and your belongings
  • You are responsible for your own experience and interactions with others
  • You agree to be mindful, respectful and aware of yourself and others
  • You agree to respect other people's boundaries and ensure you give as much space as other people require
  • You agree to be consensual ~ unless it's a 100% YES, everything else must be considered a NO
  • People can change their mind, therefore remember that a YES can always turn into a NO and this must be respected every time
  • You agree that you are able to say YES and NO in an appropriate, clear and respectful way
  • You agree to use clear direct verbal communication where you feel confident in expressing your boundaries, expectations and desires
  • You agree to maintain confidentiality and not disclose anyone's stories or experiences
  • If you feel unsafe or uncomfortable for any reason, please speak to a Welfare AngelSecurity Guard or any Team Member immediately


All people are welcome at this experience. We welcome people of all sexual orientations, racial identities/ethnicities, gender expressions, abilities, body types and ages.

We are a community that is queer friendly, body positive and we welcome different forms of expression. We have zero tolerance towards racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, body shaming, ageism, ableism or discrimination of any kind whatsoever. Do not make derogatory comments or jokes on others. 

Event Team ~ Welfare Angels & more

We have an incredible team present at this experience ~ FacilitatorsWelfare AngelsDoor Team and Event Manager who will all be announced at the Opening Circle.

The Welfare Angels will be roaming the event. They will be wearing a colourful arm band so you can distinguish who they are. 

The Welfare Angels and Event Manager are available if you have any concerns or if you want to chat. We are here to support.

Zero Tolerance Policy & Safeguarding

We operate a Zero Tolerance Policy at our events and any person found to be breaching our Safe(r) Space Agreement will be asked to leave (with no refund).

If you see any inappropriate behaviour, anyone being uncomfortable, anyone looking for help or if someone reports an issue to you, please inform a Welfare Angel, Security Guard, Facilitator or Team Member immediately.

Authorised Filming & Photography

Designated Photographers / Videographers (who are announced at the Opening Circle) will take videos and photos during the event. We use videos and photos to promote our events on social media. If you don't want to be included in a video or photo, please let the Photographer / Videographer or a Team Member know. If you see any footage of yourself on social media and want it removed, please message us directly (on social media or via email) and we’ll do so immediately.

🙏 Thank you for your cooperation


~ Links ~


Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Telegram and more…

Ace Collectiv


This event is sold out

Missed out on tickets to New Year's Day Celebration 2025? Join the waitlist and we'll let you know when tickets become available to this event or future events.

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