sound journey sound healing healing cacao ceremony devotional music overnight sound ceremony
Hosted by Cosmic Naad
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Cosmic Naad & Imajane welcome you to our over night sound ceremony “Luminescence” where we allow ourselves to be bathed in sound all through the night, as we rest and sleep. A deeply healing experience recalibrating our mind, body and soul with sound waves that pass through our energetic and physical beings from our auric field down to our bodies on a cellular level. Clearing any blockages and stagnant energy ready to be released from us to allow more of our true light to emit out. The vibrational frequencies of the instruments and songs will be woven in a way that your inner Luminescence is revealed and given the space to shine through.


Luminescence is “the emission of light by a substance that has not been heated”. Luminescence emission occurs after an appropriate material has absorbed energy. In other words, after absorbing light, it emits it own. Humans emit bioluminescent light it is just too dim for our physical eyes to see it. When a person is described as being Luminous it means they are glowing, shining or radiating their own light. Imagine one day, if we could reclaim and absorb enough light that we could physically see each others light and the spectrum of their colours. In order to do that we must see, witness, accept and understand our darkness is a part of us equally. Through this process of alchemy, we allow our shadow to be illuminated. Therefore the darkness turns to light.


As we pass through the threshold of the night, moving from dark to light, we give ourselves the chance to be held by the sound to bring awareness to the parts of ourselves that are still in the dark, once witnessed and held, they become light. You will be held in a safe and loving container by Cosmic Naad and Imajane who have both journeyed deep into their night so that that can be beacons of light. Having used sound as their medicine for collectively over 10 years, they understand the power of frequency and its ability to heal. Their devotion to their sound has given them insight into how it allow the darkness to turn to light.


The evening will begin ceremonially with Cacao to open our hearts to receive the medicine of sound. Opening with prayers, devotional singing, channeled singing, and then moving into a gentle and soothing sound journey. At this point, guests will be encouraged to sleep and allow the healing powers of the instruments to be absorbed by you while you rest. When the light of morning returns, we rise into the new day, recalibrated and rewired into a new state of being. Where our Luminescence shines out into the world.


We will enjoy a light breakfast together and share a little about our experience before we depart.



Any form of psychedelics or mind altering substances are strictly prohibited in this space.



Let it Be

Liverpool, L8 6SE



All adults welcome. 



1-2nd Feb





Includes Cacao and breakfast.


What to bring?

Bring a duvet and pillow and anything you need for your nighttime routine. Pyjamas, or very comfortable clothing. Dressing gowns, slippers are all welcome and encouraged. Be as cosy as possible. Bring water for throughout the night. There will be beds provided.


Why is this for you?

If you are in need of a reset, a chance to rewire and recalibrate yourself into a more authentic expression of your truth. This is for you. If you want to enjoy powerful transformation and connect deeply to yourself and a group of like minded people. 

To experience something out of the ordinary to awaken your to new states of being and a more expanded concsiousness.


We deeply hope you can join us for this special experience. It is one we have been talking of for many years and finally coming into fruition. 

Can’t wait to share it with you.


Laurie & Em

Select tickets

Start your journey.
Adult Ticket £65
Luminescence Overnight Sound Journey
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See you there!

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By proceeding you agree to Dandelion's terms and conditions and understand this event is organised by Cosmic Naad , who takes financial and legal responsibility for the event.