The Sex Chats, Brighton. 2 dates

conscious sexuality talks yoni sacred sexuality boundaries tantra authenticity sexological bodywork pleasure
Hosted by Jem Ayres
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The Sex Chats, Brighton.

Hosted by  Jem Ayres & Bear Philips.

Thursday 13th June

A night of ideas that may shock, surprise & excite you - challenging what you thought you knew about s*x - with trail blazers and leading conscious s*xperts sharing their metaphorical pearls on desire, intimacy, and the art of making whoopee.


Our intentions for Sex Chats, Brighton:

• To create a night of sex positive speakers to explore subjects that may be new, edgy and/or exciting in a held space.

• To share information, education and ideas from professionals and creatives in the sex positive field.

• To normalise the discussion of intimacy, bodies, sex and pleasure

• To give us a language to use around sex, intimacy and pleasure.

• To release any shame around talking about sex, intimacy, and pleasure.

• To learn from each other and have a place to ask questions you wouldn’t discuss at the dinner table.


Nightingale Room, Grand Central (upstairs)

7.30pm Doors

7.45pm prompt start

10.30pm end



£15 earlybird (limited)

£18 in advance.  


Any donations you make via DandelionEarth on top of your ticket purchase will go towards accessibility ticketing, meaning we can offer lower-priced tickets to those who would benefit from attending but cannot otherwise afford to do so.


We wish for our events to be as accesible as possible however we have not been able to find  a barrier-free venue so unfortunately the venue has stairs to our room on the first floor.

If you wish to attend but finances are abarrier, please get in touch:


Speakers for June 2024:

Smutty Letters: The Lost Art of The Erotic Epistle

Rosy Pendlebaby

Say goodbye to the fast and flaccid romance of the digital age and bring back the lost art of the smutty letter! How to use the humble pen and paper to brush away the dust of shame, judgment and unexpressed desire, and unleash our love, lust, and longing in epistolary form. 

Rosy Pendlebaby (she/they) is a performer, facilitator, activist, and smut-monger, making work that explores the metamorphic intersections of creativity, pleasure, and transformation in the UK and internationally. They are director of Revolting Arts Club, and co-founder of Body Love Sketch Club. They enjoy eating cake in bed, running around in their pants, and reading and writing smut.


Genital De-Armouring 

Israel Elijah Joy

Exploring consciously allowing our genitals to tell their stories and unburden from the armouring of our histories, through safe conscious touch and presence. An exposition of the concept, process and healing benefits of this beautiful practice. 

Israel (he/him) is a student at the ‘Institute for Somatic Sex Education’, and has completed courses in Genital De-Armouring with Rahi Chun of ‘Somatic Sexual Wholeness’. He is a qualified Breathworker, Reiki Teacher, T’ai Chi Teacher and Senior Pathway Teacher for ‘The Way of Mastery, Christ Mind Pathway’, with over 15 years experience working with individuals and groups.


It's Just a Nipple, GET THE HELL OVER IT!

Rebekah Few

A personal story of one girls reasons for joining and helping organise the march, her fears when doing so and what she's learnt along the way. What does Free the Nipple 2024 Brighton mean to the average woman?

Rebekah (she/her) is a wearer of many hats; Free the Nipple Brighton Organiser, Freelance Consultant in Mental Health and Wellbeing and Burlesque Performer (aka TwinkleTits).


A Cunt Revolution:  Erotice & Spiritual Cunt-led living!

Kirsteen Anderssen

Mumma, artist, cunt owner & lover Kirtseen (she / her) will lead us through her cunt revolution, after journeying through the cuntisphere with her cunt in her hand.  She will be talking to us about the power of the cunt.


Myth-Busting Asexuality

Jen Layer

Exploring the spectrum of asexuality, what it means and how to form connections with other sexualityies. and raisng awareness of the vast varieties in the asexual community.

Discussing everything from celibate asexuals, to sex & kink favourable asexuals and everything in between.

Jen (they-them) is a sex posiitve asexual, who is passionate about sex education and raising awareness of the varieties within the asexual community.


Consent is Evolving.

Rupert James Alison

 From ‘No Means No’, to ‘Enthusiastic Consent’, to the ‘Wheel of Consent’ to an ‘Culture of Consent’ - our understanding of sexual consent continues to evolve and deepen.  We’ll look at the key steps in this evolution, and talk about the latest insights by leading consent educators and activists.

 Rupert (he/him) has facilitated consent workshops for over a decade and is an accredited facilitator of Betty Martin’s Wheel of Consent.  He also facilitates consent and boundaries workshops for university students through his organisation the Art of Consent.


Speakers may chnage last minute….


About your hosts:

(Professional S*x Coaches & Trauma-informed bodyworkers)


Jem Ayres

Jem (she/her) is a certified Sex Geek -  A trauma-informed, Certified Sexological Bodyworker, Sex Coach, Tantra practitioner and teacher. She is the Founder of Orgasmic Embodiment, and  leads workshops, retreats and hosts talks on conscious sexuality.

Co-Founder of Brighton Talks Sex, and co-host of Desire & Intimacy Conscious Sexuality Gathering for people under 40.

Jem has over 10 years’ experience in the field of self-development through the body and teaches what she calls ‘Sexual Self-Development’.

Overcoming stage 4 cancer became her focus for a while, and through this process she embraced and worked with the healing power of orgasm, both teaching and speaking regularly on Full Body Orgasm, using life force for healing.

Jem’s teaching on Full Body Orgasm, featured on Channel 4s ‘Sex Actually With Alice Levine’ Episode 3; Sexual Healing 2021, and Channel 5 documentary  ‘Adults Only: I Need Sexual Healing’ Series 3, Episode 8.

Multi-talented and creative she is passionate about helping people to connect with themselves through the body, fine-tuning into the subtleties of our life force, using sexual energy to fuel all areas of life.


Bear Phillips

Bear Phillips (he/ him) was a designer for 30 years before giving it up, at the height of his career, to become a s*x-worker. He is a trauma-informed bodyworker, and an intimacy, dating & relationship coach. 

As a coach he works primarily with men around questions of masculinity, misogyny and patriarchy, and how these impact our most intimate relationships. 

He has a training in psychotherapy and is currently completing the Compassionate Inquiry Professional Training with Dr Gabor Maté. In his previous life Bear was an internationally exhibited contemporary artist, an educator, and an academic with a Masters in Research & Cultural Studies. 

He is currently wring his first book: 

Feminism Will Make a Man Out of You! 



With hosts who are eyebrow deep in the s*x positve community, these nights of talks promise to be the sex education we NEVER had at school.

The place to shake off any shame and brazenly ask questions you wouldn’t ask elsewhere.

No Nudity.

No Under 18's.

Tickets are non-refundable or transferable.

We don't want cost to be a barrer to this work, so if the ticket price is inaccessible for you, get in touch.

Select tickets

This event started about 1 month ago

Earlybird £15 Sold out
Advanced ticket £18
Add a donation to Jem Ayres

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By proceeding you agree to Dandelion's terms and conditions and understand this event is organised by Jem Ayres, who takes financial and legal responsibility for the event.

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