Temple of Self-Pleasure

tantric workshop self pleasure practices sensuality and intimacy conscious relationships erotic exploration
Hosted by Temple Nights
Enquiries to shantitemplenights@gmail.com
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We welcome you to join us for the Temple of Self-Pleasure and Self-Love. 

This Temple is only for those who have already been to temple two or more. It is for those who are bravely ready. It is an invitation for you to dive into a beautiful space of devotion, being, playing and exploring ourselves in open curiosity and vulnerability, learning and allowing enjoyment of ourselves - alone, with another and others. 

This is a prayer of being witnessed, honoured and celebrated in our Self-Love and sexual pleasuring, as we PLAY in different ways… to find liberation from taboos and shame. Learning to be able to, and having fun sharing how we enjoy making Love and turning ourselves on.

We feel very passionately that Self-Love comes first. It is the base for every other sexual exploration. When we really begin to love ourselves in pleasure, to know how to make love to ourselves, only then can we truly show another what we like in pleasure play and love. It can also be very liberating to play along-side, be supported by, or witnessed in our own pleasure. 

We also feel that self pleasure does not have to look any specific way, nor does it have to be genitally focused. It may be more in the direction of Yin sexuality and sensuality, whee it looks like very little is happening and yet everything moves…. It may be an exploration of the erotic zones all over our body, awakening the body electric and more focused in orgasmic energy, or again simply about holding and gently stroking ourselves. We will explore practices in consent, touch, conscious authentic communication and respectful relating in an embodied sensual play.

The Temple will be in two parts: 
The first half will be an initiation into tantric self-pleasure practices. We will guide and facilitate you into rituals and erotic energy, through breath, sound and movement, as well as through practices in different kinds of touch. We invite you to gain new insight through embodied exercises and exploration, discovering what may hold us back from feeling even more pleasure and connection to our Eros and expressing it. Inviting you to release performance pressure and offering yourself a nourishing and nurturing evening of self love. Through demonstration, discussion and embodied learning you will be offered ways to expand your self pleasure spectrum as the question, “what is my definition of self pleasure?” 

For the second half we will guide people into self-pleasure, alone and co-creating together, weaving the temple in free play. There will be many ways to explore in this half, totally alone, along side another or others, hiding and in privacy, showing others or being held whilst in our own pleasure.


Date : Saturday 10th May

Time : 12 to 7pm

Venue : EarthHeart, Puzzel House, Cinderford, Forest of Dean


Cost : Price £75, Low income - £65, Abundant supporters £85

Things to bring: 

  • An offering/flower for the shrine to Self Pleasure & Self Love
  • A yoga/camping/roll matt if you have one
  • One or two pillows
  • A dish to sahre for dinner
  • Something tasty and delicious to share with the group for snack during the evening temple.
  • We will provide herbal teas and a fruit platter.
  • Bring a couple of sarongs or a bedsheet to lay on and make youself comfortable - especially if using oils etc

Further information: 

You do need to have experience of being in similar spaces with a certain level of awareness, openness and willingness to explore is essential for your own self-care and also the synergy of the group.  

We invite you to come, just as you are and feel. We know that being in these environments can bring up a lot of emotions. This is a safe space to welcome them and work with them in an embodied, held and ritual temple space. The evening will be held throughout. 

FOR COUPLES: Please make your agreements together before you arrive at Temple. It is totally fine if you wish to stay purely with each other during the night. 


We have a no refund policy for the Temple. However, you are welcome to sell your ticket on to a friend. If you do so, please do let us know and send us their email so we can give the info about the temple. 

Any questions please contact Shanti on 07875 151582

Welcoming you with an open hearts, 

Shanti & Hugs


About us


Shanti has been practising Tantra for 25 years.
She is Mama, Healer, Mover, Somatic Educator, Artist and a Creative.
She is intuitive, playful, a tribal gatherer and a little bit witchy.



Hugs brings heartfelt holding and teachings to the team. He is a certified Sexological Bodyworker and Sacred sexual practitioner. His passion is supporting others to deepen their pleasure capacity and widen their orgasmic expansion. Through body based learning, insight medibation and self pleasure practices he guides you through deeper layers of your pleasure patterns, using discussion, demonstration and embodied exercises.



Rupert has trained in depth with many internationally renowned teachers of  intimacy, relationship, sexuality and consent.  He has been holding space for groups since 1992 and has facilitated consent workshops for over a decade.  His facilitation style is underpinned by invitation, choice and personal responsibility – with clear, trauma-aware space-holding, avoiding the 'teacher knows best' mentality.   Rupert is based in Oxford, UK, and is an accredited Wheel of Consent facilitator with Betty Martin's  School of Consent.  Rupert's pronouns are he/him.


Select tickets

Women's ticket £75
Men's ticket £75
Non-Binary ticket £75
3 left
Women's Concession £65
Men's Concession £65
Non-Binary Concsession £65
1 left
Couples ticket £140
3 left
Abundant supporter £85
2 left
Add a donation to Temple Nights

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